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Narrative Poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Poetry

2 Characteristics Tells a story
Same elements as fiction ( it has a character, setting, problem/solution, cause/effect) Rhyme Rhythm Dialogue (talking) Point of View (1st person, 3rd person) Humor

3 Author’s Purpose To entertain

4 Author’s Techniques …

5 When most all of the words begin with the same letter and sound.
Alliteration When most all of the words begin with the same letter and sound. Britney bear brought us bright, but brittle, brass.

6 Words that sound like the sounds an object makes.
Onomatopoeia Words that sound like the sounds an object makes. (Examples: Boom, bang, slash, slurp, gurgle, meow, woof )

7 Rhyme What is the pattern? ABAB pattern? ABBA pattern?

8 Repetition When a line (or more) is repeated throughout the poem.

9 Hyperbole Exaggeration (I could eat a horse.)

10 The odor stung my nose and watered my eyes.
Imagery Thoughts that you can see, hear, touch, smell or taste. The odor stung my nose and watered my eyes.

11 Mood How does the poem make you feel? Sad (gloomy) Happy Frightened
On edge (suspenseful)

12 Narrative Poetry … the end

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