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Reflective Thinking By: Jacqueline.

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1 Reflective Thinking By: Jacqueline

2 Internet Definitions Reflective: adjective That reflects; reflecting.
Of or pertaining to reflection. Cast by reflection. Given to, marked by, or concerned with meditation or deliberation. Thinking: adjective rational; reasoning: People are thinking animals. thoughtful; reflective: Any thinking person would reject that plan. ~

3 My Thoughts on Reflective Thinking
I think reflective thinking is like rethinking your thought process or thinking about your thinking. Sometimes I’ll start thinking about homework and end up thinking about winter break. To use reflective thinking, you start at homework and then the next thought you had, then the next, and the next. There is an example on the following page.

4 Example of the Reflective Thinking Process
Picture found: . “Hmmmm… I wonder what’s for dinner tonight. I hope it’s something yummy like fried chicken.” Picture found: . “I hope Mom will make the cake that she promised to make, so we can eat it after dinner.” Picture found: . “My favorite dessert are brownies. I love chocolate!” Picture found: . “I hope I get that cookbook I asked for, for my birthday.” Picture found: . “Or that cool art set!” “Wait a second! I started thinking about dinner and now I’m thinking about an art set! How did I jump that far? Well, let’s see first it was chicken, then cake, then …” (By the way, this is a short version of a thought process. Usually, they are longer.)

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