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Xylem Watermark Orientation
March 2017
Agenda Xylem Watermark Overview
Make Your Mark: Employee Engagement & Volunteerism MyWatermark Q & A
Xylem Watermark Overview
Xylem Watermark’s Focus
Xylem Watermark is our corporate citizenship and social investment program. Our mission is to provide and protect safe water resources for communities in need around the world and educate people about water issues. Water stewardship education & water source monitoring Safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) education Water-related Disaster Response & Risk Reduction Xylem Watermark is Xylem’s signature corporate citizenship and social investment program that has a mission of providing and protecting safe water resources for communities in need around the world and educate people about water issues. Since Xylem Watermark has Invested more than $17M in corporate funds, and employee contributions which has enabling Watermark to support more than 900 water projects in 27 countries reaching more than 2.9 million people with clean water and sanitation solutions, as well as responding to water related disasters and securing water sources in vulnerable communities. To help achieve our mission, Xylem Watermark has partnered with six world class non-profit/Non Government Organizations (NGO’s) that specialized in implementing sustainable water and sanitation programs on the ground. Specifically in parts of the world where Xylem has business interests As Watermark moves forward, we are expanding our focus to develop a culture of engagement and volunteerism which will provide our more than 12, 500 employees with opportunities to get will involved with organizations that provide access to water related activities that closer connect them with the Watermark mission. School & Community Water Access Projects Xylem Watermark’s Global Nonprofit Partners 4
Volunteer hours logged
Impact Since Launch in 2008 21,000 Volunteer hours logged by Xylem employees in 2016 WORLD-CLASS RECOGNITION 6 Global Nonprofit Partnerships $2.9M Raised through employee contributions* *Including Xylem match 1,000+ Water Projects Completed 3M Beneficiaries Reached
Making Our Mark on the Global Water Crisis
While water covers 70% of our planet, only 1% is fresh water available for drinking, cooking, irrigation and industry. The reality today is that the need for clean, safe water for drinking and sanitation far exceeds the readily available amount. Worldwide, 663 million people still lack access to safe water supplies, and 2.4 billion people lack access to improved sanitation (UNICEF/WHO, 2015). For millions of people, lack of water means more than thirst: It means disease: At any given time, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene (United Nations, Human Development Report, 2006). It means limited time for productive activities like school and work: Millions of women and children spend up to 6 hours collecting water from distant, often polluted sources each day (UNICEF/WHO, 2015). It means lives are cut short: Every day, 4,100 children die of water-related diseases – nearly one death every three minutes (UNICEF, Tap Project). Source: UN Water | WHO | UNICEF
Watermark Structure Ambassadors Lead Champion & Champions
Watermark Director Ambassador Lead Champion Champion Ambassadors Supporting site within their GC/CT Recruiting and training Champions Working with local site leaders and Champions to organize and coordinate volunteer events Communicating progress and impact Reinforcing the importance of using MyWatermark to track activities Lead Champion & Champions Serving as the key point of contract in his or her location and recruiting/training new Champions (Lead Champion) Planning and managing local Watermark activities Helping reach our 2017 goal of 35,000 hours Raising awareness of Watermark and the importance of leveraging MyWatermark Providing regular feedback on the program
Watermark Ambassadors
Growth Center/Region Ambassador Address Analytics Jessica Clemmons Applied Water Systems TBD Dewatering Nicole Foster European Commercial Team, Sensus UK Dan Iversen Emerging Markets (China, India) Emerging Markets (Greater Asia, Oceania) Sylvie Ta Emerging Markets (SSA, MENA) Jeanette Greenwood North American Commercial Team Kevin Tobin Sensus North America Paula Dickerson Transport Anna Hildell Treatment, Sensus Germany & Slovakia Ulrich Kosok Xylem Corporate HQ, Emerging Markets (Latin America) Fatima Keeley
Make Your Mark: Employee Engagement & Volunteerism
A Bold Goal for Employee Volunteerism
In 2016, Xylem Watermark committed to building a culture of engagement by launching a formal employee volunteerism strategy. Our company’s goal is to generate 100,000 employee volunteer hours in support of Xylem Watermark’s mission by the end of 2018. 2016 20,000 hours 2017 35,000 hours 2018 45,000 hours
Volunteer Guidelines Xylem Watermark Volunteer Time is defined as time spent participating in a voluntary activity that advances Watermark’s mission and falls outside of an employee’s current job responsibilities Volunteer time can occur outside of work hours, or during work hours if approved in advance by the employee’s direct manager Volunteerism during work hours will be at the discretion of each employee’s manager. Twice a year, a Volunteer Time Allowance of 3 hours will be offered for employees participating in Xylem Watermark hosted events as part of the Make Your Mark 30 Day Challenge and Global Month of Service. In order to qualify, the experience must: Be of benefit to the community Be of the volunteer's own free will and without coercion Be for no financial gain to the employee Be consistent with Xylem Watermark’s mission
Volunteer Activities The most successful volunteer events are the ones that are unique to each site. However, to kick off the program at each site, Xylem Watermark has provided four activities: Walk For Water A walk that represents the journey women and children in developing countries make to access clean water. Water Cleanups Preserve local water sources in your community. Water Presentations Teach a lesson to youth about water issues and local perspectives on the global water crisis. Water Monitoring Hands-on water monitoring activity to teach youth about the importance of protecting local water sources. *Playbooks on how to host each event will be available on the Watermark Resource Center.
