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MA Thesis Presentation Linguistics and Web Technology

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Presentation on theme: "MA Thesis Presentation Linguistics and Web Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 MA Thesis Presentation Linguistics and Web Technology
By: Souad Sahraoui Supervisors: Prof.Dr. Jurgen Handke Prof.Dr.Rolf Kreyer

2 Bilingualism in Algeria

3 Whoever is not acquainted with foreign languages knows nothing of his own Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1832

4 Presentation Outline -Bilingualism in general
-Bilingualism in Algeria: Bilinguals,Code switching, Borrowing, Diglossia, Rate of using French. -The Website -References

5 Bilingualism manifests itself in many forms:
What is Bilingualism? Bilingualism manifests itself in many forms:

6 A clear and simple definition of the term “bilingualism” would be the ability to speak and use two languages, in the case of more than two languages, the term will be multilingualism.

7 Bilingualism depends mainly on individual skills.
Bilingual individuals are persons who use two languages in their everyday lives. Uriel Weinreich & Haugen Bloomfield Bilingualism depends mainly on individual skills.

8 The most recent and realistic view
Having to live with more than one language in daily life constitutes being bilingual.

9 Inevitable consequences to bilingualism
Diglossia Borrowing Code switching Two related dialects used in one community; «H » « L » varieties Various languages mixed with each other that are grammatically and phonetically integrated in the speaker´s first language The use of more than one language in the same interaction

10 Bilingualism in Algeria

11 Algeria has become a bilingual country thanks to its history

12 Three official languages The spoken laguage: The Algerian Arabic(AA)
As a result…… Three official languages Arabic (MSA) French Tamazight The spoken laguage: The Algerian Arabic(AA)

13 Bilingualism in Algeria French and Algerian Arabic
French and Tamazight

14 Educated poeple Perfect bilingual French+MSA French+MSA+AA
French nurseries

15 Ordinary poeple Bilingual French+MSA MSA+AA AA nurseries

16 Code switching in The Algerian Speech
Je ne sais pas alah nas ma-andhoumch la patience ki ykoun andhoum des problemes. (English: I don’t know why people are not patient when they have problems.) -It is unconscious -Specific speech network -Lack of expressions in the mother tongue

17 Borrowing in the Algerian speech
-Nouns integrated phonologically and morphologically: -´F´ instead of ´V´ -Suffixes/a/,/a:t/ -The irregular broken plural Spoken Algerian Arabic French English Singular Plural Singular Plural / /fi:sta/ /fi:sta:t/ Veste Les vestes Jacket /ta:bla/ /twabl/ Table Les tables Table -Verbs integrated morphologically: Verbs adapted to the morphlogical rules of MSA Spoken Algerian Arabic French English /nbi:pi/ Je bipe I beep /kiti:tu/ Je l´ai quitte I left him -Non-conventional borrowing: French nouns used as verbs Algerian Spoken Arabic French English /gripi:t/ J´ai la grippe I have the flu /stresi:t/ Je suis stressee I am stressed

18 Sentences can contain elements that conform to Arabic morphological rules while the lexicon is entirely in French. / kraza:tu l-maSi:na w ramasa:wah mursuwa:t mursuwa:t/ (French: la machine l´a écrasé et ils l´ont ramasse morceaux par morceaux.) (English: The train crashed into him and they gathered him piece-by-piece.) the word order has been changed from SVO of French to VSO of Arabic and the lexical items follow the inflectional rules of spoken Arabic and have been given affixes accordingly.

19 The result: a completely borrowed sentence that is assimilated in Algerian spoken Arabic and appears as an integral part of it.

20 Diglossia in the Algerian speech
The H variety The L variety Classical Arabic (MSA) Dialectal /Algerian Arabic (AA) The national language Religious speech Political speech Education Newspapers The spoken language / mother tongue Daily conversations Informal settings Songs, movies, theatre and TV entertaining Programs L H

21 colors Directions Tools and instruments Technology Numbers
French words that became an integral part of the Algerian speech: colors Directions Tools and instruments Technology Numbers

22 Rate of using French

23 The Website


25 References:

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