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Nutrition in Pregnancy

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1 Nutrition in Pregnancy
By Jeanne Laird

2 The need for folate Adequate folate or folic acid intake is necessary before conception and throughout the pregnancy. Folate is involved in many factors of growth and development including: Cell division Helps prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida Helps prevent anemia

3 Folic acid or Folate? Folate is the natural form of folic acid
-better to get it from food -supplement if necessary, folic acid is very well absorbed -the ADA for folate during pregnancy is IUs

4 Sources of folate -orange juice and oranges -asparagus
-broccoli & Brussels sprouts -dark green leafy vegetables -cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries and bananas -whole grains, beans, and eggs -avocado

5 Folate and anemia Folate is necessary for the production of red blood cells -low folate can result in anemia -pregnant women are at risk of becoming anemic

6 Weight Gain -Not too much, not too little
>complications can occur with either situation -What is the right amount? >women should gain 2-4 lbs per month during the first trimester and 3-4 lbs per month every month thereafter. -Therefore, between 24 and 36 lbs total weight gain is safe and healthy.

7 Too little weight gain -chance of improper nutrition for mom and baby
-half of the weight gain is to support and nourish the baby -possible outcomes of low birth weight, pre- mature delivery, and improper development.

8 Too much weight gain -chance of gestational diabetes and hypertension.
-chance of delivering a large baby, > then 9 lbs. -difficulty in delivery -chance of pre-eclampsia, toxemia and death

9 Nutritional needs during pregnancy
-pre-natal vitamins to pad diet -Calcium, iron, B vitamins -deficiencies in any nutrient is undesirable, hence a diet that includes a variety of foods in a variety of colors -supplement with a good pre-natal vitamin and mineral supplement recommended by Ob/ Gyn doctor.

10 Calcium -Needed for strong bones and teeth.
- Needed for muscle contractions. -Required for nerve signaling. -If mom is low in calcium, baby will take from mom's bone stores. -This could result in low bone density for mom.

11 Dietary sources of calcium
-dairy foods like milk, cheese, yogurt and kefir -salmon, sardines -dark green leafy vegetables -broccoli -fortified foods like orange juice -almond milk, soy milk and soy products

12 Iron -high risk of anemia during pregnancy
-27 mg per day needed for mom to avoid anemia -needed to provide oxygen to all cells -needed for proper immune function -needed to provide energy to mom during pregnancy -needed for healthy fetal development

13 Dietary sources of iron
-lean beef, liver, turkey and chicken dark meat -Tuna, shrimp, salmon, halibut -pork -beans, peas and lentils -fortified breakfast cereals and whole grains -spinach *Eating these foods with a good source of vitamin C helps the body to absorb the iron better. *Animal sources of dietary iron are considered of high biological value and are better absorbed by the gut.

14 Eat a variety of foods in a variety of colors
-whole grains, 6-8 servings per day -3-5 servings of vegetables -2-4 fruits -3 servings of dairy per day -6 oz of lean meat

15 Foods to avoid during pregnancy
- White albacore tuna, king mackerel, swordfish, tilefish, and orange roughie due to high mercury levels -lunch meat and soft unpasteurized cheeses, due to the threat of listeria poisoning such as camembert, brie, feta, blue-veined and unpasteurized Mexican cheeses. -fast food- a lot of fat and questionable ingredients with little nutritional value -alcohol- risk of fetal alcohol syndrome & low birth weight baby -unpasteurized milk or milk products due to salmonella poisoning -raw meat or fish, due to E.coli poisoning and parasites

16 Lifestyle habits to avoid
-smoking, due to hypoxia to fetus, low birth weight and pre- mature delivery -indulging in alcohol, due to low birth weight baby, pre- mature delivery and fetal alcohol syndrome -taking drugs, both street drugs and prescription unless approved by your doctor. Check regarding over-the-counter pharmaceuticals as well. Risky behavior that could possibly harm mom or baby

17 Lifestyle habits to embrace
-stay active, get enough exercise to ensure a healthy pregnancy weight -safe exercise helps mom to stay strong and in good shape throughout the pregnancy -exercise helps the body in preparation for delivery -exercise provides for excellent oxygenation and blood flow to baby -exercise contributes to a healthy energetic you!

18 Just a few more things… Get enough sleep. Try not to overdo it in
preparation for babies arrival. When you are tired, rest. Stay positive, you are about to embark on a wonderful experience. Stay connected to people and groups including expecting mom’s groups, Lamaze groups and Le leche groups in preparation for breastfeeding-nature’s perfect food for baby.

19 Sources Mitchell, M.K., (1997). Nutrition across the lifespan. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company.

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