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Chapter 6 Lifespan Development.

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1 Chapter 6 Lifespan Development

2 Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory * Video


4 Research on Development
Cross Sectional Research * Compares people of different ages at one time. Problem – individual differences unrelated to age Longitudinal Research * Follow the same individual or group over a long period of time Compare the variable of interest at different times Problem – takes years to do study.

5 Prenatal Development, pt. 1
Germinal Period * Zygote (fertilized egg) Conception – Implantation First days Differentiates between zygote and outside cells Outside cells will become protective structures

6 Prenatal Part 2: Embryo *
2-8 weeks Major internal and external organs develop Amniotic sac, Placenta, Umbilical Cord Teratogens * Harmful material affecting development Drugs, alcohol, toxins, viruses, smoking Fetal Alcohol Syndrome * Limb & facial abnormalities, retardation Video

7 Prenatal, Part 3: The Fetus *
9 weeks – birth From less than one ounce to 6-8 pounds Growth and maturation of organs Senses and preferences

8 Infancy and Early Childhood
Contact Comfort * The infant’s need for physical contact Video Attachment * Infant’s need to be with caregiver Stranger Anxiety * Video Fear of unknown people; 5/6 mo, lessens at 12 mo Separation Anxiety * Video Fear of being left by caregiver; 8mo – 30mo.

9 Patterns of Attachment
Strange Situation Test – Ainsworth Video Secure Attachment * 60%; explore; cry when left; comforted on return Avoidant Attachment * 15%; don’t explore, avoid or ignore mother Disorganized (anxious)* 15%; No consistent method of coping Ambivalent Attachment * 10% Wary, clinging; distress when left, ambivalent on return

10 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development
schemas frameworks of knowledge in long-term memory assimilation schemas allow understanding of new experiences experiences accommodation schemas change in response to new experiences

11 Piaget’s Stages Stage Age Range Description
Accomplishes Sensorimotor 0-2 years Experiences world Through senses Object Permanence Video Preoperational 2-7 years Egocentrism VDO; symbolic thought; mental images Theory of mind; Language Concrete Operational 7-11 years Logical Thinking; Real World Skills Conservation Formal Operational 11-adult Abstract concepts; scientific reasoning Abstract logic Child v. Adol VDO

12 Moral Development: Reasoning
Watch this Video. Decide what you would do. More importantly, decide WHY you would do it. Which stage of Kohlberg’s theory represents your reasoning? Age Level Stage Description of reasoning Young child I. Preconventional 1. Punishment & Obedience Will I get caught and punished? Child 2. Naïve Hedonism (self interest) How will it benefit me? Older child & 2. Conventional 1. Social approval What will my friends and family think? Most adults 2. Social norms or laws How can I be a good member of society? Few adults, 3. Postconventional 1. Social contracts What are abstract reasons for laws: justice, equality, etc. Most older 2. Universal ethical principles Which abstract principles are most important?

13 Gender Role Development
Sex * Biological M/F XX or XY chromosomes Gender * Cultural definition of masculine & feminine Gender Role * Cultural expectations about appropriate behavior for each gender

14 Theories of Gender Role Development
Social Learning Theory * Modeling Media Reinforcement for gender appropriate behaviors Gender Schema Theory * Gender is an important category Child seeks information Child develops expectations for gender roles.

15 Baumrind’s Parenting Styles *
Authoritarian * Traditional hierarchy, strict rules, punish to control Possible consequences: unhappiness, rebellion May work in other cultures or subcultures. Permissive* (2 kinds) a) Negligent – ignore kids: kids wild, confused, sad, or angry b) Loving – indulgent; spoiled, lack boundaries Authoritative * Communication; Caring; Rules + Negotiation Kids learn to make decisions; more mature, successful

16 Discuss in small groups or as a class.
What parenting style did your parent’s use? What effect do you think it had on you? How did your temperament affect your parents and their style? Why do you think different styles work better in different cultures? How do you think parenting styles should adapt or change with the age of the child?

17 Discussion Concepts for Adulthood
Change is steady, less dramatic in adulthood. Social Clock Marriage Decisions about parenting Work and Education Menopause Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence Retirement

18 Alzheimer’s Disease * One form of dementia
Slow decline over many years Physical, mental, emotional, social effects Memory problems earliest symptom Multiple possible causes, inc. genetics, environment, diet, inflammation in brain, glia. Amyloid plaques; tau proteins, tangles Problems for society, caregivers. Video

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