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3 Pok-a-tok

4 The Purpose of Aztecs Invasions

5 Quipus

6 Hernando Cortes

7 Olmecs

8 GREEK CIVILIZATION I CAN.. Discuss the 2 ancient civilizations that influenced the Greek Classical Civilization. Explain the role of geography in the development of the Greek city-states.


10 In what ways do the Ancient Greece Civilization differs from other Ancient Civilizations in Asia?

11 Greece I. Ancient Civilizations
a. People living in river valleys depended on the rivers flooding for fertile land. II. Greece a. Did not depend on flooding. b. Had no rivers. c. Mountains divided the people. d. Greece is located in Southeastern Europe.

12 Where can we find the 3 important seas surrounding Greece
Where can we find the 3 important seas surrounding Greece? (Give the relative location based from the Greece) - Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea - Mediterranean Sea


14 Trade These seas made Greece a crossroads for trade.
Greece had long coastlines with many bays which were good for trading.

15 Why are those seas important during the Greek Civilization?

16 Why would Greek ships sailed and trade to Egypt and Sicily?

17 Italy- meat Black Sea- fish England- tin Cyprus- timber Phoenicia- fruit, flax and dye

18 What are some of the major products of ancient Greeks to be exported in trading?

19 Wine, olive oil, pottery, marble and works of art

20 How was the loved to beauty expressed by early Greeks?


22 What ancient civilizations that influenced Greek Culture?

23 Minoans, Mycenaeans, and Phoenicians
The three cultures that influenced the development of Greek civilization

24 What are the two civilizations flourished in ancient Greece?

25 Where did the Minoan Civilization flourished?
- Crete

26 Who is this leader in Minoan Civilization, who thought to be the basis for the civilization’s name?
- King Minos

27 Minoans Started on 2,500 B.C. Trading culture
Pottery, weaving, jewelry and weapons making Written language

28 Crete: Minoan Civilization (Palace at Knossos)

29 Knossos: Minoan Civilization

30 Minoan Civilization

31 Minoan Lifestyle

32 What is the main cause of decline for Cretans?
-attack of the Indo-European tribes (Achaeans and Dorians)

33 The Mycenaeans 1600 B.C. Traded metals
Conquered Crete in 1450 B.C. and took over Minoa’s valuable trade This civilization disappeared by 1100 B.C.

34 Reasons why Mycenaean Civilization declined
- Earthquakes & Fighting among kingdoms

35 The Mycenaean Civilization

36 Aside from Achaeans and Dorians, who were the other tribes that said to be the intermarried groups in which modern Greeks came from? - Ionians and Aeolians

37 Common ancestor “Hellene” Calling themselves “Hellenes”
What forces gave the Greeks a feeling of unity in spite of their disunity? Common ancestor “Hellene” Calling themselves “Hellenes”

38 Homer: The “Heroic Age”

39 What were the 2 epic poems of Homer? Describe each
-Iliad and Odyssey

40 Epic Poems by Homer The Iliad – about Trojan War

41 Epic Poems by Homer The Odyssey – Odysseus’ journey home from the Trojan War.

42 The Trojan War (1250 B.C.) the truth
Fought between Mycenae & Troy One reason for war: Troy controlled the straits that connect the Mediterranean & Black Seas and Mycenae wanted them

43 The Trojan War (1250 B.C.) According to Homer: Trojan prince, Paris, captured Helen, the wife of the Greek king. The Mycenaean’s went to Troy to get her back, but couldn’t get inside the city of Troy. 10 years later the Mycenaeans built a wooden horse to trick the Trojans and won.


45 What happened. . . The Mycenaeans killed the king of Troy and burned the city. Then they returned to their homes with Helen.

46 A New Name: Eventually they developed independent communities and began calling themselves Hellenes, or Greeks.

47 Greek City-States Remained independent of each other
Each region had a Polis

48 Structure of the City-States Acropolis Polis Agora

49 What is a Polis?

50 A city-state in ancient Greece
Polis A city-state in ancient Greece

51 Polis A nation of its own
developed because land was isolated by mountains or water common language depend on one another to survive.

