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SUHSD Teachers New to ELD
August 8, 2015 PDC 8AM-3PM Lisa Burgess, ELD Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment EL Programs Advocate and Resource Specialist TOSA
We will begin promptly at 12:00 pm
Agenda 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Welcome, Log-into Canvas and Googledrive and Site Introductions Navigate Canvas and Google-drive 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. ELA/ELD Frameworks: An Overview Rhea Faeldonea-Walker, ELA TOSA 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 3. SUHSD ELD Program Changes under CCSS and LCAP: Review ELD CCSS, SUHSD ELD Program and SUHSD ELD LCAP goals 10:00 – 10:10 a.m BREAK (10 minutes) 10:10 – 11:10 a.m. 4. ELD Canvas Resources LUNCH We will begin promptly at 12:00 pm 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. 1:00—1:45 p.m. 1:45-2:45 p.m. 5. ELD CCSS Assessments: Backwards Mapping: SUHSD ELD Internal Formative Assessments Draft Chapter 8 “Assessments” of ELD/ELA Framework: guided reading and application ________________________________________________________ 6. Milestones Overview: Online and in-text Review and ELD Interactive Notebook Marisol Higareda, CVHS CIS and ELD Resource Teacher ____________________________________________________ 7. ELD Lesson Planning: Overview of UbD and ELD District-Provided Strategies and Scaffolding: grouped by MS and by HS. Discussion Threads in Canvas and Collaboration in Google-docs 2: 45 – 3:00 p.m 8. Closure: Next Steps and Evaluation (please complete upon finishing PD day)
Norms Please Be Present: we will agree to listen to understand, contribute and clarify, and to maintain focus on today’s agenda items Please Be Active Participants: if technology isn’t cooperating, partner up with someone who has access Please attend to personal needs with minimal disruption: silence/place on vibrate personal devices: should you need to attend to an important call, please do so outside; restrooms are available south end of PDC as is water; your sub shouldn’t be on Facebook, so please check media/ s at the breaks or during lunch
ELD CCSS Pre-Quiz (Links to an external site.) Please take this 10 question quiz as a pre-assessment of your ELD CCSS knowledge
ELD/ELA Framework Rhea Faeldonea-Walker
ELA Instructional Specialist TOSA Bilingual, EL Learner herself Has been SUHSD Teacher of the Year Did you know that ? Rhea has sang the National Anthem at a home Padre Game?
English Language Development Standards
Common Core State Standards CA Content Standards Academic Language
Content Specifications – ELA/Literacy: Major Claims Can Our ELD Newcomers to Bridging students address these claims ? Claim #1 – Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. Claim #2 – Students can produce effective and well-grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim #3 – Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim #4 – Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information.
Pass out ELD CCSS for 7th (MS)and ELD CCSS for 9/10(HS)Table Talk
What do you notice about the features of the ELD CCSS? how it is sequenced literacy and content demands
Copies of 7th(MS) and 9/10(HS) ELD CCSS
Peruse Hard-copies/You may also view online Your task: Create a one-page poster to teach the main points of the ELD CCSS standards to a colleague in another content area at your school: What would they need to know? What are the form and function of the ELD CCSS? What is the purpose/s of the ELD CCSS?
Begin with the END in Mind:
Our ELD Plan Our EL LCAP Goals Our ELD Canvas Resources After Lunch Our ELD SUHSD Assessment Matrix Our ELD Text: Milestones Our ELD UbDs, lessons, and strategies
Lunch On your own You may stay here/someone will be here if you leave laptops, etc. Please be back no later than______ so we can start at ______ on the dot. Please leave questions/comments on Parking Lot as you walk out.
CCSS Performance Assessments
Written and/or Oral ELA Focus: Opinion (K-5); Argumentative (6-12) Informative/Explanatory Narrative Authentic, and measure complex thinking: analysis, synthesis, critical thinking Require student use of research, multimedia & informational text across content areas Often involve collaboration 35 minutes – 2 hours in length—can/will be online
Structure of a Performance Task
UBD: Student Products
Instructional Strategies by Quadrant
Rigor and Relevance: Example
Gallery Walk You will visit 3 tables.
You have 3 minutes to look at the organization of the student products in the quadrants at those tables. Once everyone is back in your team, discuss the similarities and/or differences that you noticed from the other 3 tables (groups). Share Out
Milestones Marisol Higareda CVHS CIS and EL Resource Teacher
Did you know that ? Marisol has taught both ELD and Spanish! Marisol has shared her slides, work, etc. with us in Googledrive
Common Understandings
We understand that . . . Our next steps are . . . I am willing to . . . I know someone who can . . . One next step for us is . . . Another next step for us is
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