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The Giver Vocabulary.

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1 The Giver Vocabulary

2 Chapter 1, #1: Intrigued Definition: Very interested, captivated Sentence: I was intrigued when my sister said she would pay me $10 if I would just do her the tiniest favor…

3 Chapter 1, #2: Dwelling Definition: A place to live Sentence: The man’s dwelling was small, but very cozy and homey.

4 Chapter 1, #3: Apprehensive
Definition: Very cautious Sentence: I was apprehensive about driving for the first time and noticed that my hands were shaking.

5 Chapter 2, #2: Affectionate
Definition: Showing love or tenderness Sentence: My dog is always affectionate to me when I come home- she wags her tail like crazy and licks my face.

6 Chapter 3, #1: Chastise Definition: To scold or punish Sentence: My mother chastised me and gave me a time-out for not making my bed.

7 Chapter 3, #2: Remorse Definition: Deep regret Sentence: She felt a great deal of remorse for being mean to her little sister.

8 Chapter 3, #3: Bewildered Definition: Confused Sentence: The man was bewildered when it seemed that everyone had forgotten his birthday.


10 Chapter 6, #1: Interdependence
Definition: Mutual reliance on one another Sentence: A system of interdependence is needed to make good time in a canoe- everyone relies on their teammates to do their best!

11 Chapter 6, #2: Emblem Definition: A symbol or representation Sentence: The American flag is an emblem of freedom and allegiance to our country.

12 Chapter 6, #3: Relinquish Definition: To surrender Sentence: I refused to relinquish control of the remote to my brother, he would have to fight me for it!

13 Chapter 6, #4: Transgression
Definition: A violation of a law or rule Sentence: My father said that if I had one more transgression at school, he would take away my X-Box.

14 Chapter 7, #1: Solemn Definition: Grave or serious Sentence: Paul was in a solemn mood when the teacher scolded him for daydreaming in class.

15 Chapter 7, #2: Meticulous Definition: Very detail-oriented Sentence: I am meticulous when it comes to the organization of my desk- everything has to be neat and in the right place.

16 Chapter 7, #3: Prestige Definition: A reputation of success Sentence: After many years of school and hard work, the doctor was now content with his wealth and prestige.

17 Chapter 8, #1: Anguish Definition: Deep sadness Sentence: I was filled with anguish when I came home and found out that my turtle had “run” away.


19 Chapter 9, #1: Dismayed Definition: Alarmed or disheartened Sentence: I was dismayed when I found out that our trip to Disneyworld was cancelled.

20 Chapter 10, #1: Alcove Definition: A small room or space next to a larger one Sentence: I like to hide in the alcove between my room and my bathroom during Hide’n’Seek, but my cat never finds a good hiding spot.

21 Chapter 10, #2: Diminish Definition: To make or cause to seem less important or smaller Sentence: The girl skunk diminished the boy skunk’s hopes of a romantic Valentine’s Day when she shot him down for a date.

22 Chapter 11, #1: Quizzically
Definition: Questioning or puzzled Sentence: I quizzically asked my teacher why we had three tests in one week.

23 Chapter 12, #1: Admonition Definition: Advice or caution; a warning Sentence: My friend’s death stare served as an admonition to never embarrass her in public again.

24 Chapter 13, #1: Irrationally
Definition: Without reason; illogical Sentence: Melinda irrationally concluded that if she did not step on any cracks, she would not break her mother’s back.

25 Chapter 13, #2: Indifferent
Definition: Uncaring or uninterested Sentence: Sally was indifferent when her father grounded her; she liked hanging out in her room anyway!


27 Chapter 14, #1: Perceive Definition: To become aware of Sentence: The teacher perceived that the kids were lazy, but really they were just very tired.

28 Chapter 14, #2: Invigorating
Definition: Filled with life and energy Sentence: Going sky-diving was absolutely invigorating; I have never felt a rush like that!

29 Chapter 15, #1: Contorted Definition: Twisted, distorted Sentence: A soft pretzel is just dough contorted into a braided pattern. The boy contorted the truth when talking to his father, implying that he was at the Library after school when he was really playing video games next door.

30 Chapter 16, #1: Luxuriate Definition: To enjoy oneself fully Sentence: I spent the day luxuriating at the spa getting a massage, manicure, and pedicure.

31 Chapter 17, #1: Permeate Definition: To pass into or through Sentence: The smell of rotten cheese permeated through the room, making us gag.

32 Chapter 17, #3: Suppress Definition: To put an end to or do away with Sentence: I suppressed the urge to laugh when my mother screamed at us at the dinner table.

33 Chapter 18, #1: Dejected Definition: Depressed; disheartened Sentence: Rodney felt absolutely dejected when Lindsey said she’d rather kiss a toad than kiss him.

34 Chapter 18, #2: Rueful Definition: Causing sorrow or pity Sentence: Ted gave his coach a rueful look after his fumble cost the team the championship game.

35 Chapter 18, #3: Imploringly
Definition: Begging urgently Sentence: Though I asked my father imploringly to let me play 10 more minutes of video games, he still refused.


37 Chapter 19, #1: Astonished Definition: Very surprised Sentence: I was astonished when my mother said I could go sky diving with my friends this summer.

38 Chapter 19, #2: Wince Definition: To recoil in pain or discomfort Sentence: Al winced when his brother hit him with a fly swatter.

39 Chapter 20, #1: Solace Definition: Comfort and peace Sentence: I always find solace in doing yoga at the beach after a long day at work.

40 Chapter 21, #2: Customary Definition: What is usually done Sentence: It is customary for the Scott family to decorate the top of their Christmas tree with an angel.

41 Chapter 21, #3: Condemned Definition: Sentenced to a harsh consequence Sentence: The thief was condemned to two years in prison for stealing the Bratz doll.

42 Chapter 21, #4: Languid Definition: Drooping from weakness or fatigue Sentence: Bart the Bear looked very languid after a hard day at his accounting job.

43 Chapter 22, #1: Exquisite Definition: Beautiful and rare Sentence: The exquisite ring was worth millions and only fit to be worn by a princess.

44 Chapter 23, #1: Lethargy Definition: a state of exhaustion Sentence: The lethargy that came over me after running ten miles was like nothing I’d ever felt.

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