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Advanced Academics October 2, 2017 Size of Title type can vary slightly with length of Title. Recommended size is 40 point Trebuchet with .85 line spacing. Minimum size: 36 point Trebuchet. Maximum size: 48 point Trebuchet

2 Purpose of Advanced Academics: College Readiness
Only about 1 in 4 (26%) ACT-tested students in 2016 were fully prepared for entry-level college courses, in English, Reading, Math and Science. , 2017, The Condition of College and Career Readiness, 2016 Reading

3 College Readiness Indicators
Cognitive strategies – the ability to think and learn Content knowledge Self-management skills Knowledge about post-secondary education Conley, David, Educational Leadership, Oct. 2008

4 Advanced Academics: What to Expect
Increased rigor Summer assignments Much more reading and writing Preparation for AP and/or IB exams Faster pace Preparation for TX STAAR EOC Elective opportunities

5 HEB Advanced Academics programs
Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate

6 Advantages of Advanced Academics: College Acceptance
Ensures college readiness Facilitates college acceptance and potential credit Opens doors to specialized programs

7 Advantages of Advanced Academics: financial
Senate Bill 111 Legislation:“ An institution of higher education shall grant at least 24 semester credit hours or equivalent course credit in appropriate subject areas to an entering freshman student for successful completion of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.”

8 Advantages of Advanced Academics: financial
“Most colleges and universities nationwide offer college credit, advanced placement, or both, for qualifying AP Exam scores.” The College Board website, 2017

9 Other Advantages of Advanced Academic Classes
Creates a community of learners Develops self-confidence Builds academic focus Develops organizational skills Teaches time and stress management

10 Ap and ib: Similarities

11 Ap and ib: differences

12 Menu Vs. 7-course meal

13 International Baccalaureate

14 IBO Headquarters Cardiff, Wales, UK

15 The diploma program Number of Diploma Programs in United States 918
Number of Countries 143 Number of Programs in Texas 71

16 Creativity, Activity, Service
THE CURRICULUM Theory of Knowledge Arts and Electives Group 4 Group 1 Language A1 Extended essay Experimental Sciences Group 6 Group 3 Group 5 Group 2 Second Language Creativity, Activity, Service Individuals and Societies Mathematics

17 and electives

18 Diploma program The Diploma program equips students…
with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and employment.

19 Diploma program The Diploma program is...
a demanding two-year pre-university course a program leading to examinations for highly motivated students ages 16 to 19

20 Diploma program Promotes global vision through critical, compassionate thinking.

21 IB Core requirements Theory of Knowledge course Extended Essay
CAS hours (Creativity, Activity, Service)

22 Inquirers Students acquire the skills necessary to conduct purposeful, constructive inquiry and research. © IBO September 2005

23 thinkers Students exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to make sound decisions and to solve complex problems. © IBO September 2005

24 communicators Students receive and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication.

25 Courageous Students approach unfamiliar situations with confidence, explore with independence, and articulate their beliefs with confidence.

26 Knowledgeable Students explore concepts, ideas, and global issues, acquiring a significant body of knowledge across a range of disciplines. © IBO September 2005

27 Principled Students develop principles of moral reasoning, integrity, honesty and a sense of fairness and justice. © IBO September 2005

28 Caring Students show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others and have a personal commitment to action and service.

29 Open-minded Students respect the views, values and traditions of other individuals and cultures. They are accustomed to seeking and considering a range of points of view.

30 Well-balanced Students understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being. They demonstrate perseverance and self-discipline. © IBO September 2005

31 Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning, and they analyze their personal strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner.

32 IB Admissions Process Return Statement of Intent in 9th grade, which allows students to participate in IB Summer Academy and continue receiving IB Information. Complete formal application during 10th- grade, including teacher recommendations. Participate in individual conference with IB coordinator, student, and parents during the 10th-grade year.

33 State Endorsements The current 8th grade students are asked to choose among several career- related endorsements for graduation. ALL of the endorsements are compatible with the IB program. Students can do IB and AP and extra- curricular activities.

34 IB Information Additional information about IB can be found on the IBO website at and under International Baccalaureate on the HEB ISD Website.

35 8th and 9th grade

36 Big future

37 How can my child prepare for Advanced Academics?
Take rigorous courses (AP, Pre-AP/IB, GT classes in junior high) Begin studying a second language (Take foundational levels seriously) Plan for required courses (Example: health, speech, technology)

38 Counselor meeting All junior high campuses hold a conference with each 8th grade student and family. Be sure to tell the counselor if you are considering so your courses can be planned carefully and appropriately.

39 Weighted credit

40 AP HUMAN geography AP Human Geography is your student’s first opportunity to take a college-level course. All 5 junior high schools offer the course to 9th grade students. AP Human Geography: Tier III Pre-AP/IB World Geography: Tier II On-level World Geography: Tier I

41 AP Information Additional information about AP can be found at me.

42 Important College Testing Information
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate passing test scores may result in college credit. The more college credit your student earns, the less money you might have to pay for college.

43 PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic aptitude test)
PSAT is a national test given in October during the school day. Students who take the PSAT score considerably higher on the SAT. Top half percent of juniors in the state are named National Merit Scholars. GREAT source for scholarship offers

44 Superintendent’s Scholars
9th grade students who score in the superior level on the PSAT taken in 9th grade year Benefit: Free 2-week summer prep classes Parents will be notified by letter to attend a meeting in the spring.

45 Registration Information
YOUR CHILD is responsible for keeping up with test dates and registration deadlines. Information available on Counseling web page and daily announcements.

46 Questions? Bell High School IB Coordinator:
Nancy Shane, Trinity High School IB Coordinator: Kim Kamin, Coordinator of Advanced Academics and Global Initiatives: Cheryl Harris,



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