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42 universities (14 – public, 27 – private, 1 – church)

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1 42 universities (14 – public, 27 – private, 1 – church)
Teaching Web Surveys Methods Classroom Experiences Among University Instructors Wojciech Jablonski 1 Intro A thorough literature review shows that the range of publications on survey-specific skills training is rather limited. Most existing studies focus on teaching research methods in general, and, as a result, may deal with other (non-survey) quantitative techniques or with qualitative methods. Our study aimed to  determine to what extent university instructors address web survey-related topics in their curricula and  check their opinions about the amount of information that should be presented to university students in their coursework. 2 Method The study was conducted in August and September 2015 among instructors of survey methods who were employed in Polish universities with sociology faculties: 42 universities (14 – public, 27 – private, 1 – church) A total of 112 academics (out of 251 invitations sent) agreed to complete our web-based questionnaire. 73 instructors declared they had, in the previous three academic years, taught at least one such class (undergraduate or graduate) addressing survey-related issues to sociology students. Those respondents were invited to complete the core part of the questionnaire, which included questions about web surveys. 3 Teaching Experience Think of your classes with sociology students on survey research methods conducted in the most recent three academic years. Please indicate to what extent you covered web surveys-related issues. 1 – I did not cover this issue at all – I discussed this issue thoroughly UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL GRADUATE LEVEL mean 1+2 3 4+5 unable to say Sampling design issues in probability web surveys 4.24 9% 10% 81% 0% 3.86 21% 6% 68% 5% Sampling design issues in non-probability web surveys 4.19 19% 76% 3.74 22% 8% 65% Questionnaire preparation – question types 4.32 12% 79% 4.22 14% 75% 3% Questionnaire preparation – visual layout 3.80 17% 61% 3.83 16% 62% Web survey nonresponse 3.34 27% 44% 2% 3.31 43% Multiple devices (laptops/tablets/smartphones) 2.45 53% 25% 20% 2.78 41% 24% 32% Contacting process (sending invitations, fieldwork monitoring) 2.95 42% 26% 3.08 40% Online panels 2.76 47% 2.92 Web survey software 2.60 52% 3.11 4 Teaching Expectations Regardless of your experiences, please indicate to what extent web surveys-related issues should be covered during survey methods classes organized for sociology students. 1 – This issue should not be covered at all – This issue should be thoroughly discussed UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL GRADUATE LEVEL mean 1+2 3 4+5 unable to say Sampling design issues in probability web surveys 4.57 3% 4% 89% 4.56 2% 85% 10% Sampling design issues in non-probability web surveys 4.51 7% 4.48 82% Questionnaire preparation – question types 4.59 1% 92% 4.46 6% 83% 8% Questionnaire preparation – visual layout 4.41 11% 4.30 76% Web survey nonresponse 4.08 22% 71% 4.21 16% 70% Multiple devices (laptops/tablets/smartphones) 3.77 30% 53% 3.86 26% Contacting process (sending invitations, fieldwork monitoring) 3.82 31% 56% 54% Online panels 3.99 25% 61% 3.98 18% 60% Web survey software 4.06 9% 67% 63% GOR 2016 Dresden, Germany 3-4 March 2016

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