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Published byStella Blair Modified over 6 years ago
Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar EU project activities in EE and RES
EU Strategy for the Danube Region 22nd-23rd September 2016 Osijek, Croatia Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar EU project activities in EE and RES Matija Vajdić Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar
EU Research and Innovation Programmes
Horizon 2020 Intelligent Energy Europe 7th Framework Programme Central Europe Transnational Programme Danube Transnational Programme LIFE Programme for Environment and Climate Action Transnational Mediterranean Programme IPA II
EnPC-INTRANS – Capacity Building on Energy Performance Contracting in European Markets in Transition: project budget 1,922, EUR project duration financed by EU Research and Innovation Programme - Horizon 2020 Project objective: The overall objective is to increase the market uptake of technologies for the improvement of EE in public buildings and services by means of fostering private sector participation in innovative financing schemes for EE investments. Specific objective is to develop local capacities of municipalities to set-up and use Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) for the financing of investments in energy efficiency improvements in public buildings and services Find out more:
Partners ZREA Zemgale Regional Energy Agency (LATVIA) GIZ
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GERMANY) FIATU Finance & Technology (UKRAINE) KEA Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden-Württemberg GmbH (GERMANY) e-code (SLOVAKIA) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Agency Ploiesti-Prahova (ROMANIA) KSSENA Energy Agency of Savinjska, Saleska and Koroska Region (SLOVENIA) Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (CROATIA) SKOGO Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SERBIA) CRES Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (GREECE) 4 4
in EE measures (20-40% guaranteed energy savings)
ESCO invests in energy refurbishment of public building and ensures energy savings based on the used EPC business model Saved energy cost used for the repayment of ESCO costs (contracting fees) Continuous energy cost savings of the public building owner (20-40 %) End of EPC contract (investment paid back) Investment in EE measures (20-40% guaranteed energy savings) ESCO investment in EE measures (20-40% guaranteed energy savings) Energy cost prior to EE investment Actual energy cost Energy cost after EE investment Source: GIZ time EPC contract period
Advantages of EPC for the public building owners
The building owner does not use own funds and transfers its investment risk to the ESCO Energy efficiency improvements are guaranteed by the ESCO and the payment of EPC service fees is linked to the achievement of these guarantees The ESCO’s technical know-how and professional energy management services are used by the buildings owner EPC is one of the best ways to finance deep energy retrofit of public buildings and to reach the EU targets and obligations OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The EnPC-INTRANS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No
Invitations Thursday 23 June 2016, Poltava/Ukraine
Thursday 15 September 2016, Berlin/Germany Thursday 22 September 2016, Belgrade/Serbia Wednesday 28 September 2016, Zagreb/Croatia Wednesday 05 October 2016, Ploiesti/Romania Thursday 6 October 2016, Athens/Greece Wednesday 12 October 2016, Ljubljana/Slovenia Tuesday 18 October 2016, Jelgava/Latvia Friday 21 October 2016, Banská Bystrica/Slovakia “Energy refurbishment of public buildings using Energy Performance Contracting” Green Gold Center, Radnička cesta 52/1, Zagreb 12 speakers (4 international) 4 panel discussions around 100 participants from all sectors
NEZEH – Hoteli gotovo nulte energije
project budget 1,736,804 EUR project duration Co-financed by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union Project objective: neZEH encourages and proposes concrete solutions to EU hotel owners willing to become a NEARLY ZERO ENERGY HOTEL by: providing technical advice for nZEB renovations demonstrating the sustainability of such projects promoting front runners VIŠE O PROJEKTU:
Partners Federation of European Heating and Air-conditioning Associations (sjedište u Bruxellesu) Network of European Region for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism (sjedište u Bruxellesu) Sustainable Innovation i Sverige AB (Švedska) United Nations World Tourism Organization (sjedište u Madridu) Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar (Hrvatska) Asociatia "Agentia pentru Managementul Energiei si Protectia Mediului Brasov“ (Rumunjska) ENERGIES 2050 (Francuska) Technical Univeristy of Crete (Grčka) Creara Eficiencia Energética (Španjolska) Istituto superiore sui sistemi territoriali per l’innovazione (Italija) 9 9
Nearly Zero Energy Hotels
very high energy performance low energy consumption for heating, cooling, air conditioning, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting such building uses only the latest energy systems most of the energy supply comes from renewable energy sources 10 10
Problems High unit energy cost during cold season (winter)
Returns of investment are high for deep refurbishment of hotel buildings (for example building envelope, etc.) Low hotel stays during winter Small and medium sized hotels are mostly closed during winter
Trust EPC South project budget 1,936, EUR project duration Financed by EU Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020 Project objective: To scale up investments on Energy Efficiency (EE) and Sustainable Energy technologies in the private tertiary sector of southern European countries, with particular focus on EPC projects. This objective will be achieved through the development of an ad hoc investment assessment and benchmarking framework building upon an established real estate assessment tool (Green Rating™). VIŠE O PROJEKTU:
