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Data Quality in PlaNeT-2

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Presentation on theme: "Data Quality in PlaNeT-2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Quality in PlaNeT-2
For Game 1 you will also need blank copies of pre-randomisation Form A – Form 4 found in the CRF Ideally games are organised in small groups

2 CRFs process Manual review CRF receipt Data entry

3 Database (I)

4 Database (II)

5 Data queries Closed out on the database Self-evident correction
Issued to site

6 Let’s play with data quality!
Groups of 4 people 1 buzzer per group

7 Game 1: Pre-randomisation
Complete the pre-randomisation forms with the data provided: admission summary, centile chart and clinical notes. The first group to complete the forms correctly will get two points

8 Game 1: Solutions – FA An usually missing form

9 Game 1: Solutions – F1a

10 Game 1: Solutions – F1b

11 Game 1: Solutions – F2

12 Game 1: Solutions – F3a

13 Game 1: Solutions – F3b

14 Game 1: Solutions – F4

15 Game 2: Please, correct me if I am wrong
Discuss within the team the form/s and find the mistake (or mistakes!). When you are ready, press the buzzer! The first group to find the mistake/s will get one point.

16 Find the three sets of mistakes
Game 2: F5 Find the three sets of mistakes Solutions

17 Which two corrections are right?
Game 2: F6 Which two corrections are right? Long green circle: Remember to complete! Solutions

18 Can you find the two missing fields?
Game 2: F7 and F9 Can you find the two missing fields? Green circle: any NEW Solutions

19 Can you find the two missing fields?
Game 2: F7 and F9 Can you find the two missing fields? An usually missing form Solutions

20 Game 2: F11 and F12 7 missing fields; 1 wrong correction; 1 mismatch. Solutions

21 Game 2: F11 and F12 7 missing fields; 1 wrong correction; 1 mismatch. Solutions

22 A few reminders… F7

23 A few reminders… F8

24 A few reminders… F10

25 Any questions?

26 Thank you!

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