A Path to 35,000 Hours JAN – JUN 15,500 HOURS (44% TO GOAL) JUL - DEC
Business Unit Target Goals
To get to 35,000 hours this year, Business units have been given target hours and participation rates based on site headcounts. The progress to these goals will be tracked monthly and shared with your Xylem Watermark Ambassador. Business Unit Target Hours Target Participation Analytics 3,367 673 AWS 6,459 1,292 Dewatering 2,149 430 Emerging Markets (China, India) 1,883 377 Emerging Markets (Greater Asia, Oceania) 1,460 292 Emerging Markets (Latin America) 1,068 214 European Commercial Team 5,863 1,173 HQ 738 148 MENA 509 102 North American Commercial Team 1,236 247 Sensus China 1,093 364 Sensus Germany & Slovakia 1,290 Sensus North America 2,517 839 Sensus UK 144 48 SSA 540 108 Transport 3,890 778 Treatment 824 165 35,028 7,678
Quarterly Watermark Themes
In 2017, we will dive deeper into specific aspects of the global water issue and our Global Partners with Quarterly Themes. They will provide a roadmap for events and education throughout the year and connect employees to their local communities. Q1: Disaster Relief & Disaster Risk Reduction Q4: WASH Q2: Education Q3: Water Scarcity/Access Q1: Disaster Relief & Disaster Risk Reduction The cost of natural disasters is high, but lives can be saved before they ever occur. As climate change and increasingly erratic weather patterns increase the risks of devastating storms, droughts and floods, we are helping communities identify, assess and reduce their risks. Nonprofit Partner: MercyCorps Q2 : Education The global water crisis goes beyond the need for clean drinking water. Understanding the need is the first step in being part of the solution – for Xylem employees and our local communities. Nonprofit Partner: Earth Echo Q3: Water Scarcity/Access Providing access to safe and clean drinking water is a solvable problem, and our global nonprofit partners are working to provide this access to the most at-risk populations. Nonprofit Partner(s): Planet Water Foundation, Water for People Q4: Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (WASH) A pillar of Watermark’s mission, WASH is a critical element of preventing water borne illness in developing communities. In conjunction with the Global Month of Service, local partners and community water issues will be the forefront of education and hands on service.
Make Your Mark 30 Day Challenge
World Water Day and Earth Day are one month apart, March 22 – April 22. Through a 30-Day Challenge, we challenge you to “Make Your Mark” and share your experience on social media. We hope to achieve 8,000 volunteer hours within this month. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for inspiration to Make Your Mark and watch for information about activities at your site from your champions. March 22, 2017 World Water Day April 22, 2017 Earth Day Celebrate World Water Day and Earth Day through volunteering and educating others about water issues. Pledge to Make Your Mark with 30 volunteer hours in 2017 with Xylem Watermark. Share your experiences, photos, and stories on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with #XylemWatermark. Learn more about these events, our partners, and ways to get involved at
Global Month of Service
Following the success of the 2016 Global Month of Service, this event will become an annual Xylem sponsored event. In honor of Xylem’s anniversary on October 31, Xylem Watermark will encourage employees to volunteer locally. Champions will be asked to plan water-related activities within the month of October at every site Partnerships with local organizations will continue to be the emphasis of this month, encouraging employees to give back locally Events hosted can include any water-related activities and we encourage people to host something that their site will be excited by 3 hours of Volunteer Time Allowance will be provided for Xylem hosted volunteer events between these dates Xylem will match employee donations 200% to Xylem’s global nonprofit partners during the month of October There is a target of 10,000 volunteer hours within this month.
Community Partnership Program
In addition to our Global Nonprofit Partners, employees are encouraged to volunteer with local community organizations and schools in their area, on their own or through Xylem Watermark events. Activity should support Xylem Watermark’s mission to provide and protect safe water resources for communities in need around the world and educate people about water issues. COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM Xylem Watermark offers $1,000 grants to local community organizations* that offer a water-related volunteer event for at least 15 employees for a minimum of 3 hours of service. Grant applications can be submitted through your Xylem Watermark champion or ambassador. QUALIFICATIONS A registered 501c3 nonprofit organization, or similar status in local country. Must be a water-related event. Provide a minimum of 3 hours of volunteering for a group of at least 15 employees. It is the responsibility of the event organizer to ensure volunteers attend, not the organization. The event provided must provide at least 3 hours of service activity. * Up to 50 organizations per calendar year
MyWatermark My Watermark is your primary resource to learn about new volunteer opportunities, log your hours, donate to nonprofit partners and make a mark on the global water crisis.
MyWatermark MyWatermark is a critical tool to promote volunteer activities, for employees to sign up for events, and to log hours for volunteer events. Use My Watermark to: Access customized training materials Find volunteer opportunities for your location Log your volunteer hours Donate to the Xylem Watermark Fund and our six nonprofit partners Connect with other Xylem employees to see how colleagues are making their mark on water Access the Xylem Watermark Resource Center through the “Quick Links” tab
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