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Physical Education
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Primary sports funding The 5 key indicators 1.The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick-starting healthy active lifestyles (engagement of least active pupils) 2.The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement. 3.Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport. 4.Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils. 5.Increased participation in competitive sport. Assessment Our aims
The sports premium funding
Focus on high quality physical education for all children by ensuring bespoke curriculum support in all aspects of Physical Education for our teachers. Deliver a broad variety of enrichment opportunities before school, at lunchtime and after school to engage all children in sport and physical activity. Offer all our children competitive opportunities both within and beyond school in a wide range of sports. Focus on the importance of developing a healthy, active lifestyle. Provide targeted physical intervention groups to support learning. Develop sport leadership in our children. Foster enjoyment, a sense of fulfilment and desire to participate in a variety of physical activities
Breakdown of funding
The 5 key indicators Have we seen an improvement against these 5 indicators? 1.The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick- starting healthy active lifestyles (engagement of least active pupils) 2.The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement. 3.Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport. 4.Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils. 5.Increased participation in competitive sport.
1.The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick-starting healthy active lifestyles (engagement of least active pupils) Each child has two PE sessions a week with a highly qualified coach (Mr Whitehead). He is constantly developing his skills and knowledge to ensure the children are receiving the best physical education available to them. Within school we have lots of extra curricula sports clubs: Infant and junior dance club (Juniors is with outside dance academy) Football club which train every week as well as compete regularly. Cricket Netball in the summer Awards 4 all grant won in 2016 until we have spent that on three clubs before, during and after school. Boxing with a professional boxing club (target inactive children as well as PP children) Multi sports at lunch time which targets the least active children and dance club after school with Samantha Jaynes dance school. We also spent some of this funding on equipment for these sessions. We have recently won the School Games Kite mark - Gold Award Christ Church are very proud to have gained this, we are one of only a handful of schools in Oldham to achieve this highest of marks. To get it we had to evidence all the sport we deliver both in school and extra curricular, the number of sports we play and compete in, the leadership opportunities the children get, and the number of children accessing PE. This year they are introducing the Platinum award which is extremely hard to get however, we are going to apply for this. We encourage physical activity throughout the whole school right from EYFS. Outdoor area in Reception promotes physical activity in lots of ways ( adventure playground, gross and fine motor skills. These have an impact on the child as a whole and help improve lots of skills needed to write and sit at a table. To learn to sit still children need to move.) Also have a set of scooters, bikes, balance boards that improve core strength. We have bike ability in the juniors and this year we are introducing balance ability to Reception. We hire a set of balance bikes and we get to keep them for a week and a specialist will come in and teach each child how to use them. So as a school the importance is just as important in every year group. We actively promote healthy eating through out school through Eco, healthy school meals and cooking clubs. All children are taught about the importance of being active and the effects it has on our bodies. Right from Reception children need to know what effect physical activity has on their body and be able to explain why their cheeks are red, why their heart is beating faster. Where as year 6 will be able to explain in greater depth what is happening to their body and why. As a school we are constantly looking for ways to engage the least active children through lessons, clubs and competitive games. This will be touched on a bit later on.
2.The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
PE is highly regarded by all staff at Christ Church. They are kept up to date on up coming events and know which children are involved. We also speak to teachers regularly to see which children they think would benefit from certain activities for example: children who have poor pencil control would benefit from some fine and gross motor skill sessions. This will then help improve their pencil control and in turn improve presentation. Mr Whitehead will take groups of children out to work on specific skills. We do a lot of cross curricular activities with PE in school and Mr whitehead has a slot timetabled throughout the week to work with each year group on active maths. Active maths is set up to raise attainment and attitudes towards maths throughout active lessons. Children are picked who are struggling with a certain maths concept, are inactive and would benefit from the session and PP children are targeted through this as well. We also use these sessions to pre teach a concept in maths to help those children who need a little bit more time. We look at data (gap analysis) from big maths assessments to also deliver specific sessions. Active maths is not only used to help children who may struggle but we use it to challenge and stretch the children who are doing well in maths. Myself and LW are attending the active literacy course very soon as we have seen such an improvement throughout school. We regularly attend sessions which promote cross curricula learning through PE. This week year 1 have attended a Gruffalo adventure walk at Dovestones which incorporated literacy, Maths and Science. School actively promote session similar to this throughout the whole school. Healthy champions: session where 2 children go to train so they are able to run a club when they get back to school (targets inactive) We always try to use children as good examples throughout school during PE sessions, Active maths and during extra curricular sessions.
