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Update on EA Equality scheme/ Review of JCF

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1 Update on EA Equality scheme/ Review of JCF
JCF 12 October 2016 Cathy Lavery

2 EA Equality Scheme S75 Quarterly Screening Report – Annual Progress Report to ECNI Training and awareness programme on Equality Scheme being rolled out Presentations from JCF will be on website at Annual Progress report submitted to ECNI in August and available on EA website.

3 Update on the Review of the JCF
Agreed at the last JCF (2 March 16) - a working grp be established to review the JCF to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of all participants by: Providing both consultees and the EA with an opportunity to share experiences and highlight challenges they face and discuss how they are being addressed in respect of the Equality and Human Rights Agenda; Informing consultees on critical work areas As a result of changes - no joint Chairs Working grp would consider a number of areas including: Aim / Terms of Reference Future agendas Chair/ Joint Chair roles membership  As a result of changes within the EA there was no joint Chairs either representing the statutory sector or voluntary sector.

4 Update on the Review of the JCF
Small working grp of JCF members volunteered. 2 meetings took place – April & May 2016, with agreement to report back to the JCF Autumn meeting Working Group members: Ann Marrion – Association of Educational Psychologists Colette Slevin – MENCAP Donal Collins – Equality Commission for NI Natalie Whelehan – NICCY (NI Commissioner for Children and Young People) Paddy Skates – Woman’s Forum Richard McGowan – Department of Education Carol Johnson – Education Authority Cathy Lavery – Education Authority

5 Working Group Members of the group considered that the JCF was very useful as provided an opportunity for members to become aware of current developments It also allowed members to forward information to their specific groups and inform responses to consultation as required The opportunity to comment on particular issues was welcomed Members indicated that they believed that the forum is a model of good practice Joint Chairmanship representing both the Statutory and Voluntary Sectors was key to its success

6 Working Group A greater focus on using the forum for engagement in relation to policy changes/developments (in smaller groups) and as a forum for providing feedback following consultation exercises, especially those which have had cross sectoral involvement The current Terms of Reference was considered fit for purpose, a number of minor amends the reference to the months of the year when meetings should be held and references to the publication of Annual Reports to the Equality Commission.

7 Working Group Joint Chairs - suggested that the Equality Coalition be approached to nominate a candidate to represent the Voluntary Sector Joint Chairs should remain in position for at least a two year period. The importance an ‘overlap’ in the tenure of one or other of the office holders was highlighted The group considered that the JCF meetings should be held at least 3 times per year (with 2 of those dates being fixed, preferably Feb and October and a “floating” date for the opportunity to facilitate consultation as and when required) The appointment of a Joint Chair to represent the Statutory Sector to be progressed via the EA Interim Chief Executive. Opportunities for additional ‘special’ meetings to be arranged as necessary to facilitate consultation.

8 Update on the Review of the JCF
Working group agreed to develop an electronic survey - distributed to all members for feedback sent to all JCF members on 22 April 2016 informing them of the review and asking them to complete the short questionnaire via survey monkey. Reminder sent on 9 May 2016 with a closing date of 18 May 2016 for responses

9 Feedback from survey 28 responses were received indicating a high level of agreement in relation to: The aims and the terms of reference; Joint Chairmanship; Provision of opportunities for engagement in consultation; Frequency of meetings; Arrangement of Special meetings as necessary; Themes and content of Forum meetings; Duration and location of Forum meetings; Overall usefulness of the Forum. Issues raised in terms of availing of systems to improve access for members with hearing difficulties and to review the layout of room in Belfast Region, for future meetings.

10 Feedback from survey 22 responses Q1 – Aim of JCF is appropriate
82% Yes 9% No 9% unclear Q2 – The Terms of Reference are suitable 77% Agree 4% Disagree 18% Unsure Q3 – The Joint Chairman ship is key to its success 86% Agree 14% Unsure No disagree Q4 - The Forum should ensure that greater opportunities are provided to allow members to engage in consultation regarding policy development at Forum meetings 95% Agree 5% Unsure Q5 - Meetings of the Forum should be held at least 3 times per year 91% Agree 4% Unsure



13 Feedback from survey Q6 - Special meetings should be arranged as required to facilitate consultation as appropriate 100% agree Q7 - Themes and content of the forum is useful 91% Agree 9% Unsure Q8 - The duration and location of the meetings are suitable 77% Agree 4% Disagree 18% Unsure Q9 - Overall, I consider that the JCF is useful and provides opportunities for members to be informed of current developments within Education 100% Agree

14 Comments “Over the past number of years I have found the JCF meetings a valuable opportunity for updates on education law and policy developments. I particularly welcome inputs provided by the EA in respect of budget management and service planning.” “I believe that the JCF offers a valuable opportunity for representative organisations in the community and voluntary sectors to come together on a regular basis with public bodies involved in education to be informed about Section 75 work that is being taken forward; to consider the barriers to equality in education and what needs to be done by education authorities to promote equality of education across the Section 75 categories; and to inform and shape the development of new policies by highlighting research and evidence relating to each of the Section 75 groups.” 

15 Comments “I have been very impressed with the variety and quality of the speakers, items on the agenda and the response to the relevant topics and documents. The publications and other sources are excellent. The work done by the JCF is very valuable and is an excellent platform for the very important issues raised and discussed. It is all inclusive and this is a vital element of its success.” “I find the meetings of the Forum useful if for nothing else, it provides an opportunity to engage with other voluntary and statutory bodies and receive updates on current policy and consultations with regard to Section 75 issues.”

16 Comments I believe, that the model developed by what was previously known as the Staff Commission and NICEM, including having a joint chair is important and reflects the shared desire across the sectors to ensure the promotion of equality of opportunity. I also found the use of workshops, themed meetings etc. an effective approach which allowed me to ask questions to gain a greater understanding of the policy and any adverse impacts and to highlight barriers and inequalities.” 

17 Feedback from Survey Future agenda items
EA budget / Service Plans – Regionalisation of Services Details of Consultation Exercises Specific updates on areas such as – Bullying/ Shared Education/ SEN/ Child Protection Disability Discrimination Membership – Marketing and Promotion Information about the JCF, including the terms of reference and aim, be circulated to those currently on the distribution list Members to circulate and post relevant information on their newsletters/web-sites as appropriate Work to review the contact details of members of the Forum Drafting a leaflet for publicity purposes Concerning membership of the JCF, it was acknowledged that due to ongoing changes within the public sector and in funding to many of the voluntary sector groups, it was becoming difficult to maintain an up to date list of those individuals who should be invited to attend.

18 Updated Aim/ Terms of Ref
The Aim of the Forum is: To facilitate effective engagement with the Community, Voluntary and Trade Union Sectors on Section 75 (Equality) legislation and developments on education policy. Terms of Reference: The Joint Consultative Forum will provide a structure for engagement for policy development and other areas of common interest between the Education Authority and Community and Voluntary and Trade Union Sectors, the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland; the Community Relations Council; the Human Rights Commission and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People. Welcomed all feedback and pleased that it was in the main positive.

19 Any questions?

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