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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Whipple.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Mr. Whipple."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Mr. Whipple

4 Jeopardy ? Reinforcement vs. Punishment Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Conditioning Principles Reinforcement Schedules 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 He is considered the founder of classical conditioning because of his research on salivating dogs.

6 Ivan Pavlov A 100

7 This was the baby that was classically conditioned to fear furry critters.

8 Little Albert A 200

9 Your significant other often yells at you and makes you feel bad
Your significant other often yells at you and makes you feel bad. Pretty soon you can't stand the look of that person and dump them. You meet another person who wears the same cologne/perfume. Although they seem nice, you just can't seem to get along with them. What is the CS? A 300

10 Cologne/Perfume A 300

11 You always do your homework on your desk
You always do your homework on your desk. After a very hard semester, you find that sitting at your desk depresses you. What is the CS? A 400

12 Desk A 400

13 Every time you take your kids out in the car, you drive through McDonalds and get dinner. Now whenever you rattle your keys, your kids come running. What is the UCS? A 500

14 McDonald’s A 500

15 The process of teaching an animal in a laboratory to perform a number of successive functions in order to receive a reward, is known as this. B 100

16 Shaping B 100

17 Trevor wants to train his dog to get drinks out of the fridge
Trevor wants to train his dog to get drinks out of the fridge. First, Trevor trained the dog to stand up. Then, he trained him to go to the fridge. He then trained him to pull the rope connected to door handle to open the fridge. Finally, Trevor would only reward the dog after he went through that sequence of events, ultimately grabbing the drink and bringing it back. B 200

18 Chaining B 200

19 What is this an example of?
A teacher gives her students “Handy Bucks” during the day when they do good deeds. At the end of the day the “bucks” can be traded in for a treat. What is this an example of? B 300

20 Token Economy B 300

21 What is this contraption known as?
B 400

22 Skinner Box B 400

23 Define and provide an example of each:
Primary Reinforcer Secondary Reinforcer B 500

24 Primary Reinforcer = food, water, rest, etc
Secondary Reinforcer = money, possessions, praise, etc B 500

25 How is Verucca’s behavior being reinforced?
Every time Verucca Salt goes out shopping with her parents she whines continuously until her parents give in and buy her something. How is Verucca’s behavior being reinforced? C 100

26 Positively Reinforced

27 How is Verucca’s parents behavior being reinforced?
Every time Verucca Salt goes out shopping with her parents she whines continuously until her parents give in and buy her something. How is Verucca’s parents behavior being reinforced? C 200

28 Negative Reinforcment

29 Reinforcement or punishment?
 I want you to stop talking in class, so I flick you with a rubber band every time you open your mouth. Reinforcement or punishment? C 300

30 Punishment C 300


32 Reinforcement or punishment?
Mom does not let you watch New Girl because you swore at the dinner table.  Reinforcement or punishment? C 400

33 Punishment C 400

34 Reinforcement or punishment?
Waterboarding a terrorist until he spills the beans on his organization. Reinforcement or punishment? C 500

35 Negative Reinforcment

36 What principle is being demonstrated?
As a kid Jan used to get so excited when he heard news of a big snow storm coming because of the possibility of a snow day. However, since becoming an adult he no longer feels the same excitement when he hears a snow storm is coming. What principle is being demonstrated? D 100

37 Extinction D 100

38 What principle is being demonstrated?
Little Charlie freaked out when the flying monkeys appeared in Wizard of Oz. Now anytime he sees a monkey or flying animal he gets scared. What principle is being demonstrated? D 200

39 Generalization D 200

40 What principle is being demonstrated?
Laila refuses to eat the school’s cheeseburgers because she became really sick after eating one. However, she has no problem eating cheeseburgers from other restaurants. What principle is being demonstrated? D 300

41 Discrimination D 300

42 What principle is being demonstrated?
Even months after getting a new job, every once in awhile you take a wrong turn like you were driving to your old job. What principle is being demonstrated? D 400

43 Spontaneous Recovery D 400

44 What principle is being demonstrated?
One of Tom’s friends has a night of boozing on many Vodka screwdrivers, and eating much pizza and salad with bacon bits. After becoming sick, she refuses to eat bacon bits ever again. What principle is being demonstrated? D 500

45 Conditioned Taste Aversion

46 Students ask to leave Psychology class at 2:29 everyday.

47 Fixed interval E 100

48 For every pound Fat Albert loses, his girlfriend gives him a massage.

49 Fixed Ratio E 200

50 Checking your email randomly throughout the day.

51 Variable Interval E 300

52 Slot machines E 400

53 Variable ratio E 400

54 Which schedule of reinforcement produces behavior that is most resistant to extinction?

55 Variable interval & variable ratio

56 Which study demonstrated that children who observe an adult committing acts of aggression are more likely to imitate the aggressive behaviors? F 100

57 Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study
F 100

58 This theory states we learn about many behaviors from observing others.

59 Social Learning Theory
F 200

60 This type of learning occurs when one suddenly realizes how to solve a problem.

61 Insight Learning F 300

62 This is learning that becomes obvious only once a reinforcement is given for demonstrating it.

63 Latent Learning F 400

64 This law states a response will be repeated if it leads to a favorable outcome.

65 Thorndike’s Law of Effect

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Classical Conditioning
Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

67 Create an example of classical conditioning.
Click on screen to continue

68 Correct Final Jeopardy Response
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69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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