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Day 10 English 10.

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1 Day 10 English 10

2 Grade 10 Steps/ Review 1) Criticism is a valuable means of helping ourselves and others achieve personal growth. 2) However, because it is often done carelessly, criticism has a bad reputation. 3) Here are some guidelines for offering criticism constructively. 4) First, wait until the person asks for feedback. 5) Second, describe the behavior specifically before you criticize it. 6) Finally, try to balance your criticism with positive statements.

3 ECA Practice Question of the Day
The need for stitches was evident the gash was so deep that you could see the bone. evident. The gash evident, the gash evident: The gash evident- the gash

4 Objective Analyze cultural elements in a memoir in order to infer how cultural identity is central to the meaning of a work.

5 1.7 “By Any Other Name” by Santha Rama Rau
Page 35

6 What do you already know about Gandhi? Who would you compare him to?

7 Background on Gandhi and India
Video Background on Gandhi and India

8 Read “About the Author”
What do you think the conflict will be? Divide text into chunks.

9 “By Any Other Name” (In Your Group)
Reader: reads each chunk Writer: writes down the answer for each key question on the worksheet. Discussion Leader: reads the key question to the group. Timekeeper: keeps everyone on task and rotates the group roles.

10 Period 1 Groups: Anastacia, Katelyn, Adam, Thuy
Drew A., Genesis, Tabby, Oury Tyler B., Drew, Tyler S., Donna Evan, Debbie, Koryne Jamus, Cole, Ray, Hesham Megan, Keelan, Lauren, Ailana Logan, Johnathan, Nautica, Elexus Senaite, Khameron, Sam, Brooklyn

11 Period 4 Groups: Katya, Justin, Lexi, Jacob C.
Chad, Elijah, Manny, Erica Catherine, Kerby, Nate Daja, Kiana, Johnny, Megan Mitch, Arionna, Alec Johnathan, Jacob G., Ian P., Blake Rohin, Jack, Ali, Briana

12 Period 5 Groups: Maddy, Isaac, Ralph Hayden, Kayla, Sierra, Chandler
Harmon, Jacob, Emylee, Jaylen Paul, Ryan, Devin Hayleigh, Braydon, Angel R. Nandini, Lidet, Mauricus, Ian Kim, Leslie, Anthony, Mekhi Nick B., Angel V., Brandon

13 Map out specific cultural elements Rau describes.

14 Brainstorm What cultural elements (name, values, food, education, traditions, language, religion, fashion, sports) would best allow you to describe your own cultural identity? HINT: EA1 is coming up…

15 SSR (11 minutes)

16 SSR Journal Date _____ Pg. I started__ and ended on __. Minutes engaged __. Journal: What is your character’s culture? Explain multiple aspects: food, language, clothing, traditions, sports, name…etc. Explain in four sentences!

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