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Interaction of HC and migration inhibitory factor (MIF) on NF-κB DNA binding in LPS-stimulated PBMC. Cells were preincubated with HC ranging from 0 to.

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Presentation on theme: "Interaction of HC and migration inhibitory factor (MIF) on NF-κB DNA binding in LPS-stimulated PBMC. Cells were preincubated with HC ranging from 0 to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interaction of HC and migration inhibitory factor (MIF) on NF-κB DNA binding in LPS-stimulated PBMC. Cells were preincubated with HC ranging from 0 to 200 ng/ml and with MIF ranging from 0 to 1 ng/ml for 1 h, followed by stimulation with 1 μg/ml of LPS. A: ... Interaction of HC and migration inhibitory factor (MIF) on NF-κB DNA binding in LPS-stimulated PBMC. Cells were preincubated with HC ranging from 0 to 200 ng/ml and with MIF ranging from 0 to 1 ng/ml for 1 h, followed by stimulation with 1 μg/ml of LPS. A: a representative EMSA from NF-κB DNA binding from 1 subject. All lanes are from a single gel but are rearranged to match the order in other figures. The LPS-alone condition was run on 1 lane in the gel, but the image is shown 3 times (left in each group) to facilitate comparisons. B: MIF antagonized the action of HC. Mean densitometric units for NF-κB were obtained from the EMSA and normalized to the LPS + HC condition for each dose of HC (50, 100, and 200 ng/ml) for each subject (n = 7). Across the 3 concentrations of HC, MIF significantly increased NF-κB binding compared with control conditions without MIF (* P < 0.05, control vs. 0.1 ng/ml MIF; † P < 0.05, control vs. 1 ng/ml MIF). Jane M. Daun, and Joseph G. Cannon Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2000;279:R1043-R1049 ©2000 by American Physiological Society

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