3.Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
LW is extremely knowledgeable in all areas of PE. If staff have any questions about lessons he is their first port of call. School recognise the importance of PE and engaging all children that they consistently send myself and LW on a variety of training. As a school we recognised that dance was not one of our strong point so myself and LW went on a dance course where we trialled a programme called iMoves. We felt school would benefit greatly from this so we fed back to Debra, Cheryl and Sharon. They asked us to trail it throughout school with specific staff and see if improved peoples confidence. This was trialled in Reception, year 1, year 3 and year 5. all teachers felt that it was easy to use and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. We particularly focussed on the boys as they have always been less involved with dance. After feedback we bought the package and have been using it throughout school since Spring 1. The staff and children have enjoyed it immensely and we have captured lots of boys interest in dance. We have been celebrating this during good work assemblies on a Friday where some of them have showcased their skills. Throughout the year the PE team have specific CPD sessions where we will focus on different aspects of PE to up skill the staff. All staff in school take an interest in PE and lots of support staff attend competitive sports competitions during and after school.
4.Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
School are constantly looking at new ways to involve the children in new sports. We also understand the importance of creating a positive attitude towards teamwork and discipline throughout their PE sessions. Attending competitions helps with this. This half term alone we have 7 events happening and the majority of those are new to the children: Gruffalo trail Dance competition Change 4 life adventure walk (specifically designed to engage the inactive) Foot golf at Oldham golf club Not only are we attending these sessions but the majority of the time we are taking an a and b team and sometimes even c and d teams. The aim is to broaden competitive horizons for all children and try and engage them with as many new sports as we can. We also want to create a love for sports and understand the importance of healthy lifestyles. This year we have more children attending new events and tournaments than any previous year. We are also holding events at school which has been a great success. We held a Ks1 gymnastics competition where Miss Carty (who is a qualifies gymnastics judge) judged the competition. Christ church cam 1st and every other school who attended said how talented our children were. As a school we think it is important to use the different talents that each member of staff or child have and encourage others through this. We have sports leaders from ks2 who go down to ks1 during lunchtime to encourage children to be active and show them how to play certain games/sports.
5.Increased participation in competitive sport.
Christ Church is extremely committed to ensuring each child has the chance to achieve their full potential in all areas especially PE. We spend lots of money on transport to ensure children are attending competitions, gaining new experiences and equipping them with skills fro life. As previously stated we encourage all children to participate in as many competitive sports as possible. Being part of the Oldham Borough School Games we are able to offer an extensive range of competitive and non competitive sports. In pack there is a list of these if you wish to look through them. Attending these sessions also helps school make links with other schools and local partners.
Assessment Assessment is monitored closely by all staff throughout school. Myself and LW regularly check on the progress of all children who may need challenging or need extra support in PE. We will immediately work with specific groups of children who may struggle and will often use good role models to help these children. As a school they are very few children who are not hitting their milestones: 4.2% so that only 12 children in the whole school. I know I could go to each teacher in school, as well as LW, and ask why these specific children are not quite where they should be and they would be able to tell me. We believe it is that low because of the emphasis we put on PE throughout the whole school, the standard of lessons they receive both during school and after school. The amount of competitive sport we encourage and the love of sports.
Our aims Continue to Involve as many children as we can in competitive sports Encourage a love of sport through clubs, lessons and visits. Hold more events at school (mini school games) Continue to upskill teachers in different areas of PE. Continue to attend external CPD sessions to ensure we are up to date. Continue to lower the percentage of pupils who are not hitting milestones.
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