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Anthropogenic emissions

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1 Anthropogenic emissions
Claire GRANIER Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Toulouse, France

2 Co-authors: Claire Granier, Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Toulouse, France Katerina Sindelarova: UPMC, Paris and University of Prague, Czech Republic Thierno Doumbia: LATMOS, CNRS, Paris Louise Granier, UPMC, Paris Hugo Denier van der Gon, Jeroen Kuenen, TNO, The Netherlands

3 What needs to be provided for the CAMS simulations and analyses:
Anthropogenic emissions at the global scale Anthropogenic emissions in Europe Biogenic VOCs emissions

4 Anthropogenic emissions at the global scale
Currently used in CAMS = MACCity (inventory developed as part of the MACC and CityZen EU projects) (details in Granier et al., 2011) Advantages: (extended using RCP 8.5 scenario) consistent among all species VOCs speciation available Very simple seasonal variation Main issues: Emissions after 2000 based on the RCP 8.5 scenario only MACCity does not take into account recent work in different world regions 0.5x0.5 degree resolution, 0.1x0.1 degree would be much better

5 Will be based on recent developments EDGAR 4.2 and EDGAR 4.3 HTAPv2
Preparation of the new global inventory used in CAMS (resolution of 0.1x0.1 degree globally) Will be based on recent developments EDGAR 4.2 and EDGAR 4.3 HTAPv2 ECLIPSEv5 Regional inventories (TNO-MACC, EPA, Env. Canada and Asian emissions) + use of the work currently under way for developing the new inventory for the IPCC runs. Currently called CEDS Evaluation of all these inventories to define the methodology to build the new dataset Major shortcoming: just preparatory work – building the new dataset exceeds what can be done under short term continuity contracts

6 Comparison of inventories: CO
Large differences among the datasets – Major issues found in the CEDS dataset  work with the CEDS group to improve emissions in some regions

7 Very large differences in spatial distributions
 More work needed to define the best spatial resolution, for example using global/regional models.

8 Global scale: how to make up-to-date emissions for CAMS?
Extrapolate from the past 2-3 years Use inverse modeling results from either surface or satellite observations Several questions on the use of inverse techniques: Results are strongly model-dependent Uncertainties on other sources (biomass burning and/or biogenic) could lead to errors in the optimization of anthropogenic emissions The emissions of one species (either CO, or NO2, or VOCs) are optimized in each system. What about the other co-emitted species? Use of optimized emissions for of only one species could lead to inconsistencies

9 Evaluation of inverse modeling results
The IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project) will launch on September 30th an assessment of inverse modeling techniques and results (during the IGAC 2016 conference) Co-chairs of the assessment: Greg Frost (USA), Claire Granier (France) + 1-2 more co-chairs to be added Outcome: a detailed report with review of previous work, Recommendations for use, recommendations for future work + 2-3 review papers Involvement of several CAMS partners + users expected

10 How to improve the speciation of VOCs
Most inventories provide only information on total VOCs emissions But: Modeling needs information on each individual VOC Conversion to concentration requires the knowledge of the mass (or composition) of the compound Very few inventories provide information on VOCs speciation: MACCity (global, speciation based on RETRO developed in 2000) REAS v2 ( ) MEIC (2008 and 2010) MIX (2008 and 2010)

11 Formaldehyde emissions in China

12 How to better define the short-term temporal variation of emissions
How to implement such temporal profiles? detailed data only easily and freely available for UK Are there any recent data available? CO weekly emissions NOx diurnal emissions From work done in the 1990s at TNO: not much details on differences between countries, etc.

13 How to better define the short-term temporal variation of emissions
What could be done, if observations exist How to implement such temporal profiles? detailed data only easily and freely available for UK Are there any recent data available? Friday Saturday Sunday Monday NOx emissions (1000 kg/hr) Gasoline Diesel 1990 CO weekly emissions Harley et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 2005 Based on road-side monitoring in California 1990 2000 NOx diurnal emissions From work done in the 1990s at TNO: not much details on differences between countries, etc.