52 What is an Agora?

53 Agora A central area in Greek cities used both as a marketplace and as a meeting place.

54 What is an Acropolis?

55 ACROPOLIS a large hill in ancient Greece where city residents sought shelter and safety in times of war and met to discuss community affairs 8-Arrowsmith (Balitaan nila duha)

56 Greek City-States Shared a language & letters
Remained independent of each other Each region had a Polis Each region was built around an acropolis

57 "Hellenic" (Classical) Greece: 700 BCE BCE

58 What are the two city-states that became powerful during Ancient Greece?

59 Describe a Spartan

60 Sparta a. Located in Peloponnesus; Sparta was a strict military state. b. Spartans were raised to be warriors. c. Age 7, healthy boys were sent to barracks - Steal for food and discussion is discouraged Spartan soldiers are said to be laconic. Where does that word came from and what does it mean? 8-Berchmans

61 What tribe invaded Sparta during the dark ages?
There were three classes of people: Citizens, non-citizens, and helots What are the two basic qualification of a person in Sparta to be considered as Citizen? Non-Citizen? What tribe invaded Sparta during the dark ages? -Dorian

62 Sparta What is the role of an Ephor to the state?
a. Government: Monarchy, 2 Kings, 28 elders as advisers and an assembly (men age 30). What is the role of an Ephor to the state?

63 “Come back with your shield or on it”

64 Describe an Athenian

65 ATHENS: Yesterday & Today

66 Athens Located in Attica World’s first democracy around 508 B.C. Who were the great men contributed to the growth of democracy in Athens?

67 Early Athenian Lawgivers
Draco “draconian law” Solon, the wise lawgiver give all male citizens the right to vote Ecclesia Cleisthenes created the first democracy, introduced ostracism Early Athenian Lawgivers

68 Why is Pericles time called the Golden Age of Athens?

69 Pericles Leader of creating democracy in Athens.
Pericles had the Parthenon and the Acropolis built. A healthy mind, and a well trained body. Curiosity and free discussion.

70 Parthenon and Acropolis

71 What made Persian war different from the other wars Sparta & Athens had?

72 The Greeks Clash with the Persians
Marathon (490 BCE) Battle at Salamis/ Thermopylae (480 BCE): Sea battle which Athenian ships trapped and destroyed the Persian fleet of ships and were victorious.


74 Peloponnesian Wars 30 yrs
By Thucydides Delian League VS Peloponnesian League


76 Governments of the city-states Democracy Monarchy Oligarchy

77 Describe a type of government called Monarchy

78 Some city-states had a single ruler
Monarchy Some city-states had a single ruler

79 Describe a type of government called Oligarchy

80 Oligarchy In some city-states, a small group of the richest and most powerful citizens controlled decision-making

81 Describe a type of government called Democracy

82 Democracy Rule by the citizens

83 Myths and Legends TRUE OR FALSE : Greeks created many myths to help explain the mysteries of nature and life.

84 Mount Olympus Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses lived here.
In Ancient Greece daily life focused on keeping their many gods and goddesses happy.

85 Name the 3 greatest Greek god or goddesses
Zeus, Athena and Apollo


87 Every how many interval years do Olympics usually happen?
Held to honor Zeus, king of all the gods. Held in Olympia. Long jumping chariot racing Every how many interval years do Olympics usually happen?

88 Name the 3 Great Athenian Philosophers
Socrates Plato Aristotle Zeus, Athena and Apollo

89 Great Athenian Philosophers
Socrates Know thyself! Plato The Academy The Republic Aristotle “Golden Mean” [everything in moderation] Introduced logic and reasoning

90 Causes of decline for ancient Greek civilization
Zeus, Athena and Apollo

91 Decline of the Greek City-States
a. War caused all of Greece to become weak. b. Macedonia (in the north) was growing in power and became a threat to Greece.

92 Name the 3 orders/ styles of Greek architecture
Zeus, Athena and Apollo

93 What architectural order are these pillars?


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