About Trust EPC South A national discussion platform that involves financing institutions, EPC providers, energy efficiency specialists, ESCOs, national policy-makers, regulatory authorities and tertiary sector demand side A national market report that analyze the tertiary sector in each country and identifying the most interesting sub-sectors presenting an higher potential for sustainable energy investments A set of capacity building and B2B matchmaking activities directed at demand side actors from the tertiary sector, EPC offer side and financing side actors Support for pilot investment projects that will be used for testing the developed assessment and benchmarking tool OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The TrustEPCsouth project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No
LNG Blue Corridors project budget 14,336, EUR project duration Financed by the Seventh Framework Programme Project objective: Large scale project to demonstrate the LNG as a real alternative for medium and long distance transport, as complementary fuel first, and substitute of Diesel in the future. Three key points: LNG corridors – 4 corridors across EU LNG vehicles – 100 heavy duty vehicles running on LNG LNG stations – 14 new fuel stations Find out more:
LNG corridors, vehicles and stations
WE Blue SoNor Med-Blue ATL-BLUE
SRCplus –Short Rotation Woody Crops (SRC) for local supply chains and heat use
April March 2017 supported by the Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme of the European Commission. Short rotation crops (SRCs) = Biomass productions systems cultivated for energy purposes using fast-growing tree species (willow, poplar, black locust…) with the ability to resprout from the stumps after harvest Project aim: support and speed-up the development of local SRC supply chains by implementing various capacity building measures and regional mobilization actions for the key actors in local supply chains. SRC+ project Advocates for sustainable SRC production and and local utilisation Provides available information on SRC and facilitates discussion on important issues Facilitates cooperation between stakeholders Encourages further reserch on SRC Harvest intervals/rotation cycles - every 3-5 years for period of years The management practices for SRC such as soil preparation, weed control, planting, fertilisation, harvest, resemble more those of agricultural annual crops than of forestry therefore, SRC are perennial crops grown on agricultural land ABOUT THE PROJECT:
10 partners from 8 countries
SRCplus regions: Upper Bavaria – Achental (Germany) Vidzeme (Latvia) Brittany (France) Zlin (Czech Republic) Kentriki Makedonia (Greece) Prespa (Macedonia) Eastern Croatia (Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem counties)
Opportunities SRC Biomass for energy (heat; electricity) BUT ALSO:
Reduction of risk from soil erosion Improvement of water and soil quality (phytoremediation) Carbon storage and enrichment of soil with organic matter Enhancement of biodiversity in agricultural areas The main purpose of growing SRC is energy production from SRC woodchips. However, growing SRC have proved to have othe benefits that are benefitial for environment and sociealy and which are listed here. Focusing on issuess such are these can be especially interesting in eastern Croatia, due to high intensity agriculture. BUT ALSO: Alternative „crop” on lower quality soil New economic activity in rural areas - employment Locally produced energy Animal husbandry Sewage sludge and ash application
Achievement and planned activities
Sustainable short rotation coppice: A Handbook Analysis of prospects for SRC development in the region Seminars for target groups (farmers, potential woodchip users, public land owners and administration). Dialogue with relevant national institutions Provision of comments to the Law on SRC proposal (Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Forestry) IN PREPARATION: Seminar for farmers (December 2016, OBC) Seminar for small and medium woodchip users (December 2016, OBC) Info day on SRC woodchips production and quality (last week of October, OBC) For information contact: The handbook is available in all project languages (Croatian, German, etc.) So far 4 seminars were held, mostly in Vukovar- Srijem county. EIHP reacted in the name of the project to the Proposal of Law on SRC proposed by Ministry. There are many activities that were carried out or are planned to be realised until March. If you want to know more about mentioned activities or the project contact:
START2ACT: project budget 1,447, EUR project duration Financed by EU Research and Innovation Programme – Horizon 2020 Project objective: START2ACT aims to reduce residential energy consumption in the EU via changing the behavior of consumers in their everyday lives by approaching them at their workplace. The fastest growing energy user in the business world, consuming 15% of the total electricity used in offices, which is expected to rise to 30% by 2020. FIND OUT MORE:
Partners Krajowa Agenca Poszanowania Energii (PL)
The Carbon Trust (UK) Stichting CentERdata (NL) Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SK) ENVIROS s.r.o (CZ) (BE) Centre for Promotion of Clean and Efficient Energy in Romania (RO) Geonardo Environmental Technologies Ltd. (HU) Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar (HR) Sofia Energy Agency (BG) OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The Start2Act project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 21 21
Help us understand the behavior and motivations of young SMEs and startups in saving energy and get the chance to win great prizes! START2ACT has now launched a survey to better understand the behavior and motivations of young SMEs and startups in saving energy. This will help us tailor the START2ACT's activities and effectively respond to the real needs of young SMEs and startups towards achieving energy and cost savings. Fill in our survey now and get the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, a Kindle Oasis reader and other valuable prizes. The START2ACT survey is conducted in multiple languages. Click here for more details about the survey, the prizes and to start your survey.
