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Intercultural communication and Intercultural learning

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1 Intercultural communication and Intercultural learning

2 Definition of Culture “Collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively held values.” Geert Hofstede, Dutch social psychologist

3 What factors influence culture
Life Experiences Nationality Geography History Economic Level Gender Education Ethnicity Religion Family

4 The Iceberg of Culture In the surface: music, greeting, amount of eye contact etc. Deeper characteristics: concept of self, family relationships, concepts of justice and truth, beliefs about friendships, need for rules and regulations, importance of education and achievements, preference for competition or cooperation, roles in relation to status by age/gender/class/occupation

5 We are not only defined by our culture
Personality - unique Culture - Specific for one group & Learned Human nature – Universal & Inherent

6 Ignorance zone (What's unknown) Comfort zone (What's known) Ambivalence (Mixed feelings)

7 Intercultural learning
Intercultural learning is a special kind of learning that transforms mental structures of an individual and grants him / her the opportunity to walk in the shoes of "the other".

8 Intercultural learning educates to
Appreciate, understand, respect, integrate and, in some cases, selectively adopt customs and characteristics from a cultural group different from one's own

9 Harmonious society Intercultural societies are those where different cultural, national, ethnic, religious and other groups live in the same territory maintaining respectful and collaborative relations. There is a harmonious integration of different values and ways of life based on tolerance. Diversity is perceived as an asset and NOT as a problem.

10 Not better Not worse Just different

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