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11 – 13 April 2017 Cracow University of Technology

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1 11 – 13 April 2017 Cracow University of Technology
Catholic University of Uruguay - School of Engineering Materials Engineering Group Kick-Off Meeting FIBRE “Development of eco-friendly composite materials based on geopolymer matrix and reinforced with waste fibers”  11 – 13 April Cracow University of Technology

2 Uruguay Surface: 176,215 km2 (Poland: 321,679 km2 )
Population: 3,286,314 (Poland : 38,454,576) Density: 18.65/km2 (196th) (Poland : 123/km2  (83th)) GDP Per Cap: $21,570 (Poland : $27,654)

3 Universidad Católica del Uruguay “Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga”
Open Since: 1985 Students: Faculty: ~1.500 (mostly part time) Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga (1771 – 1848) was a Uruguayan priest, naturalist and botanist. Founder of the National Library of Uruguay and the National University of Uruguay (among others). 650 IPNI records!

4 Post graduate programs: 4 Post graduate students: ~60
School of Engineering   Degree Programs: 6 Degree Students: ~1200 Post graduate programs: 4 Post graduate students: ~60 Programs on: Industrial Engineering Electronics Engineering Informatics Engineering Food Technology Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering Power Systems Engineering Materials Engineering Group: Started in 2012

5 Industrial Engineering Department - Materials Engineering Group (Started 2012)
Focused on ferrous matrix composite synthesis, and mechanical and tribological characterization of materials. Starting: 3D additive composite synthesis (w/Stratasys) 1 PhD, 2 PhD Students, 2 Degree Students 3 International Founded Projects (2 EU, 1 GER) 2 National Founded Projects (ANII + 2 with private companies partners)

6 Horizon 2020 - CREATe Network
Processing and characterization of advanced Composites for Resource-Efficient Applications and Technologies The aim of CREATe-Network is to provide a platform for international and intersectoral collaboration between different academic and non academic institutions in Europe, Latin America, USA and South Africa in the multidisciplinary field of advanced composite materials. Kick off meeting – Montevideo, 19th-20th of March 2015 Workshop on Processing and Characterization of Advanced Steel and Alloys From the 29th of February to the 2nd of March 2016 at the Catholic University of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.

7 Materials Engineering Group
We’re working on . . . High Chromium White Irons: HT Design and evaluation Superalloy integration as composite reinforcement High Manganese Steel: Post HT Mechanical Surface Treatment Titanium reinforcement simultaneous casting as local reinforcement. Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) HT Design Corrosion on Cr/Ni and duplex alloys As cast Above Critical HT

8 Ferrous composite manufacture
Ferrous Alloy manufacture and testing Induction and arc furnaces. Mechanical Properties characterization Slurry wear test machine Erosion test machine Optical Metallography Macro Hardness tests Metal Lab 75/80 Optical system Paschen Runge mounting Focal length 750 mm Holographic grating 2400 tr/mn Spectral field nm Linear dispersion 0.55 nm/mn first order Source Frequency 600 Hz Excitation parameters controlled by computer

9 Our Spin Off: Environmental Engineering (2016)
2 PhD Students working on industrial innovation and development projects in the area of new processes and solutions and process modelling. 3 Companies providing Challenges, industrial needs ad financial support (mostly equipment) 3 Academic institutions providing support for the development of the new group Strong financial support from National Research and Innovation Agency (grants and equipment) Strong integration with Materials Science for Solutions implementation and failure analysis. Further integration between materials Engineering and Waste Management.

10 Laboratory Base /Research Possibilities Materials Characterization
Material Synthesis General Chemical Processing Labs High Temperature Furnaces Up to 1100 °C Furnaces (from several cm to 1 m3) Mechanical Testing Universal Test Machines (30 Ton, 12 Ton) Macro/Micro Hardness Test Dry/Wet Erosion Test Materials Characterization Microstructural Characterization Optical Metallography SEM DRX General Support Shop Machining (Manual and Automated) 3D Milling 3D Printing

11 WP4: Mechanical Testing
FIBER W.P.’s WP2: Reinforcement Paper Mill Waste Primary Sludge Saw Dust (on a lesser extent) Mechanical Testing Thermal conductivity tests Mechanical erosion tests WP4: Mechanical Testing Microstructural Characterization Optical Metallography SEM DRX WP5: Prototipe Testing Machining (Manual and Automated) 3D Milling 3D Printing Paper Mill Waste: Bio-Sludge P-rich Sludge WP1: Matrix?

12 S&W Strengths: Small Groups (Quick response, no organizational bureaucracy). National Research Agency eager to support (equipment and student grants). Several Postgraduate students in foreign universities Weaknesses: Small Groups (bigger HR is required to access to bigger Equipment Grants) Big changes in surface availability and research equipment taking place. . . Several Postgraduate students in foreign universities (not so much at home )

13 Thanks! ¿Questions?

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