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ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy March 2010

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1 ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy 11-12 March 2010
GEO Task AR-09-01B Architecture Implementation Pilot, Phase 3 AIP-3 Kickoff Workshop ESA-ESRIN Frascati, Italy 11-12 March 2010

2 AIP-2 Kickoff Opening Plenary
Time Topic Speaker 9:00 Introductions George Percivall 9:20 Objectives and process for AIP-3 George Percivall, Josh Lieberman 9:55 End-to-end use case Doug Nebert 10:30 Refreshment Break 10:45 Session synopsis *9 Session leads 11:50 Logistics for breakouts

3 Task AR-09-01B Architecture Implementation Pilot Objectives for AIP-3
Uptake/Objectives of AIP: DM and Science Process Scenario to use cases Programmatic plans including Collaborative Resources - Josh George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium Task AR-09-01B Point of Contact AIP-3 Kickoff Workshop March 2010

4 GEO Task AR-09-01b Architecture Implementation Pilot
Develop and pilot new process and infrastructure components for the GCI and the broader GEOSS architecture Call for Participation in AIP-3 Consistent with that, Task AR 09-01b is defined as: highlighting the development and testing of contributed components in a pilot setting, the leveraging of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure portals and clearinghouses, doing that via interoperability arrangements and serving the SBAs.

5 AIP-3 CFP Responses (34 to date)
GIGAS Disaster Mgmt GIS.FCU GMU CSISS GSDI IFGI INCOSE ISPRA and CNR JAXA Mines ParisTech, EnerGEO, GENESIS NOAA DMIT PML Pozzi Team QA4EO Spot Infoterra Univ Heidelberg Univ Tokyo Washington U. St. Louis AIRNOW BKG CEOS CIESIN Compusult CSIRO DRI E-Habitat EO2Heaven ERDAS ESA ESIP Federation ESRI EuroGEOSS and GENESIS GENESI-DR Geoland2 GIGAS Data Interoperability

6 AIP-3 CFP Architecture Developers

7 Architecture Implementation Pilot AIP-2 Achievements
Community of Practice Scenarios deployed through collaboration with SBA Tasks Reusable Process for applying scenarios on Service oriented Architecture – GEOSS SoA Contribution/registration of persistent services using GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements AIP-2 Call for Participation June 2008 Demonstrations to GEO Committees May 2009 Reports Completed September 2009

8 AIP-2 Flood Tasking and Product Generation
Aid levels for disaster relief funding can be released within days, in advance of on-site damage assessment. From portal select desired theme(s) and area of interest Wizard picks appropriate workflow for desired result Wizard Mozambique Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) Workflows Estimated rainfall accumulation and flood prediction model Flood Model Selected workflow automatically activates needed assets and models Baseline water level, flood waters and predicted flooding

9 GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements in Disaster Management Response
Earthquake in Chile ERDAS Apollo used in AIP-2 Earthquake in Haiti Response to AIP-3 CFP University of Heidelberg

10 Scientists have more time to do science.
GEOSS Web-based Services: The Old Way: The Services Way: Jan Find Data Pre-Science Find data Minutes Read Data Retrieve high volume data Days for exploration Feb Extract Parameter Learn formats and develop readers Subset Spatially Use the best data for the final analysis Extract parameters Mar Filter Quality DO SCIENCE Perform spatial and other subsetting Derive conclusions Reformat Write the paper Identify quality and other flags and constraints Apr Reproject Submit the paper Perform filtering/masking Visualize May Develop analysis and visualization Explore Services “Link-Rich” Environment Provides: discovery, access, manipulation, visualization, and analysis. Analyze Accept/discard/get more data (sat, model, ground-based) Jun Jul DO SCIENCE Exploration Use the best data for the final analysis Write the paper Initial Analysis Derive conclusions Submit the paper Aug Scientists have more time to do science. Decision makers rapid access to information Sep Oct Courtesy: Gregory Leptoukh, NASA GSFC Graphic courtesy of Greg Leptoukh, NASA

11 CC Impact on Pikas demonstrated in AIP-2
This scenario is driven primarily by scientific research on the distribution of pika and how it is changing. GEOSS infrastructure perspective: to investigate the interoperability process to determine valuable predictors for the impact of climate change on biodiversity Use observations of pika over the last 20 years, plus existing modeling demonstration systems, to model pika distributions and how they may change with climate Area of Interest The US Great Basin region (1x1 km) Scientific patrons Dr. Chris Ray (University of Colorado - CO USA)

