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Division I Football Recruiting Model
Hello. Welcome to the Division I Football Recruiting Model legislative overview. [Both Scott and Eric on camera. Nameplates are shown underneath both.] In April 2017, the NCAA Division I Council adopted Proposal as a comprehensive package in the space for football recruiting. While we plan to discuss this new legislation in great detail at this year’s Regional Rules Seminar(s), we urge you to watch this short video as a preliminary overview of as Scott and I provide a brief overview of specific changes to the football recruiting models both FBS and FCS. This general overview should assist in your preparation as we intent to dive into more complex issues at our in-person session. Scott Connors and Eric Mayes
Football Recruiting Model
Early Recruitment
National Letter of Intent Signing Date
Previous Rule Adopted Rule (Effective Aug 1, 2017) A prospective student-athlete may not sign written commitment to attend a Division I institution until the regular signing date as stipulated by the National Letter of Intent (e.g., February of senior year in high school). In football a PSA may not sign written commitment to attend a Division I institution until: *72-hour period in December (consistent with the midyear junior college transfer signing period) of the PSA’s senior year in high school; and Regular February NLI signing date. *Subject to Conference Commissioners Association approval.
Official Visits Previous Rule Adopted Rule (Effective Aug 1, 2017)
PSAs, may participate in official visits beginning September 1 or the first day of classes of the PSA’s senior year in high school (whichever is earlier). A PSA may participate in five official visits prior to graduation from high school and not more than one official visit per institution. The institution is limited to 56 official visits per year. 70 official visits for national service academies. PSAs may participate in official visits: April 1 of PSA’s junior year through the Sunday before the last Wednesday in June prior to the PSA’s senior year; and Official visits may not occur in conjunction with PSA’s participation in an institutional camp or clinic. September 1 or the first day of classes of the PSA’s senior year in high school and thereafter. No change to PSAs’ or institutional limitations on official visits. Proposal changed the way that both FBS and FCS institutions will be allowed to conduct official visits at their institutions. Prospective student athletes will now be able to take official visits beginning April 1 of their junior year through the Sunday before the last Wednesday in June. After that Sunday in June, prospects will be allowed to begin taking official visits again September 1st or the first day of classes of their Senior year. With the addition of the extended official visit window, institution and prospects will not be afforded any additional visits.
Football Recruiting Calendar
Previous Rule Adopted Rule (effective Aug 1, 2017) Current NCAA football recruiting calendar. January: FBS Only – Add a legislated dead period the Thursday of the week that includes American Football Coaches Association Convention. June/July: FBS Only – Add a legislated dead period Monday preceding last Wednesday in June through July 24. August: FBS/FCS – Add a legislated dead period August 1 through August 31.
Institutional Camps and Clinics
Institutional Camps and Clinics
Previous Rule Adopted Rule (Effective Immediately) Institutions must designate two 15-day consecutive periods in the months of June and July (August for FCS) to conduct and participate in camps and clinics. Institutional camps must be held on-campus, within the institution’s state or within 50 miles of campus (if out of state). Noninstitutional camps are not held to a location restriction. Institutional staff members (i.e., coaches and noncoaching staff members) are permitted to be employed at institutional and noninstitutional camps. Recruiting conversations with PSAs are permitted to occur only at institutional camps. Institutions must designate 10 days in the months of June and July to conduct and participate in camps and clinics. FCS institutions are not restricted to 10 days in which to conduct and participate in camps and clinics. Institutional camps must be held on the institution’s campus or at a facility normally used by the institution for practice or competition. Institutional camps must include an educational component detailing pertinent NCAA issues (e.g., initial eligibility, sports wagering and/or amateurism).
Institutional Camps and Clinics
Previous Rule Adopted Rule (Effective Immediately) Institutional coaching staff members may only permitted be employed at camps or clinics operated and conducted by other NCAA institutions. Noncoaching staff members may only work their own institutional camps. Recruiting conversations may occur with PSAs in attendance at institutional and noninstitutional camps. Institutions must designate two 15-day consecutive periods in the months of June and July (August for FCS) to conduct and participate in camps and clinics. Institutional camps must be held on-campus, within the institution’s state or within 50 miles of campus (if out of state). Noninstitutional camps are not held to a location restriction. Institutional staff members (i.e., coaches and noncoaching staff members) are permitted to be employed at institutional and noninstitutional camps. Recruiting conversations with PSAs are permitted to occur only at institutional camps.
