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Cub Scout Games University of Scouting 2007

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1 Cub Scout Games University of Scouting 2007
Passing on the Traditions of Learning C 145 – Period 7 Don Toner

2 Philosophy of Games Games are the sunny side of Cub Scouting.
Running, jumping, climbing, lifting, balancing, creeping, crawling, bending, yelling, and hiding quietly are food for the muscles of growing Cub Scouts. Games can develop skill and coordination. Strenuous games must not be overused. A good Cub Scout game must provide an element of excitement, competition or accomplishment. Games  begin to develop quick thinking, mental alertness, and sometimes strategy.

3 Why Games? They’re FUN ! Games have built-in behavior rules that Cub Scouts will follow willingly. Games are valuable learning tools for Cub Scouts. Games can be used to setup the reflection part of Ethics in Action. They learn physical, mental and social skills. Lots of games can be found in Chapter 3 of the Cub Scout Leader How-To Book. No den should be without one!

4 Leading Games Know your game thoroughly.
Start off with your best game – one that is easy to explain and enjoyable to play. Consider the space. Have all equipment ready. If you need assistance, choose judges or referees from the group. Allow questions for clarification, but don’t drag out a discussion. Allow noise and shouting during the game, be sure you can get the group’s attention and maintain control. Use the Cub Scout sign!

5 Running the Game Introduce the Game.
Name the Game, the crazier the name the better! Formation – get the group in the correct formation. Explain the rules. Make them short and clear. Demonstrate the game. Any questions? Run the game with equipment, judges, etc… Above all – KEEP IT FAIR TO ALL INVOLVED!

6 Sample Games One Armed Gift Wrap – Every one is a rapper!
Change Tag – T-Shirt Tangle! Cracker Eating – Whistle while you eat! Balloon Stampede – Stomp! Get your heads together – Bonk! Exploring the Misty Planet – I smell you!

7 Resources

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