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Presentation on theme: "Innovation SHARED MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS:"— Presentation transcript:

Theme C. Making shared governance work over time SHARED MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS: EXPERIENCES ON PROTECTED AREAS OF PERU Pedro Gamboa, Rudy Valdivia Overview Since the first Protected Area (PA) established in Peru, one of the main challenges has been managing the PA´s under different socio-cultural contexts. Considering this, the PA authority in Peru (SERNANP) developed shared management mechanisms with diverse kind of stakeholders, such as Management Contracts and Special Regime Management Contracts. El Sira Communal Reserve © Innovation Management Contracts in Protected Areas This mechanism initiated in The contracts had been made with non-profit organizations that assume the responsibility for achieving one or more results, important to accomplish goals of a PA. The contract can involve any area of the PA. Funding mechanisms are responsibility of the Executor of the management contract. Currently, the Peru’s Protected Area System has 8 areas with management contracts Bahuaja Sonene National Park ©

Theme C. Making shared governance work over time SHARED MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS: EXPERIENCES ON NATURAL PROTECTED AREAS OF PERU Pedro Gamboa, Rudy Valdivia Innovation Special Regime of management contracts This mechanism initiated in This contracts are exclusive for Communal Reserves. This particular form of contract allows the co-management between native communities and the National Protected Area Service (SERNANP). This co-management form take place under Special Regime, where the native communities are represented by organizations named ECAs (spanish acronym meaning “Executor of a management contract”). Currently, the Peru’s Protected Area System has 9 areas under the Special Regime of management contracts. Amarakari Communal Reserve© Machiguenga Communal Reserve©

Theme C. Making shared governance work over time SHARED MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS: EXPERIENCES ON NATURAL PROTECTED AREAS OF PERU Pedro Gamboa, Rudy Valdivia Challenges Theme Management Contracts in PA Special Regime Management Contracts Legal It was established a specific procedure for contract signing. It’s in constant improvement. Many years of negotiation for a special regime of communal reserves. (under review) Authority Level It required to specify the non delegable functions of the National Government, represented by SERNANP (direction and standards and other rules approval, granting rights, sanctions, supervision). Is not yet clear differences between non delegable functions of the National Government and functions of the ECA. Organization It had to be defined the minimum team profile for an institution with a Management Contract.  Different types of ECA in each Communal Reserve, exercising different kinds of representation. Capacity development SERNANP high staff turnover. Requires to establish an implementation phase (1 year) where the Executor and the Chief of ANP learn how to manage together the PA. Requires a high support, which in this case was not so structured, despite three meetings were held with ECAs. Need for training on financial sustainability. Financial Sustainability The Management Contract (MC) Executor required to have funds or mechanisms for financing. 3 MC with REDD projects: income $14.88 millions for PA sustainable management.  3 ECAs self-financed their activities: RC Machiguenfa RC Ashaninka RC Amarakaeri

4 What do we learned about these processes?
Theme C. Making shared governance work over time SHARED MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS: EXPERIENCES ON NATURAL PROTECTED AREAS OF PERU Pedro Gamboa, Rudy Valdivia What do we learned about these processes? Management Contracts in Protected Areas The Chief of the ANP should be maintained as part of SERNANP to fulfill those duties in the National Government. There must be an instance of participation: Technical Financial Supervision Commission, where the President of the Management Committee participates. High monitoring and evaluation based on achievement of results of contracts are required. Machiguenga Communal Reserve© Machiguenga Communal Reserve© Special Regime of management contracts Differences between the roles of the parties with respect to the Management Committee should be clearly defined. Amarakari Communal Reserve©

SHARED MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS: EXPERIENCES ON NATURAL PROTECTED AREAS OF PERU Machiguenga Communal Reserve© Amarakaeri Communal Reserve© Trust between the parties generate clear roles of the parties, frequent coordination between the parties, presence of SERNANP to fulfill non delegable duties of National Government, monitoring and evaluation based on contracts results achievement are required to ensure efficient and long term share management of Peru´s protected areas. SERNANP Pedro Gamboa, Rudy Valdivia El Sira Communal Reserve© Amarakaeri Communal Reserve© Machiguenga Communal Reserve©


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