EU projects 65 EU projekata (od 2003. do 2016.) 27 IEE projekta
Prvi na kojem smo koordinatori BiG>East, koordinatori smo još na PRO-E-BIKE 2 IPA međugranična, 3 MED projekta, 3 FP6 i 6 FP7 Selected: IEE: YAECI, PVTRIN, Support_ERS, Bio-methane Regions, BioGASHeat, BIG>East, Urban Biogas, BiogasIN, Pro-E-Bike, Green Building, Green gas grids, Trans-solar, BioSolESCO, Model, Solar District Heating, ECO-will, E-mobilnost, EnerSupply, Sustainable Mountains, Ecoheat4EU + NOVI IEE PROJEKTI: NEZEH, Biomass Policies MED: Smart MED Parks, EnerMED, IRHmed IPA: Repam, ABCDE Posavina FP7: Clustherm, MobinCity FP6: Accent, ProBIOBalkan
Horizon 2020 projects
Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar
electricity oil & gas renewables energy efficiency regulatory national strategies project feasibility and bankability energy balances and statistics corporate restructuring mergers and acquisitions The Institute’s areas of activity includes: Strategic planning in the energy sector Development of electric-power, gas, petroleum and heating systems Market, legal framework and restructuring of the energy sector Energy efficiency Renewable energy sources, environmental and climate protection Energy audits of constructions and certification of buildings Energy balances and statistics In-service training and promotional activities
Expertise MESSAGE: Model for Energy Supply
Strategy Alternatives and their General Environmental Impacts
Thank you! Matija Vajdić, Savska cesta 163, Zagreb
B4B – Bioenergy 4 Business vrijednost projekta 1.540.713,75 EUR
traje tri godine od do 2017. sufinanciran od strane programa Obzor Europske komisije CILJ PROJEKTA: Cilj projekta je promicanje zamjene fosilnih goriva biomasom u sustavima grijanja preko 100 kW. Ciljana skupina su poduzetnici s velikim toplinskim nisko-temperaturnim konzumom koji sami proizvode svoju toplinu te vlasnici toplana na fosilna goriva. Projektom se investitorima i operaterima u sektoru toplinarstva pokazuje kako koristiti biomasu na energetski učinkovit i ekonomičan način. VIŠE O PROJEKTU:
O projektu Bioenergy4Business
Vrste biomase ostaci iz drvne industrije drvna sječka peleti slama ostala biomasa iz poljoprivrede Rezultati: Promoviranje modela najbolje prakse i modela financiranja svim tržišnim grupama Politika najbolje prakse donositeljima politika kao pomoć u prevladavanju barijera, poput visokih troškova ulaganja OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The Bioenenergy4Business project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No
vrijednost projekta 1.981.743,75 EUR
MultEE vrijednost projekta ,75 EUR traje tri godine od do 2017. sufinanciran od strane programa Obzor Europske komisije CILJ PROJEKTA: Cilj projekta je poboljšati kvalitetu i dosljednost planiranja i provedbe politike energetske učinkovitosti kroz inovativne programe praćenja i verifikacije poboljšanje koordinacije različitih upravnih razina multEE projekt: Uvodi inovativne metode praćenja i verifikacije (M&V) metodom „odozdo prema gore“ kako bi se osiguralo učinkovito i ispravno vrednovanje mjera energetske učinkovitosti u svrhe kvalitetnijeg budućeg planiranja. Poboljšava vertikalnu koordinaciju između upravnih razina kako bi se koristi o puni potencijal integriranih M&V programa i poboljšala ukupna kvaliteta planiranja i provedbe energetske učinkovitosti VIŠE O PROJEKTU:
O projektu MultEE Rezultati: Katalog BU mjera i metodologija
IT rješenje za BU praćenje Analiza koordinacijskih mehanizama i MV programa u EU zemljama Unaprjeđenje koordinacije između različitih razina upravljanja i odlučivanja Utjecaj: Bolje upravljanjem javnim novcem „Evidence based policy making” Unaprjeđenje komunikacije između svih uključenih dionika u procesu provođenja politika EnU OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The multEE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No
CLIM’FOOT – upravljanje klimom: provedba javnih politika za izračun i smanjenje ugljičnog otiska poduzeća vrijednost projekta ,00 EUR traje tri godine od do 2019. sufinanciran od strane programa LIFE Europske komisije CILJ PROJEKTA: Uspostava usklađenog izračuna ugljičnog otiska u zemljama koje sudjeluju u projektu (Francuska, Italija, Grčka, Mađarska i Hrvatska). ADEME je razvio model i edukacijske programe koji će se koristiti na projektu. Model Bilan Carbone, baza je faktora emisija za izračun smanjenja ugljičnog otiska javnih i privatnih poduzeća. VIŠE O PROJEKTU:
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