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Implementing Strategies for Education for Sustainable Development

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1 Implementing Strategies for Education for Sustainable Development
Marja-Leena Loukola Counsellor of Education

The Ministry of Education: Finnish Strategy for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2006) for schools, institutes, polytechnics, universities and administration of education and research Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development, Sub-committee for Education: Strategy for Education and Training for Sustainable Development and Implementation Plan for all fields of administration; further resources for education are first of all sought through cooperation between various fields of administration, trade and industry, and NGOs

3 The goal of ESD within both strategies and the Finnish national core curricula
SUSTAINABLE WAY OF LIVE IN A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY To encance the understanding of the connection between human well-being, ecoeffectiveness of the economy, and protection of the environment To enhance the understanding of our cultural heritage, different cultures, preconditions for trust between human population groups, and justice To increace people`s readiness to notice changes taking place in the environment, society, and human well-being, and to work out their causes and consequences

4 To bring about changes in daily practices and to cause people to commit to a sustainable way of live
To increace readiness and motivation to be active, participating citizens, members of the work community, and members of other communities To provide vocational skills in different fields of vocational education, creating opportunities for making each brand on industry more sustainable

5 Implementation at the national level
Information on strategies and core curricula will be given to educators, decision makers and those concerned in the different fields of administration To organize support for educators and teacher trainers To find resources for development projects To support dialogue between national and international networks and to share of pedagogical ideas

6 Web service for ESD maintained by the Finnish National Board of Education
To produce learning materials, handbooks… Eco-school programme, criteria for ESD and ESD certficate for schools To chart implementation of strategies and to asses learning results

7 Implementation at the regional level
To find out current projects and networks and make these cooperate To form regional cooperative groups To develop regional development centres To promote connection with schools and universities, polytechnics and working life To gather and pass on development ideas and new solutions

8 Implementation at the local level
Programme of action for SD in all schools by 2010 Participation and active involvement in common affairs at school and in the immediate environment Cooperation between schools and other local partners; by 2014 every school would have working forms of cooperation with school-external partners New technology in the expansion of learning environments Introducing SD in local evaluation and quality management

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