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End Dates for Registration

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1 End Dates for Registration
Issues for Employers

2 Non Compliance Employer offence but
Three parties may be responsible for contravention/failure to comply: Employee Employer SSSC Reasonable excuse? Need to demonstrate due diligence

3 HR Processes Recruitment – need to ensure robust checks of register prior to offer of contract to social services workers Probationary Periods – contractual clause requiring registration to confirm contract for recruits new to sector. Need to ensure robust checks. Existing staff– need to amend contracts to require registration for continued employment

4 Workforce Planning Residential Childcare Services
Proposed End Date for Registration Time left from end Sept 2008 to achieve Qualification* Managers 30 September 2009 4 years Supervisors Support Workers

5 Workforce Planning Care Home Services for Adults
Proposed End Date for Registration Time left from end Sept 2008 to achieve Qualification* Managers 30 November 2009 4 years 2 months Supervisors 30 March 2012. 6 years 6 months Practitioners 29 March 2013 7 years 6 months Support Workers 30 September 2015. 10 years

6 Workforce Planning Adult Day Care Services
Proposed End Date for Registration Time left from end Sept 2008 to achieve Qualification* Managers 30 November 2009 4 years 2 months

7 Workforce Planning Day Care of Children Services
Proposed End Date for Registration Time left from end Sept 2008 to achieve Qualification* Managers 30 November 2010 5 years 2 month Practitioners 30 September 2011 6 years Support workers 30 June 2014 8 years 9 months

8 Lead In Times Legislation due 31st March 2009
Only six months for all residential childcare staff and eight months for managers of adult residential care and day care services to register from that date Workload impact on HR & Operational Managers – contract changes & policy procedural amendments (recruitment, probationary periods, contract of employment amendments)

9 Funding 3 : 2 : 1 funding split
Reduced funding sources for voluntary sector Modern Apprenticeships European Social Fund Current sources Voluntary Sector Development Fund (£1m p.a.) Individual Learning Accounts National training programmes (e.g. SIRCC), Varying LA allocations to voluntary sector Contract costs - % total service budget allocated for workforce development?

10 Conclusion Voluntary sector employers generally supportive of drive for competent, confident and valued workforce But Mandatory registration on qualifications based register needs to be underpinned by funding road map

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