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Grammar in clil.

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1 Grammar in clil

2 Explicit teaching of grammar, rule-based conception
Grammar is…. A system of rules Explicit teaching of grammar, rule-based conception The engine of a language Implicit learning, learner not aware of learning process

3 explicit teaching of grammar facilitates the learning of second and foreign language grammar in formal learning, both by speeding up the learning process and improving the final outcome.

4 Why grammar? There are those who think…
grammar should not be taught at all teaching grammar can only speed up the process of acquisition the majority thinks that explicit teaching helps grammar learning

5 There seems to be a consensus that the best way to learn grammar is in a meaning-based and communicatively orientated environment with brief interventions of grammar instruction embedded. This type of instruction is promoted by task-based learning of second language (Ellis, 2003).

6 Experiential teaching of grammar (implicit)
The experiential teaching of grammar, by exposing learners to massive inputs of language, may result in incidental and implicit acquisition of grammar rules, but sometimes grammar is not learned adequately. Immersion students’ language shows signs of fossilized elementary errors. grammar is not learned adequately. The advantage is the opportunity to learn grammar in a meaning-oriented context which provides for immediate practice and use

7 Explicit teaching of grammar (rule-based)
Deductive Rules are introduced and practised first in familiar context and then applied to form new meanings in new contexts. Inductive Rules can be learnt through inferencing them from a number of examples

8 Deductive vs inductive
The deductive method favours more advanced, older learners with developed abstract thinking skills, whereas the inductive method (supported and scaffolded by the teacher) can be used to teach grammar to younger and beginning language learners.

9 Teaching grammar in clil
Here are some practical principles: Select typical subject-specific texts for teaching grammar in content teaching. 2. Make sure that the meaning is clear (this is focus-on-form in content, not focus-on -form in spite of content) 3. Let them infer the rule. Scaffold as much as necessary. 4. Let students practice the rule in parallel contexts. 5. Let students create their own examples using the learned structure 6. Generalize the use of the learned structure to other contexts.

10 Examples: the passive form
A good rule is to avoid the passive voice and use the active instead. In scientific writing, however, the passive voice is common and more acceptable, (it is even considered a must in some genres of scientific writing) since using it allows one to write without referring to people as actors, but instead stress the object in an objective, fact-based discourse. For example, in 100 votes are required to pass the bill the emphasis is on the number of votes, whereas in The bill requires 100 votes to pass, emphasis is on the bill and not the most important piece of information, namely the number of votes that are required. The passive sentence allows for emphasis on the object but also for de-emphasis on an unknown actor (subject)

11 The use of passive voice is also a common procedure when describing processes, e.g. the photosynthesis of plants, or a manufacturing process such as cheese making, or when writing e.g. a report to describe the results of a test or laboratory experiment. The excerpt 4.1 below is taken from the sorbet material, Example 4.2 is the same text with the verbs turned into passive. 4.1 Place the sugar and water in a small saucepan, over low heat, and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved (about 3-5 minutes). Boil the mixture for one minute then remove from heat. Pour the sugar syrup into a heatproof container, and place in the refrigerator until completely chilled (about an hour or so). 4.2 The sugar and water are placed in a small saucepan, over low heat, and stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved (about 3-5 minutes). The mixture is boiled for one minute and removed from heat. The sugar syrup is poured into a heatproof container and placed in the refrigerator until completely chilled (about an hour or so).

12 These examples can be used in a number of ways in form-focused instruction. Some suggestions:
1. Students (in pairs) compare the two versions and identify the differences. 2. Students read the passive version 4.2. and convert it into a typical recipe ( example 4.1) 3. Students get only the verbs (are placed, are stirred, (is dissolved), is boiled, is removed, is poured, is placed, (is chilled). In pairs or groups they reconstruct the text. 4. Students fill in the passive forms in a gapped text (4.2). They have text 4.1 as support. 5. Students convert text 4.1 into passive.


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