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Why it matters.

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Presentation on theme: "Why it matters."— Presentation transcript:

0 Communicating the value of higher education in Virginia
A statewide approach

1 Why it matters

2 Why it matters Why it’s complicated

3 Why it matters Why it’s complicated Finding the key

4 The Virginia Plan for Higher Education
Initiative 5: Launch a communications strategy to address public knowledge and benefits of higher education, through Council reports, traditional media, social media and other means.

5 Why it matters

6 99% of the 11.5 million jobs created since 2008 require some form of postsecondary education. Source: Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce, 2016

7 51% of Virginians currently hold some form of postsecondary degree or credential. Source: SCHEV, Lumina

8 51% 65% of Virginians currently hold some form of postsecondary degree or credential by 2030. Source: SCHEV, Lumina

9 Why it’s complicated

10 Virginia’s higher-education system

11 Virginia’s higher-education system

12 Multiple audiences Students/families Business Policymakers

13 Common language, symbolism and concepts

14 How we present ourselves.





19 But ...

20 But … not everyone sees us that way.

21 But … not everyone sees us that way.

22 But … not everyone sees us that way.

23 But … not everyone sees us that way.

24 But … not everyone sees us that way.

25 But … not everyone sees us that way.

26 But … not everyone sees us that way.

27 But … not everyone sees us that way.




31 Virginians have mixed feelings about college.

32 Virginians have mixed feelings about college.
65% of Virginia’s high school graduates enroll in postsecondary education.

33 Virginians have mixed feelings about college.

34 Virginians have mixed feelings about college.
Cost of attendance in Virginia, 2016 12th highest – doctoral/research 6th highest – comprehensive 12th highest – two-years Source: SCHEV

35 Legislative

36 Return on Investment Legislative
Efficient use of general fund appropriations Program productivity (state review of new programs and inefficient programs)

37 Transparency Legislative
Performance measures (required posting of graduation rates, etc.) Tuition increases Investment funds SCHEV wage data reports

38 Controlling Cost of Education
Legislative Controlling Cost of Education Alternatives to traditional degrees (OVN, $4000 degree study) Facilitation of Transfer (dual enrollment, Passport credits)

39 Virginia ranks 44th nationwide in state support per student.
Legislative Virginia ranks 44th nationwide in state support per student. Source: SCHEV

40 The key


42 Commonwealth Poll, 2014 & 2015 Which is more important for young people to succeed today? A degree from a respected university. The knowledge and skills required to do a specific job.

43 National average (Gallup)

44 Virginia

45 Nation Virginia

46 College

47 College vs.

48 College vs. Knowledge

49 College vs. Knowledge Virginia: College 29, Knowledge 63



52 Heat map of educational attainment
Darker blue = greater rate of associate degrees or higher. Sources: SCHEV, Lumina


54 Heat map of Trump, Clinton votes
Districts in which there was a 40-point variance in votes for candidates. Source: VPAP


56 College vs. Knowledge Virginia: College 29, Knowledge 63


58 College vs. Knowledge

59 College vs. Knowledge Intellectuals vs. common sense

60 College vs. Knowledge Intellectuals vs. common sense
Ivory tower vs. real life

61 College vs. Knowledge Intellectuals vs. common sense
Ivory tower vs. real life Big government vs. the little guy

62 College vs. Knowledge Intellectuals vs. common sense
Ivory tower vs. real life Big government vs. the little guy Book learning vs. job experience



65 1895

66 2015

67 But … not everyone sees us that way.

68 Too often, we talk about the wrong things.



71 Negative perceptions Expensive. Out of reach. Out of touch. Elitist.
A rip-off.

72 Positive perceptions Skills for work.
Experience that leads to good careers. An important milestone. Sources of important research.

73 Which “sales pitch” works?
2016 survey of governmental-relations pros, AASCU

74 So what should we be talking about when we talk about what we do?

75 Knowledge. Not college.

76 Skills. Not degrees.


78 Cultural enrichment.

79 Cultural enrichment.

80 Cultural enrichment. A great degree.

81 Cultural enrichment. A great degree.

82 Cultural enrichment. A great degree. Broaden your mind.

83 Cultural enrichment. A great degree. Broaden your mind.

84 Opportunity.

85 Opportunity. A good career.

86 Opportunity. A good career. A smart investment.

87 A better life.

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