Institutional Camps and Clinics – Individuals Associated with Recruited Prospective Student-Athletes
Previous Rule Adopted rule (effective immediately) No restrictions on the employment of individuals associated with recruited prospective student-athletes at institutional camps or clinics. An institution shall not employ (voluntary or paid) an IAWRP at an institutional camp or clinic. Exception: Two years have elapsed since associated PSA’s enrollment at the certifying institution. Institutions may employ countable coaches from other NCAA member institutions without being subject to IAWRP legislation. IAWRP is triggered by the institution’s active recruitment of an associated PSA. Regarding employment at camps or clinics, an institution may not hire any individual associated with a recruited prospective student-athlete (or IAWRP) in any capacity at it institutional camp or clinic. An IAWRP is any individual that maintains (or directs others to maintain) contact with a recruited prospective student-athlete related to the PSA’s athletics ability in football or potential recruitment to an NCAA institution. For the purposes of this rule, the associated prospective student-athlete has triggered recruited status with the institution. See Bylaws associated with recruited prospective student-athletes in and for additional information.
Coaching Personnel Limitations
Individuals Associated with Prospective Student-Athletes – FBS Only
Previous rule Adopted rule (effective immediately) No restrictions on the employment of individuals associated with prospective student-athletes. Definition: Any individual who maintains (or directs others to maintain) contact with a PSA, the PSA's family, or coaches at any point during the PSA’s participation in basketball and whose contact is directly or indirectly related to either the PSA’s athletics skills and abilities or the PSA’s recruitment by or enrollment in an NCAA institution. During a two-year period before a PSA's anticipated enrollment and a two-year period after the PSA's actual enrollment, an institution shall not employ an IAWP in a noncoaching staff member (e.g., director of football operations, video coordinator, etc.) or strength and conditioning position. A violation of this rule would result in the associated PSA’s permanent ineligibility at the hiring institution. An institution may not hire an IAWP to speak or present at any athletically related institutional event. An institution may not provide a consulting fee to an IAWP or to a consulting firm where an IAWP has a financial interest.
Limitation on Countable Coaches – FBS Only
Previous Rule Adopted rule (effective Jan 9, 2018) Limit the number of coachable coaches to nine. Increase the limit of countable coaches to 10.
Prospective Student-Athlete / Student-Athlete Signing Limitation
Initial Signing Limitation – FBS Only
Previous rule Adopted rule (effective immediately) An institution may sign no more than 25 PSAs to written offers of athletics aid between the dates of December 1 and May 31. Exception: A PSA who signs a institutional offer of athletics aid and enrolls as a counter in the same academic year (e.g., midyear enrollee) is not required to count in the annual limit of 25 signees. An institution may sign not more than 25 PSAs to written offers of athletics aid on an annual basis. Exception(s): PSA or student-athlete that suffers an incapacitating injury or illness prior to participation in athletic activities at the certifying institution; and SA who has been in residence at the certifying institution for more than two-academic years. Please note, this is an FBS – only change. In FBS, an institution may sign no more that 25 prospective student-athletes and student-athletes to financial aid agreements per academic year. Individuals who sign a National Letter of Intent or institutional offer of financial aid to aid to be received in the fall term of an academic year, must count against the annual signing limitation in the academic year in which the aid is first received. If an individual signs an NLI or institutional offer of financial aid that will be initial received in the winter or spring term, the institution will have the discretion to count the signing toward the current or next academic year. Individuals that receive financial aid after being enrolled at the institution for more than two academic years or who suffer an incapacitating injury or illness prior to participating in athletics activities at the institution, are not required to be counted within the annual signing limitation. Please note, this rule does not change the application of the 25 initial counter legislation in financial aid.
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