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15-740/ Computer Architecture Lecture 0: Announcements/Logistics

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Presentation on theme: "15-740/ Computer Architecture Lecture 0: Announcements/Logistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 15-740/18-740 Computer Architecture Lecture 0: Announcements/Logistics
Prof. Onur Mutlu Carnegie Mellon University

2 Summary First lecture: September 8 (Wed) Homework 0 – Part 1
Due September 8 (Wed) Homework 0 – Part 2 Due September 10 (Fri) First readings Reviews due September 10 Project ideas and groups Read, think, and brainstorm Proposal due September 27

3 Agenda Syllabus Homework 0 Readings for first lecture
Course logistics, info, requirements Homework 0 Readings for first lecture

4 Course Info: Who Are We? Instructor: Prof. Onur Mutlu
Office: Hamerschlag Hall-A305 Office Hours: W 2:30-3:30pm (or by appointment) PhD from UT-Austin, worked at Microsoft Research, Intel, AMD Research: Computer architecture Many-core systems: shared resources, asymmetric multi-core Memory systems Interconnection networks Hardware/software interaction and co-design Fault tolerance Hardware security Algorithms and architectures for genomics

5 Course Info: Who Are We? Teaching Assistants
Vivek Seshadri GHC 7517 Evangelos Vlachos HH A312 Office hours TBD Course Administrative Assistant Bara Ammoura

6 Where to Get Up-to-date Course Info?
Website: Blackboard: Linked from website Lecture notes Readings Project info Discussion boards – share information Your Me and the TAs

7 What Will You Learn? Computer Architecture: The science and art of designing, selecting, and interconnecting hardware components and designing the hardware/software interface to create a computing system that meets functional, performance, energy consumption, cost, and other specific goals. Traditional definition: “The term architecture is used here to describe the attributes of a system as seen by the programmer, i.e., the conceptual structure and functional behavior as distinct from the organization of the dataflow and controls, the logic design, and the physical implementation.” Gene Amdahl, IBM Journal of R&D, April 1964

8 Levels of Transformation
Microarchitecture ISA Programs Algorithm Problem Circuits/Technology Electrons Runtime System (VM, OS, MM) User ISA is the interface between hardware and software… It is a contract that the hardware promises to satisfy.

9 What Will You Learn? Hardware/software interface and major components of a modern microprocessor State-of-the-art as well as research proposals Tradeoffs and how to make them Emphasis on cutting-edge research Hands-on research in a computer architecture topic Semester-long project How to design better architectures (not an intro course) How to dig out information No textbook really required But, see the syllabus

10 An Example: Multi-Core Systems

11 Unexpected Slowdowns in Multi-Core
High priority Memory Performance Hog Low priority What kind of performance do we expect when we run two applications on a multi-core system? To answer this question, we performed an experiment. We took two applications we cared about, ran them together on different cores in a dual-core system, and measured their slowdown compared to when each is run alone on the same system. This graph shows the slowdown each app experienced. (DATA explanation…) Why do we get such a large disparity in the slowdowns? Is it the priorities? No. We went back and gave high priority to gcc and low priority to matlab. The slowdowns did not change at all. Neither the software or the hardware enforced the priorities. Is it the contention in the disk? We checked for this possibility, but found that these applications did not have any disk accesses in the steady state. They both fit in the physical memory and therefore did not interfere in the disk. What is it then? Why do we get such large disparity in slowdowns in a dual core system? I will call such an application a “memory performance hog” Now, let me tell you why this disparity in slowdowns happens. Is it that there are other applications or the OS interfering with gcc, stealing its time quantums? No. (Core 0) (Core 1)

12 Why the Disparity in Slowdowns?
Multi-Core Chip CORE 1 matlab CORE 2 gcc L2 CACHE L2 CACHE unfairness INTERCONNECT Shared DRAM Memory System DRAM MEMORY CONTROLLER -In a multi-core chip, different cores share some hardware resources. In particular, they share the DRAM memory system. The shared memory system consists of this and that. When we run matlab on one core, and gcc on another core, both cores generate memory requests to access the DRAM banks. When these requests arrive at the DRAM controller, the controller favors matlab’s requests over gcc’s requests. As a result, matlab can make progress and continues generating memory requests. These requests are again favored by the DRAM controller over gcc’s requests. Therefore, gcc starves waiting for its requests to be serviced in DRAM whereas matlab makes very quick progress as if it were running alone. Why does this happen? This is because the algorithms employed by the DRAM controller are unfair. But, why are these algorithms unfair? Why do they unfairly prioritize matlab accesses? To understand this, we need to understand how a DRAM bank operates. Almost all systems today contain multi-core chips Multi-core systems consist of multiple on-chip cores and caches Cores share the DRAM memory system DRAM memory system consists of DRAM banks that store data (multiple banks to allow parallel accesses) DRAM memory controller that mediates between cores and DRAM memory It schedules memory operations generated by cores to DRAM This talk is about exploiting the unfair algorithms in the memory controllers to perform denial of service to running threads To understand how this happens, we need to know about how each DRAM bank operates DRAM Bank 0 DRAM Bank 1 DRAM Bank 2 DRAM Bank 3

13 What Do I Expect From You?
Required background: basic architecture (18-447), basic compilers, basic OS, programming Learn the material And, research it Do the work & work hard Ask questions, take notes Read and review the assigned research papers & readings Discuss/critique them online with peers and us Write your critique/review online Study in groups, but submit your own work Start early and focus on the research project If you want feedback, come to office hours

14 How Will You Be Evaluated?
Homeworks, Online Reviews, Quizzes: 10% Research Project: 35% Midterm I: 20% Midterm II (comprehensive): 35% Our evaluation of your performance: 5% Participation+discussion counts

15 More on Homeworks and Policy
Content from lectures, readings, project, discussions All homeworks must be your own work Research project in groups Late policy: Maximum five late days total Honor code: No tolerance on cheating, academic dishonesty See syllabus

16 Research Project Your chance to explore in depth a computer architecture topic that interests you Perhaps even publish your innovation in a top computer architecture conference. Start thinking about your project topic from now! Interact with me and Evangelos & Vivek Groups of 2-3 students (will finalize this later) Proposal due: Sep 27

17 Homework 0 Part 1 Part 2 Paper Reviews
Our way of getting to know about you fast Due Sep 8 Part 2 Four readings One cache question Due Sep 10 Paper Reviews Write brief reviews online for the four readings Key ideas, strengths, weaknesses, challenges, what did you learn? Are the statements valid, interesting, exciting?

18 Summary First lecture: September 8 (Wed) Homework 0 – Part 1
Due September 8 (Wed) Homework 0 – Part 2 Due September 10 (Fri) First readings Reviews due September 10 Project ideas and groups Read, think, and brainstorm Proposal due September 27

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