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It’s Always the “Write” Time for Writer’s Workshop!

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Presentation on theme: "It’s Always the “Write” Time for Writer’s Workshop!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s Always the “Write” Time for Writer’s Workshop!
Developing a Unit of Study for Memoir

2 “It is essential that children are deeply involved in writing, that they share their texts with others, and that they perceive themselves as authors. I believe these three things are interconnected. A sense of authorship comes from the struggle to put something big and vital into print, and from seeing one’s own printed words reach the hearts and minds of readers.” -Lucy Calkins Units of Study are a part of Lucy Calkins work titled Units of Study for Primary Writing: A Yearlong Curriculum, produced through her work as Director of the Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project. Her work is based on her research and teacher collaboration. She is the author of many books including The Art of Teaching Reading and The Art of Teaching Writing. As you read this quote, think about it’s meaning for your classroom. What do early writing experiences provide for the Kindergartner and first grader?

3 As you read each slide decide with a partner where it would go on the chart.

4 ….a curricular skill in which students develop the ability to communicate ideas in a variety of written forms. curricular skill in which students develop the ability to communicate ideas in a variety of written forms.

5 4 types of…. procedures/organization •strategies/processes •skills •craft/techniques

6 Minilesson, Independent Writing Time with teacher conferencing Sharing [30-45 minutes 3-5 times a week]

7 how the yearlong writing curriculum is divided
helps children learn to write within a particular genre, such as personal narratives, poetry, nonfiction, etc. could also focus on particular aspects of the writing process such as revision

8 The World of Writing Writing Writer’s Workshop Units of Study
Minilessons Writer’s Workshop: Minilesson, Independent Writing/Conferencing, Sharing [30-45 minutes 3-5 times a week] Unit of Study: The yearlong writing curriculum is divided into units of study. Many units of study help children learn to write within a particular genre, such as personal narratives, poetry, nonfiction, etc. A unit of study could also focus on particular aspects of the writing process such as revision. Minilessons: There are four types of minilessons: procedures/organization strategies/processes skills craft/techniques 4 definitions to be provided: A mini-lesson focuses on a specific teaching point and lasts five to twenty minutes. You can teach a mini-lesson with a whole group, small group, or with individual students. Mini-lessons are ideal for quick lessons leading to active engagement. A Unit of Study is a structured sequence of learning experiences designed to support the learner in understanding parts of the writing process or learn to develop writing within a particular genre. Writer’s Workshop is an interdisciplinary writing technique which can build students' fluency in writing through continuous, repeated exposure to the process of writing. Writing is a curricular skill in which students develop the ability to communicate ideas in a variety of written forms.

9 Writer’s Workshop with 4th and 5th graders…
use writing notebooks. publish a variety of pieces. can write for 45 minutes. study various genres

10 Units of Study Launching the Writer’s Workshop The Craft of Revision
Punctuation Study Craft Study Memoir Mysteries Authors Studies Fiction Poetry Personal Narratives Feature Articles Research projects Essays

11 Memoir To recognize that mystery, we must go down deep into ourselves, into that place where the walls of our being are layered with our own memories. Remember that, as in any pool, when we cast one pebble we will see many, many concentric circles. One memory begets another and then another, building into stories. -- Meinrad Craighead, artist Why do we teach this unit.

12 Inquiry – read a book from the your table that you have not read. As you read this book think about the following characteristics of memoir and find them in the book. Write them on a post it.

13 Characteristics A memory; a description of an event from the past
Written in the first person: told from one person’s point of view Based on the truth Reveals the feelings of the writer Has meaning; shows what the author learned from the experience Focused on one event; about one point in the author’s life About the author’s experience more than about the event itself

14 Book Share

15 Mentor Texts Choose around 3 books to use for your mini-lessons.

16 Ideas Life Topics

17 Drafting Review you memoirs Is it small enough Is it meaningful
Different Structures Why do I want to make it into a memoir?

18 Developing Mini-lessons Zooming in and writing more
Stretching the moment Describe the setting Describe the person Creating a dramatic scence Dialogue

19 Revising Mini-lessons Show and not tell Ending Repeating theme
Metaphors and similes Dialogue Using sensory details

20 Video of Mini-lesson

21 Editing Mini-lessons Dialogue Spell-check Peer Conferencing

22 Video of a Conference

23 Publishing

24 Writers Write for an Audience
Celebrations Writers Write for an Audience How will we share these pieces? Have the participants come up with different ways to celebrate.

25 What is a typical timeline for a Unit of Study?
Time Frame Topic 5 days Inquiry and writing ideas 4-6 days Choosing your idea and developing/drafting it Revising and editing 3-4 days Publishing

26 Resources Curriculum Map: Professional Books:
Thinking Through Genre by Heather Lattimer The Art of Teaching Writing by Lucy Calkins Memoir: The Art of Writing Well by Lucy Calkins and Mary Chiarella

27 Questions? Please Contact a Literacy Coach:
Sarah Arroyo – Erika Elbert – Catherine Healy - Marilyn Vaughan – Mary Jane Weishar –

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