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PhD Student: Benjamin Beylard Dr. Shunqi Pan Dr. Roger Falconer

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Presentation on theme: "PhD Student: Benjamin Beylard Dr. Shunqi Pan Dr. Roger Falconer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Soft artificial reefs and mega-nourishment: A global innovative approach for coastal defence
PhD Student: Benjamin Beylard Dr. Shunqi Pan Dr. Roger Falconer Supervisors:

2 INCREASE of the world population along the coast
INCREASE of urbanization and human activities INCREASE natural erosion [1]

3 INCREASE of the world population along the coast
INCREASE of urbanization and human activities INCREASE natural erosion Coastal protection HARD coastal engineering approach [2]

4 Hard coastal engineering
SEAWALL RECHARGED TIMBER GROYNE SYSTEM Galveston, Texas, USA Eastbourne, UK Don’t forget that they are relatively expensive to build and maintain UK MAJOR ROCK ARMOR REVETMENT [3]

5 INCREASE of the world population along the coast
INCREASE of urbanization and human activities INCREASE natural erosion Often displace and/or accentuate the problem Coastal protection HARD coastal engineering approach Building with nature [4]

6 Soft coastal engineering
“Building with nature” solutions - Working with nature and not anymore against it - Less expensive to build and/or maintain - Wild range of secondary applications (recreational activities, ecological enhancement…) - “In Europe, there is a growing trend of “Building with nature” initiatives to improve the long term, environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of coastal management strategies” (Bilkovic, 2017) [5]

7 Soft Artificial reefs Mega-nourishment “Geotextile reef” [1]
Examples: “Zand motor” in 2011 [3] More details in de Schipper et al, 2016 “Geotextile reef” [1] [1] Picture from “Soft artificial reef balls” [2] More details in Harris, 2009 [2] Picture from [3] Picture from Joop van Houdt [6]

8 Aims and Objectives of the study
Set up an advanced modelling framework which simulates the complex and interactive nearshore processes under the combined wave and tide conditions, affected by mega-nourishments and soft artificial reefs at short and long term This well calibrated tools will be designed to help coastal Engineers for a better and sustainable coastal zone management Improve the understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of mega-nourishments and artificial reefs, including the most recent data, through a complete and up-to-date literature review. This will be design as a guide for future project. [7]

Master’s Thesis Presentation

10 References [9]
Bilkovic, D.M., Mitchell, M.M., La Peyre, M.K., Toft, J. D., Living Shoreline. CRC Press, first published the 3rd of March 2017, 519 p. de Schipper, M.A., de Vries, S., Ruessink, G., de Zeeuw, R.C., Rutten, J., van Gelder-Maas, C., Stive, M.J.F., (2016). Initial spreading of a mega-nourishment: Observations of the sand engine pilot project. Coastal Engineering, 111, Harris, Artificial reefs for ecosystem restoration and coastal erosion protection with aquaculture and recreational amenities. The Reef Journal, 1, 1–12. [9]

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