12 GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements - From the GEOSS 10 Year Plan Reference Document -
Interoperability through open interfaces Interoperability specifications agreed to among contributing systems Access to data and information through service interfaces Open standards and intellectual property rights GEOSS adopting standards; agreed upon by consensus, preference to formal international standards GEOSS will not require commercial or proprietary standards Multiple software implementations compliant with the open standards should exist Goal is that at least one of the implementations should be available to all implementers "royalty-free"

13 AIP-3 Builds on AIP-2 Deploy and demonstrate the advantages of GEOSS service oriented architecture (SoA) Link rich environment Move toward Best Practice for deploying SBA scenarios in to SOA Engage additional Communities of Practice Scenarios identified working with UIC Support ADC Data Strategy Data harmonisation and data quality Experiments for Data sharing guidelines Results in time to showcase at EO Summit

14 Scenarios in AIP-3 CFP Scenarios begun in AIP-2 Scenarios new in AIP-3
Disaster Management Health: Air Quality Biodiversity and Climate Change – Prediction of an Ecosystem Evolution Biodiversity and Climate Change – Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure Energy Water – Drought Water – Water Quality Extreme Precipitation Health and the Environment Scenario – Early Warning of Malaria

15 Reusable Process for Deploying Scenarios
Engineering Use Cases support SBA Scenarios Scenarios: end user view of the value of GEOSS Focused on topics of interest to a community Occur in a geographic Area of Interest (AOI) Steps in a scenario are Use Cases Use Cases: reusable service oriented architecture Use cases for discovery, data access, etc Utilize Interoperability Arrangements

16 AIP process to deploy Scenarios in Services
1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Optimize 3. Engineering Design Specify Information Framework Use Cases 4. Deployment Plan Component Types Services

17 Scenarios focus on Enterprise Actors

18 Scenario deployed through Use Cases
Services in blue Products in red Actors in orange

19 UML Modeling

20 AIP process to deploy Scenarios in Services
1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Optimize 3. Engineering Design Specify Information Framework Use Cases 4. Deployment Plan Component Types Services

21 Information (data) in AIP architecture
User Requirements and Decision Support Data Policy, Rights Management, and Licenses Registries and Metadata Geophysical Observations Geographic Features Environmental Models Location Determination and Reference Frames

22 Data Guidelines Implementation in AIP-3 CFP
User Registration and Identification use case Allow data providers to know who is using data. Evaluation of federated Single-Sign-On (SSO) Data Access Conditions use case “Towards Voluntary Interoperable Open Access Licenses for GEOSS” by Harlan Onsrud,

23 Engineering Use Cases Reusable functionality of service oriented architecture implemented through Interoperability Arrangements Used to implement SBA scenarios Ten Use Cases developed in AIP-2 New Use cases fro AIP-3 Semantic mediation User Identification Data Access Conditions Sensor Web Use Case Collaboration

24 AIP-2 Transverse Use Cases


26 AIP process to deploy Scenarios in Services
1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Optimize 3. Engineering Design Specify Information Framework Use Cases 4. Deployment Plan Component Types Services

27 Engineering Components
GEOSS Clearinghouses GEO Web Portals GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Business Process Tier Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Management Processing Access Tier GEONETCast Product Access Sensor Web Model Access Test Facility Mediation

28 Engineering Components and Interoperability Arrangements

29 AIP process to deploy Scenarios in Services
1. SBA Scenarios 2. Enterprise Models Optimize 3. Engineering Design Specify Information Framework Use Cases 4. Deployment Plan Component Types Services

30 AIP Test, Integration and Demo
Register Resources Server Components Clients Components Service Testing Organized around Engineering Use Cases First, Services indicate they are ready in response to near term call Then, Clients initiate and lead testing Concentrate testing in two intensive periods. Scenario Testing Organized around SBA Scenarios Build on the use case testing Demo Capture

31 Phasing of Test, Integration and Demo
Scenario Development Update Use Case Development Update Resource Registration 1st Call 2nd Call Test Log ready Use Case testing – led by clients Unit Test Period1 Unit Test Period 2 Scenario Testing Storyboards Scenario Testing Scenario Capture Demo Capture Event AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

32 Potential Milestones for AIP-3
AIP-2 Kickoff Workshop 10-11 March 2010 Key design decisions complete: Initial postings in Best Practice Wiki May 2010 Deployment Architecture defined August 2010 Service registration Complete, Unit Testing Begins September 2010 Scenario Testing complete; Screen captures October 2010 Operational baseline defined November 2010 Engineering Reports complete; Deployment transition to operations December 2010 Comments on potential milestones to be developed in Sessions