14 Overview – European emission inventories
High resolution, consistent European emission inventories developed under EU FP MACC I & II and EU H2020 MACC–III TNO_MACC-I, II & III for air pollutants TNO_MACC-III – CAMS European emission inventory for CO Activities under the CAMS service continuity subcontracts Contact with new users, providing emissions data, clarification of the emission set if needed, etc. Documenting and releasing the CAMS CO2 grids Influence of “dieselgate”on the TNO-MACC emission totals?   Investigation for a better distribution for international shipping  emissions Major shortcoming: most recent year still 2011 – updating to more recent years exceeds what can be done under short term continuity contracts 14 | European emissions 12 June 2016

15 TNO_MACC-III air pollutants 2000-2011
The most used emission inventory for air quality modelling in Europe by MACC and CAMS air quality forecasts and re-ananlysis The AQMEII project ( JRC – US EPA AQ model Intercomparison Initiative) Many individual research teams and policy support studies Consistent emission trends Individual countries in the EU-15+NOR+CHE; EU-NMS (13); Non-EU Example EU15: 15 | European emissions 12 June 2016

16 Example gridded ~ 7 x 7 km TNO-MACC_III emissions data
NOx emissions in 2009 for all sectors For all details, see Kuenen et al., ACP, 2014

17 TNO-CAMS CO2 inventory (2000-2011) ~7 x7 km detailed by sectors
increasing interest and need for high resolution CO2 data TNO-CAMS provides split between fossil and biofuel CO2 Here: CO all sectors

18 A question from users: How much will the Tno-MACC data for Nox change due to “dieselgate”
The problem: EU Emission Standards much lower than real world emissions In the EU about 40% of the NOx emission is from road transport This 40% is about half due to passenger cars and light duty vehicles and the other half due to heavy duty vehicles (HDV) We analyzed the emissions from PC and LDV by Making a bottom-up inventory and applying consistent emission factors (EFs) following real world EFs, type approval EFs and comparing with country reported data as used in TNO-MACC_III. Quantify the differences and the impact on NO2 concentrations 18 | European emissions 12 June 2016

19 Official Reported (OR)
EU28 NOx from PC and LDV (Gg/yr) in 2013 Official Reported (OR) Bottom-Up (BU) BU Emission standards PC 1348 1338 789 LDV 242 397 154 Total 1590 1735 943 Compared to OR 109% 59% Preliminary Conclusions Overall countries report for similar to a real world bottom-up estimate but LDV is underestimated. Impact of dieselgate on TNO-MACC_III is limited. But… There is large country variation! (next slide) If Euro standards would be representative emissions would be > 40% lower This is a conservative estimate, recent studies suggest that real world emission factors may need further upward correction. Also HDV not included 19 | European emissions 12 June 2016

20 Preliminary result of using the emission scenarios in the Lotos-euros AQ model
Change in NO2 concentration Bottom-Up minus Official Reported (Blue: OR emission is higher). Difference between countries varying from ± 10% in NO2 Reduction in NO2 concentration if the emissions standard would be “real world” Up to 15% lower NO2 compared to official reported emissions (important for exceedances and exposure) 20 | European emissions 12 June 2016

21 MEGAN-MACC emission dataset
List of modeled species (Sindelarova et al., 2014, ACP) isoprene a-pinene b-pinene other monoterpenes sesquiterpenes CO hydrogen cyanide ethane propane butane and higher alkanes ethene propene butene and higher alkenes methanol ethanol formaldehyde acetaldehyde other aldehydes acetone other ketones formic acid acetic acid toluene dataset of biogenic VOC emissions modeled by the MEGANv2.1 (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature, Guenther et al. 2012) driving meteorology from MERRA reanalysis (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) actual MODIS Leaf Area Index data after 2000, climatological values prior 2000 landcover distribution defined by 16 plant funtional types from CLM4 (Community Land Model) Isoprene annual mean / time resolution monthly means spatial coverage global spatial resolution 0.5° x 0.5°

22 temporal coverage of the MEGAN-MACC dataset developed under the MACC project was 31 years ( ) Isoprene emissions monthly global totals Tg.month-1 monthly zonal means latitude annual totals Tg.year-1

23 the dataset was extended with 5 more years up to 2015 applying the same methodology
Isoprene emissions monthly global totals Tg.month-1 monthly zonal means latitude annual totals Tg.year-1

24 Isoprene diurnal cycle in various regions
hourly emission fields from the MEGAN-MACC dataset serve to improve representation of the diurnal cycle of biogenic VOC emissions in the C-IFS system the revised diurnal cycle scheme to be implemented for the CAMS reanalysis Isoprene diurnal cycle in various regions Solid line = MEGAN-MACC Dashed line = Current representation in the C-IFS Dot-and-dashed line = Revised representation for the C-IFS (courtesy of Vincent Huijnen, KNMI)

25 Ask me during the breaks
Where can you get access to most of these datasets + tools to analyze the emissions ECCAD = Emissions of Atmospheric Compounds and Compilation of Ancillary data Currently: 2350 users from 848 institutes Interested in ECCAD? Ask me during the breaks Example of usage of ECCAD: MEGAN-MACC downloaded 750 times

26 Thank you for your attention

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