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Research and Resources that help families today

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Resources that help families today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Resources that help families today

2 Main Themes Today Transition to Adulthood Employment Quality of Life

3 Why are we here today? Introduce the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) Describe OAR’s Autism Employment Initiative Provide overview of Hire Autism Explain how to use Invite people to help

4 What is OAR? 501(c)(3) organization; 16 years in December
National in scope; international in program delivery Mission: Quality of life – apply research to the challenges of autism

5 Mission Areas Research. Fund applied studies
Information. Provide evidence-based resources Education. Offer scholarships Community Impact

6 Community Impact OAR’s mission quality of life issues.
For children with autism - education both socially and academically in the schoolhouse. For adults, quality of life and self-esteem come from work.

7 Major Program Initiatives
Autism in the Schoolhouse (2012) Hire Autism (2017)

8 Our Transition Resource

9 The Employment Challenge
Adults with autism are capable of working in a wide range of jobs Prospects are dismal 50,000 graduate from high school annually 75% unemployed or underemployed

10 Hire Autism Hire Autism connects job seekers with autism to employers in need of their skills in a carefully structured, autism-friendly environment

11 Goals Increase the rate of employment among adults with autism
Allow adults with autism to present themselves to employers in the most favorable light; Identify and engage autism-friendly businesses Provide employment-related support for adults with autism and employers

12 How It Works Users are individuals with autism (“applicants”) and employers. Free Easy to use Accessible and responsive Support available

13 Current Status Demonstration in No. VA
9 registered employers; 10+ in the process, and 19 working prospects 70 applicants 21 jobs on the site, many more available through our other business partners 

14 Wrap up Transition to adulthood and having a job go hand in hand
Hire Autism is OAR’s priority program initiative in 2017 and going forward Transition Guide and Hire Autism are for you and your loved ones with autism Take advantage of them; make Diane work! Thank you and good luck

15 Contacts Michael Maloney Executive Director 703.243.9727
Diane Lingenfelter Manager, Hire Autism Marketing and Outreach

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