33 AIP Development Approach
Participation AR-09-01b Architecture Implementation Pilot Evolutionary Development Process Concept Development Participation Continuous interaction with external activities Call for Participation Participation Kick-off Workshop Architecture Documentation Updates for each step Baseline Participation The pilot development approach is a evolutionary spiral waterfall approach that relies heavily on community participation and feeds into task AR-09-01a and the next evolutionary spiral. Development Activities Participation Persistent Operations (AR-09-01a) Operational Baseline and Lessons Learned for next evolutionary spiral

34 GCI Coordination Team (CT) Activities
GCI testing in two phases CSR, CLH GWP (including usability test) Stepwise approach Selection and consolidation of GCI Summit demonstration GCI upgrading (e.g. to address data sharing guidelines) 2nd generation GCI

35 AIP-3 Master Schedule Post AIP-3 CFP January 2010
Responses to AIP-3 CFP 3 March 2010 Kickoff Workshop (Europe) 11-12 March 2010 Demo Capture Workshop (US) 2nd Half of 2010 Ministerial Summit & GEO VII (China) Nov 2010 Finalize AIP-3 deliverables AIP-3 results transition to operations

36 Collaborative Resources
Josh Lieberman Traverse and OGC

37 Google Apps Combination of Google Sites, Calendar, Docs, Chat under one domain Up to 50 users in free version (working on that) Open to public view, but user accounts for creation and editing. Not necessary to create own Google accounts. possible but not enabled at this time. Sites: Calendar: Docs: Chat - user account name in GoogleTalk Mobile - specific sync and mobile application opportunities

38 Sites organization AIP-2 separation into scenario categories tended to produce "gated" communities Suggestion for AIP-3 is to work in functional categories, e.g.: Registration & discovery Access, workflow, processing, models Client applications Users and use cases Scenario's and scenario development Standards, practices, testing Data and rights Other Each scenario would then maintain one or more pages of links to functional elements, shared documents, telecon notes, etc. 

39 Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF)
The goal of the SIF is to enable ever-greater degrees of interoperability among GEOSS-contributed resources through facilitation, technical analysis, advocacy and education. AIP participants can use the SIF if assistance is desired with the utilization of the SIR or Components and Services Registry (CSR). The SIF Interoperability Advisors can provide technical assistance regarding interoperability, including the proper use of standards and special arrangements needed to implement a server or client component or service. There will be SIF representatives participating in the AIP process to interact with. Online access to the SIF can be found by going to Use of the SIF is encouraged for AIP participants if guidance and assistance is desired with respect to interoperability arrangements and objectives.

40 Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF)
Once navigating to the SIF, assistance can be requested. The online submission process will be available starting April

41 Best Practices Wiki (BPW)
It is a GCI component that is available to all AIP participants. It can be used to capture what GEOSS providers and users believe could be a best practice for interoperability. Contributions to the BPW need not be finished best practices: It can be used during the AIP process to fine tune the content provided. It is a resource for comments, contributions, development, and convergence to a best practice by an organization, community, SBA, etc. AIP participants can use the SIF for assistance with the use of the BPW or with registration of content for the BPW. BPW can be found at Registration is required to gain full control over contributed content. Use of the BPW is strongly encouraged for AIP participants so that future GEOSS contributors and users can benefit from their knowledge and experience regarding the implementation and use of interoperability arrangements.

42 Best Practices Wiki (BPW)
Once navigating to the BPW, the How-To documents can be accessed as user guides.

43 Kickoff Workshop Parallel Sessions

44 AIP-3 Kickoff Workshop Objectives
Develop collaboration and interoperability goals Develop detailed plans and schedule Design beyond CFP AIP Architecture Develop Scenarios suitable for directing development of Operational Exemplars

45 AIP-3 Kickoff Parallel Sessions
Disaster Management Didier Giacobbo (Stuart Frye) Water Will Pozzi Brad Lee Stefano Nativi Health: AQ and Disease Stefan Falke François Marques Biodiversity and CC Doug Nebert Energy Isabelle Blanc (Lionel Menard) Engineering Use Cases Nadine Alameh Josh Lieberman Data Harmonization Simon Cox Giuseppe Ottavianelli (Shelley Stover) Data Sharing Guidelines Steve Browdy Vocabularies and Semantics Roberto Lucchi Masahiko Nagai Cristiano Fugazza

46 Thank you! ESA for hosting of the Kickoff Pier Giorgio Marchetti
OGC acknowledges sponsorship from USGS NASA European Space Agency European Commission Northrop Grumman ERDAS

47 AIP-2 Kickoff Opening Plenary
Time Topic Speaker 9:00 Introductions George Percivall 9:20 Objectives and process for AIP-3 George Percivall, Josh Lieberman 9:55 End-to-end use case Doug Nebert 10:30 Refreshment Break 10:45 Session synopsis *9 Session leads 11:50 Logistics for breakouts

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