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Interventions for Critically Ill Clients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

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1 Interventions for Critically Ill Clients with Acute Coronary Syndrome


3 Coronary Artery Disease
Includes stable angina pectoris and acute coronary syndromes Ischemia: oxygen supply insufficient to meet requirements of the myocardium Infarction: necrosis or cell death that occurs when severe ischemia is prolonged and irreversible damage to tissue results


5 Stable Angina Pectoris
A feeling of “strangling of the chest” Temporary imbalance between the coronary artery’s ability to supply oxygen and the cardiac muscle’s demand for oxygen Ischemia limited in duration and does not cause permanent damage to myocardial tissue Stable and unstable angina Sentences and phrases

6 Acute Coronary Syndrome
Atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary artery ruptures, resulting in platelet aggregation, thrombus formation, and vasoconstriction. Between 10% and 30% of clients with unstable angina progress to having MI within 1 year. 29% die from MI within 5 years. Sentence and phrases

7 Myocardial Infarction
Most serious acute coronary syndrome Occurs when myocardial tissue is abruptly and severely deprived of oxygen Dynamic process that does not occur instantly but evolves over several hours



10 Nonmodifiable Risk Factors
Age Gender Family history Ethnic background

11 Modifiable Risk Factors
Elevated serum cholesterol Cigarette smoking Hypertension Impaired glucose tolerance Obesity Physical inactivity Stress

12 Pain Assessment Discomfort in the chest, epigastric area, jaw, back, or arm is noted. (Rate discomfort on scale of 0 to 10.) Discomfort is often described as tightness, burning, pressure, or indigestion. Anginal pain improves with rest and nitroglycerine; MI does not. (Continued) Sentence and phrases

13 Pain Assessment (Continued)
Other manifestations include nausea and vomiting, diaphoresis, dizziness, weakness, palpitations, and shortness of breath.

14 Diagnostic Assessment
Electrocardiogram Stress test Myocardial perfusion imaging Magnetic response imaging Cardiac catheterization

15 Acute Pain Interventions include: Provide pain relief modalities.
Decrease myocardial oxygen demand. Increase myocardial oxygen supply.

16 Pain Management Nitroglycerine Morphine sulfate Oxygen
Position of comfort; semi-Fowler’s position Quiet and calm environment Deep breaths to increase oxygenation

17 Ineffective Tissue Perfusion (Cardiopulmonary)
Interventions include: Restoration of perfusion to the injured area often limits the amount of extension and improves left ventricular function. Complete sustained reperfusion of coronary arteries in the first few hours after an MI has decreased mortality.

18 Thrombolytic Therapy Fibrinolytics dissolve thrombi in the coronary arteries and restore myocardial blood flow. Tissue plasminogen activator, APSAC, reteplase Glycoprotein IIa/IIIb inhibitors Sentence and phrases


20 Identification of Coronary Artery Reperfusion
Abrupt cessation of pain or discomfort Sudden onset of ventricular dysrhythmias A peak at 12 hours of markers of myocardial damage

21 Oral Drug Therapy Aspirin Beta-adrenergic blocking agents
ACE inhibitors Calcium channel blockers

22 Ineffective Coping Interventions
Assess the client’s level of anxiety but allow expression of any anxiety and attempt to define its origin. Give simple explanations of therapies, expectations, and surroundings, and explanations of progress to help relieve anxiety. Provide coping enhancement. Sentences and phrase

23 Potential for Dysrhythmias
Dysrhythmias are the leading cause of death in most clients with MI who die before they can be hospitalized. Interventions include: Identify the dysrhythmias. Assess hemodynamic status. Evaluate for discomfort.

24 Potential for Heart Failure Interventions
Assessment Monitoring for signs of poor organ perfusion Hemodynamic monitoring Sentence and phrases

25 Cardiogenic Shock Necrosis of more than 40% of the left ventricle
Tachycardia Hypotension Blood pressure < 90 mm Hg or 30 mm Hg < client’s baseline Urine output < 30 mL/hr (Continued) Sentence and phrase


27 Cardiogenic Shock (Continued)
Cold, clammy skin Poor peripheral pulses Agitation, restlessness, confusion Pulmonary congestion Tachypnea Continuing chest discomfort

28 Medical Management Pain relief and decreased myocardial oxygen requirements through preload and afterload reduction Intravenous morphine Oxygen, intubation, ventilation Intra-aortic balloon pump Immediate reperfusion

29 Potential for Recurrent Symptoms and Extension of Injury Interventions
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG)


31 Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
Monitoring for acute closure of the vessel, bleeding from the insertion site, reaction to dye, hypotension, hypokalemia, and dysrhythmias Long-term nitrate, calcium channel blocker, and aspirin therapy Beta blocker and ACE inhibitor if MI Infusions of GPIIa/IIIb inhibitors


33 Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Postoperative care in cardiopulmonary bypass Management of fluid and electrolyte imbalance, hypotension, hypothermia, hypertension, bleeding, cardiac tamponade, altered levels of consciousness, and pain


35 Transfer from the Special Care Unit
Ventilation provided for 3 to 6 hours postoperatively Supraventricular dysrhythmias commonly occur Sternal wound infections Mediastinitis Postpericardiotomy syndrome

36 Other Interventions Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass
Transmyocardial laser revascularization Off-pump coronary artery bypass Robotics

37 Health Teaching Smoking cessation Diet control
Complementary and alternative therapies Physical activity Sexual activity (Continued)

38 Health Teaching (Continued)
Blood pressure, blood glucose control Cardiac medications Self-monitoring; seeking medical assistance if needed


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