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Entrepreneurship Human Resources Presented By Mrs. Bowden.

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurship Human Resources Presented By Mrs. Bowden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurship Human Resources Presented By Mrs. Bowden

2 Activity: Read pp Make a list of all of the things you would pay someone to do for yourself.

3 Today we will: Identify the relationship of entrepreneurs and the HR function Define Human Resources – all of the employees that work at a company

Production = Planning and Strategy Finance Marketing Management = Operations and human resources

5 Human Resources Defined
All human capital in a business (employees) A department with in a company that handles all issues dealing with employees

6 Human Resources Fundamentals
Compensation & payroll Benefits Organizational development Organizational structure Employee retention Succession planning Education & development Labor law & HR compliance

7 Do entrepreneurs deal with HR?:
Employees Contracted workers Temporary workers Self

8 Advantages and Disadvantages:
Share the work Second in command Supply skills needed Complete day to day tasks Share the money Insurance Taxes Turnover Legal issues

9 Are you ready to hire employees:
Can you afford employees Are you overwhelmed Is your business growing Are you ready to be a boss Can you share control Can you delegate responsibility and authority to others Can you use your people skills to effective manage others

10 Entrepreneurs must be leaders:
What type of leader are you Authoritative Democratic Delegative

11 Identify Your Staffing Needs
Goals Explain how to determine staffing needs for a business. Describe options for recruiting employees. Identify alternatives to hiring permanent employees. Chapter 11

12 Terms staffing job description job analysis chain of command recruit
freelancers interns Chapter 11

13 Staffing staffing determining the number of employees you need
defining a process for hiring them What type of employees are needed? What skills am I missing? What skills do I need daily? What skills do I need occasionally? Chapter 11

14 Job Descriptions job description job analysis
a written statement listing the tasks and responsibilities of a position job analysis the process of determining the tasks and sequence of tasks necessary to perform a job Chapter 11

15 Chapter 11

16 Organizational Structure
a plan that shows how the various jobs in a company relate to one another Horizontal or vertical chain of command a description of who reports to whom Upward and downward chains of command Chapter 11

17 Chapter 11

18 How do you determine staffing needs for your business?
Chapter 11

19 Recruiting recruit look for people to hire
attract them to the business Chapter 11

20 Online Career and Employment Sites Classified Ads
want ad a newspaper ad describing the requirements of the job you need to fill Employment Agencies firms that match people looking for jobs with businesses looking for employees Chapter 11

21 College Placement Centers
In-Store Advertising Referrals one of the best ways to find employees exercise caution when hiring friends or relatives of current employees Chapter 11

22 What resources can you use for recruiting employees?
Chapter 11

23 Alternatives to Adding Staff
freelancers people who provide specialty services to businesses on an as needed basis compensated either hourly or by the project Chapter 11

24 interns temporary workers
students who work for little or no pay to gain experience in a particular field temporary workers a business pays a fee to an employment agency the agency pays the workers Chapter 11

25 What are some alternatives to hiring permanent employees?
Chapter 11

26 Goals List and describe the steps in the hiring process.
Staff Your Business Goals List and describe the steps in the hiring process. Describe compensation packages for employees. Identify laws protecting employee rights. Chapter 11

27 Terms wages salary bonus profit sharing commission benefits Chapter 11

28 The Hiring Process Advertise the job offering Screen Candidates
remove candidates who are not right for the job Review and Verify Job Applications confirm accuracy of information check references Interview Know what questions you can and can not ask Make the Job offer Train

29 Chapter 11

30 What are the four steps in the hiring process?
Chapter 11

31 Compensation Package Types of Pay wages salary
payments for labor or services that are made on an hourly, daily, or per-unit basis compensation varies based either on hours worked or units produced salary an amount of money paid annually for a job position payment is not dependent on the number of hours worked Chapter 11

32 bonus a financial reward made in addition to a regular wage or salary usually hinges on reaching an established goal profit sharing employees are paid a portion of the company’s profits Chapter 11

33 commission Commission-Only Plan
a percentage of a sale paid to a salesperson compensation varies based on sales Commission-Only Plan when a worker’s entire salary is paid in commission Amount of commission = Amount sold × Percent of commission Chapter 11

34 Combination Plan Pay Competitively Total Pay = Base Pay + Commission
To attract the best workers offer compensation that is better than your local average compensation Chapter 11

35 Benefits employment rewards for service in addition to salary Paid Leave vacation sick time Chapter 11

36 Insurance Retirement Plans health dental life accident 401k
employer contribution matching pension plans Chapter 11

37 What may be included in a compensation package for employees?
Chapter 11

38 Laws & Taxes Affecting Employees
Payroll Taxes: Must be withheld payroll tax from their earnings & paid to the local, state, & federal government as wage taxes, Social Security (FICA) & others. Fair Labor Standards Act: Requires employers to pay minimum wage & not hire anyone under 16-years-old full-time among other rules. Equal Pay Act of 1963: Requires employers to pay men & women the same amount for the same work. Antidiscrimination Laws: Protect employees from discrimination due to age, race, religion, national origin, color, gender, & physical disability.

39 Regulations that Protect Employees
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 Chapter 11

40 Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) of 1970
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 Chapter 11

41 Why do we need laws to help protect the rights of employees?
Chapter 11

42 Direct and Control Human Resources
Goals Explain what should be included in the implementation of your staffing plan. Discuss ways to motivate your employees. Describe the control function of management as it applies to human resources. Chapter 11

43 Terms delegate performance evaluation Chapter 11

44 Implement Your Staffing Plan
implementing directing and leading people to accomplish organizational goals Understand the Levels of Management supervisory middle top Chapter 11

45 Apply Leadership Styles
Theory X managers authoritative Theory Y managers democratic Enforce Employee Policies employee handbook Chapter 11

46 Train Your Employees On-the-job training Coaching Mentoring
Conferences and seminars Workshops and Classes ORIENTATION!! Job Shadowing Chapter 11

47 What should be included in the implementation of a staffing plan?
Chapter 11

48 Motivate Your Employees
Pay employees well. Treat employees fairly. Recognize employees for the work they do. Give employees adequate responsibility. Chapter 11

49 Delegate Responsibility
letting other people share workloads and responsibilities Listen to Employees Chapter 11

50 How can you motivate employees?
Other ideas on Motivation besides money? Flexible work arrangements for example? Chapter 11

51 Control Human Resources
Evaluate Employees performance evaluation a management tool that helps determine whether the objectives for a particular job are being met Chapter 11

52 Chapter 11

53 Promote Employees Dismiss Employees
Use objective, quantifiable criteria when determining promotion qualifications. Dismiss Employees Review problems with employees as soon as the problem is noticed. Issue a written warning if the situation does not improve. If improvement does not occur, dismiss the employee. Chapter 11

54 Why is it important to conduct employee performance evaluations at regular intervals?
Chapter 11

55 Employee Policies and Manuals
Goals Define and identify components of employee manuals Explain the need for employee manuals Chapter 11

56 Employee Policies and Manuals
Acceptable use policy Training policy Technology Abuse and usage policy Retention/Firing policy Behavior and acceptable conduct policy Non-compete policy Confidentiality Policy Dress code policy Compensation policy Customer service policy Benefits policy Chapter 11

57 What would your employee manual look like
What would your employee manual look like? IOW what policies would you include in your manual and why? What other policies would make sense for your company that are not listed here? Chapter 11

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