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Past, present and future developments in the French organic sector

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1 Past, present and future developments in the French organic sector
Nathalie RISON ALABERT Agence Bio - France

2 Some events : the pioneer era ; a multiple private initiative from farmers, agronomists, firms, consumers and medics 1980 : first public recognition in France 1985 : first AB logo and national standards 1991 : first european regulation (completed in 1999 for animal production and fully reviewed in 2009) 1997 : new AB logo 1999 : first european logo  2001 : Creation of Agence Bio 2004 : European action plan for the development of organic farming 2007 : French organic action plan « Organic farming– Horizon 2012 » 2009 : new european logo 2013 : new French organic action plan « Ambition Bio 2017 »

3 Why organics ? Protection of the environnement Animal welfare
Consumers demand Employment and rural development  A STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE

4 How to develop organics ?
A shared and common strategic choice A clear and common regulation Training and information Development of processing and distribution channels A public and private approach

5 What is Agence Bio ? The French Agency for Development and Promotion of Organic Farming is a national organic exchange platform created in November 2001 Members : Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Permanent Assembly of French Chambers of Agriculture National Federation of Organic Farming French Organic Trade Association Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Federation of agricultural Co-operatives

6 4 interdependant working groups at Agence Bio
Organisation Agence Bio works closely with partners who contribute to develop organic farming : public, professional and inter-professional organisations, research bodies, organic sales departments, environmental organisations and consumers associations and a special group for public catering. National organic observatory Communication 4 interdependant working groups at Agence Bio Organic network & markets Land & Environment + Organic operators notification and directory + AB mark monitoring when used for communication

7 Aims To develop the organic network
To develop organic data collection (french national observatory of organic farming, consumption and markets) in order to provide key data and information for stakeholders To organize national communication campaigns for consumers To support market chains projects that create conversions To improve the knowledge of environmental, territorial, economic and social effects of organic farming

8 Special tasks In charge of the notifications and national directory of French organic operators (in application of art.28 of Council Regulation (EC) n°834/2007) ( In charge of the AB communication logo, part of the official origin and quality signs in France and property of the ministry of agriculture Authorizations on labelling are given directly by the concerned control bodies

9 Why still a national organic logo ?
To identify products and activities in conformity with organic national rules as not covered by the EC regulation (rabbits, snails, ostriches, petfood, catering…) EC regulation allows for national logos to be applied in addition to the EC organic logo for other products End of 2015, the AB logo was known by 98% of the French people, where the EC logo was known by 40% Until the EC logo gets sufficient recognition from the French consumer, Agence Bio promotes both logos in its communication

10 Key data of the French organic sector

11 Evolution of organic production in France
organic farms in 2015 ( + 9 % vs 2014)  6.5 % of French farms 9 764 processors (+3%), 3 605 distributors (+8%) and 159 importators (+13%)

12 Organic crops

13 Organic animals

14 French organic market: 5.759 billion € in 2015

15 The organic communication campaign : examples of supports produced with EU co-funding

16 Information and communication tools

17 Learning supports, school contests and tools for school restaurants (children of 8-11)

18 Organic Recipe contests for young professionnal cooks

19 Presence on professional and public events ( ex : the International Agricultural Fair)

20 Organisation of professional organic seminars

21 Printemps BIO : National information campaign first 2 weeks of june (almost open farms and firms, organic fairs and meals…)

22 Public relations (press conferences and press releases, special events and websites…)

23 Medias (radio spots, TV partnerships …)
Mobile Application (« La Bio en poche ») Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, blog, Instagram, Dailymotion…)

24 More than 30 short films on organic farming « La Minute Bio » to be seen on :

25 2017 Organic Ambition Plan:
ensure balanced and rapid growth in the French organic sector Double the surface area dedicated to organic land and increase French consumption of organic products A new powerful boost to the organic sector and one of the most important agro-ecological measures taken to make producers, distributors and citizen work together A plan developed with the support of participants from all areas of the organic sector, launched by the French government and regional authorities Fully compliant with France’s existing agri-environnemental project « Agriculture: Producing Differently »

26 2017 Organic Ambition Plan: ensure balanced and rapid growth in the French organic sector
Develop organic production an incentive system will encourage farmers to convert and maintain their fields under organic management development of organic farming in areas with strategic access to water sources Ease access to property Support organic farmers Structure the organic sector Develop arable and oilseed crops to secure protein independance for animal feed and food in 2017 "Organic Future Found", €4m/year in addition to other state aid Improved knowledge of organic market Increase consumption and market share Raise consumer awareness Use of 20% of organic products in public catering Encourage Research and development Dedicated organic research Greater cooperation Training and advanced training for farmers and food processors Adapt regulations

27 And tomorrow ?  Diversity is a key factor
 Some clear development perspectives  Diversity is a key factor More interested consumers, but more information needed  Local is a key word

28 Thanks for your attention
For more information: TRANSLATE Meet us in 2017 at Biofach or on the International Agriculture Show in Paris from February 25 to March 5 (International Organic Seminar on the 2nd of March) !

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