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Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Check Compliance

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1 Fingerprint-Based Criminal History Check Compliance
ASPAA 2014 Fall Conference

2 Does your school district…
Have an Agency Security Contact (ASC)? Require Security and Awareness Training every two years? Have a current list of approved personnel? Have a current user agreement with DPS?

3 WESD Story Informed of FBI Audit past school year
Reached out to other school districts Recognized there was much work to complete Special Thanks to… Tempe Elementary Fowler Connie Gray at WESD

4 Objective To gain knowledge and use resources to generate/update district policy and procedures to reach compliance.

5 AGENDA Introduction School District Authorization
Agency Security Contact (ASC) Authorized Personnel Applicant Process Handling of Results Physical Security Communication / Dissemination Destruction Technical / Digital Security Consequences for Misuse Submissions Quality Assurance Federal Disclosures Training Audits Forms

6 Introduction Public Law 92-544 Passed by Congress October 1972
Allows for exchange of criminal history Protects public and individual privacy rights FBI responsible for exchange of records between federal and state agencies Arizona, ARS delineates responsibility to Department of Public Safety (DPS) Both agencies subject to laws, rules & regulations

7 School District Authorization
DPS User Agreement Required before fingerprint submission Signed by DPS and agency CEO New agreement if CEO changes Outlines Terms and Conditions Requires appointment of Agency Security Contact (ASC)

8 School District Authorization
– Including Updates Governing Board Policies (GDFA)

9 Agency Security Contact (ASC)
Designate an Agency Security Contact (ASC) Primary liaison for communication FBI/DPS Responsible for: Information Changes Authorized Personnel Lists Privacy and Security Compliance Coordination with Compliance Trainings Acknowledgement Statements Audits for DPS and FBI Can designate secondary ASC

10 Authorized Personnel All staff members who may... Process fingerprints
Come in contact with criminal history information Human Resources personnel Superintendent District and/or School Administration Member opening mail Member responsible for disposal

11 Applicant Process Chain of Custody Consent Form
Required for all paid and unpaid personnel (including volunteers) *WESD performs fingerprint-based background check on certified personnel regardless if they have fingerprint clearance card Acknowledges submittal to AZ Department of Public Safety (DPS) Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)

12 Handling of Results Results sent to the Agency Security Contact (ASC)
Must be secured immediately! Avoid stacking on desks, for example

13 Physical Security Stored in a locked filing room
Only Authorized Personnel can access May store in locked filing cabinet Keys to either the room or cabinet must be stored securely to the knowledge of only Authorized Personnel

14 Communication / Dissemination
Only Authorized Personnel has access Apply extreme care, prevention Overhearing Eavesdropping Interception of Communication Results can be discussed with applicant Cannot be given a copy of results Review and challenge process

15 Communication / Dissemination
Do Not… Distribute to another school district or send electronically Take pictures or send text messages Refer to on social networks Discuss with family and friends

16 Communication / Dissemination
Authorized Personnel will not confirm or deny the existence of an individual’s criminal history record to the public or to any unauthorized individual or agency… Regardless of results (“HIT” or not)

17 Destruction FBI AZ Library General Records Retention Schedule
Wants destroyed immediately after purpose is met (e.g. decision of employment) AZ Library General Records Retention Schedule Personnel Record Contract Record Fingerprint Cards |Seek legal counsel for advice|

18 Technical / Digital Security
Guidelines and FBI CJIS Security Policy Notation of criminal history records On a computer On an application system Database of “Hits”

19 Consequences for Misuse
Procedures must state consequences if misuse of criminal history information Typical related policies/regulations Staff Ethics Staff Conduct Disciplinary Steps

20 Consequences for Misuse
Arizona Revised Statute Unauthorized access to criminal history records Cancellation of CJI/CHRI access Expose Agency or individual to: Criminal Penalties Civil Liability

21 Submissions Quality Assurance
Noncriminal Justice Agency Guide, Identity-Verified Prints WESD Policies/Procedures

22 Federal Disclosures Must, must, must include…
“The fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI.” Saying “national background check” is not enough Must also include reference to procedures for Changes Updates Corrections

23 Federal Disclosures If information of record is used to disqualify applicant, school district must… Provide applicant opportunity to challenge accuracy of information Give applicant reasonable time to correct the information Advise applicant of the procedures to challenge/change the record Also included in new hire paperwork

24 Training Training Requirements
Within six (6) months of hire or appointment Repeat every two (2) years

25 Training Training Types District Policies and Procedures
Standard and Security Awareness Training (online) Approximately 20 minutes DPS offers NCJA Compliance Training Suggested, not mandatory

26 Audits Held by DPS and/or the FBI
Subject to routine fingerprint compliance audits began in 2013 Entire fingerprint-based criminal history check process Authorized Personnel List and Contact Information Fingerprint submissions Privacy and Security Training User agreement

27 Audits FBI Audit Authorized use of criminal history records information (CHRI) Dissemination of CHRI Reason fingerprinted and purpose code usage Applicant notification and records challenge Security of CHRI Outsourcing of Noncriminal Justice Administrative Functions User Fee


29 Forms Authorized Personnel List ASC and other Authorized List
Must change within 30 days after ASC change Must be submitted and maintained New list provided if any changes occur


31 Forms Acknowledgment Statement Criminal History Record Information
Acknowledges training and potential consequences Signed by Authorized Personnel


33 Forms Noncriminal Justice Agency Training Documentation Form
Track trainings for all Authorized Personnel Dates of training or retraining Training Types Verification of acknowledgment form signed by each Authorized Personnel


35 Forms Applicant Review and Challenge of Criminal History
Informs applicant How to obtain a copy of his or her AZ criminal history How to change, correct or update FBI criminal history record


37 Forms Chain of Custody Form For employees and volunteers
Applicant consent to complete fingerprint-based criminal history record check Specifically notifies applicant that the AZ DPS and FBI will process


39 Chain of Custody Forms Fingerprint Clearance Cards
IVP Process for Certification Generated by DPS, blue envelope Basic Fingerprint Cards (contracted) Not required May be generated by Agency, brown envelope


41 Forms Fingerprint Cards Generated by DPS
Certified and contracted (same) Blank cards (for criminal history records) Agency information Agency address Agency code Type Certified Non-Certified Volunteer


43 ? Questions ? Justin Wing, Director of Human Resources
Washington Elementary School District Nancy Jefferys, ACJIS Compliance Specialist/Instructor Arizona Department of Public Safety

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