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Presentation on theme: "Art GCSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art GCSE

2 Why study choose GCSE Art? Ask the people who know…


4 What’s involved? What skills will I need and learn? How will it be useful?

5 What’s involved? Sculpture Drawing creativity photography graffetti Painting. collage clay Experimenting Fashion design printmaking

6 Coursework = 60% 2 Major, 1 Minor Project Exam = 40% Practical Exam at the end of the course

7 You’ll use these for most of your work starting with a Title page:
Sketchbooks: You’ll use these for most of your work starting with a Title page:

8 Title pages: Introduce the Topic. Show Imaginative Presentation.

9 Sketchbooks should be:
Individual (like you are.) Full of your own ideas. Creative . Mini works of Art

10 Explain what you see & like.
Explore: Take photos Explain what you see & like.

11 Explore: Objects Media Composition Make detailed studies

12 Choose what you want to investigate

13 Select your best ideas to develop further

14 Understand: Artist’s ideas

15 Analyse their work and give your opinion

16 Use their ideas/techniques in your own work

17 Create: Develop your own work. Select media.

18 Evaluate and Plan your Final Piece

19 Create your Final Piece

20 Make it: Personal Original Skillful Express an idea



23 What skills will I develop?
Engaging with the World around you. Questioning and Analysing. Creative Problem Solving. Independent Learning. Being organised. Expressing your ideas and opinions with confidence. Being inventive. Learning from mistakes. (Everything an employer wants.)

24 And its not just us who thinks so…


26 You must to be: Enthusiastic Motivated Already love Art Ready to work HARD It’s 99% hard work and 1% inspiration Ready for a challenge?

27 Ready for a challenge?

28 GCSE ART Any questions? Come and see me or Mrs Denyer anytime.

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