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“What is Hot with the Young Generation?”

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1 “What is Hot with the Young Generation?”
Form Unit Lesson - Test “What is Hot with the Young Generation?”

2 Answer the questions: What music do you like?
What style of clothing do you prefer? What youth groupings (subcultures) do you know? What youth groupings are aggressive? What youth groupings are peaceful? What subculture would you like to belong to?

3 A subculture, a gang, a teenager, rebellion, crack, techno life, graffiti, vandalism, aggressive (violent), to reject Give the English words meaning the following: A young person from 13 up to 19. A group of young people having the same lifestyle. An aggressive company of teens. Drawing on walls. Acts of destroying something. Acts against the society. Something cruel, not friendly. To say “NO”. Nonstop parting. Street drug trafficking.

4 Use like or as appropriate
Use like or as appropriate. Agree or disagree with these phrases (That’s right / That’s wrong). Pioneer organization, ……. Komsomol, was very popular in the Soviet Union. Russian teens, ……. British teens, listen to techno music. ……. punks, bikers dye their hair. You listen to classical music ……. your parents do. You think about your future ……. your friends do. British children, ……. Russian children, read a lot.

5 Mini – test (consolidation)
h) 1 Goth 2 punk 3 hippie 4 skinhead 5 rocker 6 rapper 7 biker 8 hacker 9 graffiter 10 phreak b) j) e) f) g) d) i) c) a)

6 Look at the following pictures of HIPPIES
Look at the following pictures of HIPPIES. Task: Put the paragraphs in the right order (a, b, c, d, e). Which paragraph is the introduction (введение)? Which paragraph is a good conclusion (заключение)? 1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______

7 Task: Make up the Word Web according hippies
Task: Make up the Word Web according hippies. You may use the words from the text. music clothes HIPPIES values lifestyle

8 Describe a subculture which representative you can see on these photographs:




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