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Martian Surface Reactor Group December 3, 2004
Good Morning, my name is Mary Presley, I am part of the nuclear engineering design project team, and I am going to introduce the MSR – the Martian Surface Reactor.
OVERVIEW The Need Mission Statement Project Organization Goals
Project Description Description and Analysis of the MSR Systems Core Power Conversion Unit (PCU) Radiator Shielding Total Mass Analysis Conclusion Here is a quick overview of what we are going to talk about today: I start with the mission statement which describes the ultimate goal of this design project. Then I’ll go into how our group was organized and what supplemental goals we have set for ourselves, and finally I will give a brief description of the overall design before handing it off to my group mates who will give a more detailed description and analysis of the four main systems of our reactor: the Core (shawn galliger), the PCU (Mike Short), the Radiator (David Carpenter), and the Shielding (Erik Johnson); then we will wrap up the presentation with a total mass analysis and system discussion given by Michael Stawicki. Feel free to ask clarifying questions at the end of each section, but we ask that you please hold all other questions until the end of the presentation.
Motivation for Mars “We need to see and examine and touch for ourselves” “…and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.” As Americans, we have undertaken space travel because the desire to explore and understand is part of our character. Probes, landers and other vehicles of this kind continue to prove their worth, sending spectacular images and vast amounts of data back to Earth. Yet the human thirst for knowledge ultimately cannot be satisfied by even the most vivid pictures, or the most detailed measurements. We need to see and examine and touch for ourselves. And only human beings are capable of adapting to the inevitable uncertainties posed by space travel. The fascination generated by further exploration will inspire our young people to study math, and science, and engineering and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers
Motivation for MSR So why nuclear?
Need 100kWe minimum for manned exploration and science If ISRU is implemented then an additional 100kWe will be needed Solar power not viable Chemical power too massive Nuclear power only viable alternative
MSR Mission Statement Nuclear Power for the Martian Surface
Test on Lunar Surface Design Criteria 100kWe 5 EFPY Works on the Moon and Mars Our mission was to design a nuclear reactor for Mars that will produce 100kWe for 5 effective full power years. Realizing that all major technologies to be used on Mars must first be tested on the moon, the MSR must also work on the moon.
Organizational Chart The first thing we did as a design team was divide ourselves into four systems groups, each group with a task manager. We also appointed a project management pair to coordinate the activities of the entire design team. Integration, iteration and optimization over the entire reactor (rather than optimization over just the individual systems) are important steps that tend to get lost when designing a system this complicated. Regular task manager meetings, keeping an open and informal dialog between groups, and having an overarching project management have helped us effectively integrate, iterate and optimize the MSR. You will hear more about this throughout the presentation. Before splitting off into our four respective groups, as a design team we brainstormed a list of goals which we wanted our MSR to fulfill.
Decision Goals Litmus Test Works on Moon and Mars 100 kWe 5 EFPY
Obeys Environmental Regulations Extent-To-Which Test Small Mass and Size Controllable Launchable/Accident Safe High Reliability and Limited Maintenance Other Scalability Uses Proven Technology These goals were (list goals, and mention that by launchable we assumed a size of 5m x 5m cylinder). As you see, these goals are broken up into sections. These categories define the decision methodology which each system customized and applied to major decisions. The litmus test category are the goals that each technology chosen had to meet in order to be considered further. The Extent-to-which test provided a comparative measure for which to judge possible technologies by – the chosen technology was the one that best met all of these goals. It is important to mention here that three of the four goals by which we judged our options speak to specific areas of safety (list the three). Finally, scalability and “uses proven technology” are listed under other because, while they were not part of the formal decision methodology, they were considered when creating our MSR design. Taking all these criteria and translating it into a robust, light and reliable reactor we get…
MSR System Overview Core
Fast, UN, Zr3Si2 reflector w/ drums, Hf vessel Power Conversion Unit Cs Thermionics, Heat Pipes, D-to-A Radiator Heat Pipe/Fin, 950K Shielding 2mrem/hr, Neutron/Gamma Total Mass ~8MT … this stunning picture! Okay, this is actually just a quick concept sketch of our reactor system…we’re saving the really good pictures for the rest of the presentation… The Core makes up 52% of the reactor by mass.: read specs and fast reactor = small, non-critical upon launch accidents, Li heat pipe connection (at 1800K) PCU: read specs and highlight, lots of redundancy, no single point failures Radiator: read specs and high temperature radiation = very light, lots of heat pipe = redundancy Shielding: goal of 2 mrem/hr, two layer shadow shield to protect crew/instrumentation, inner neutron-attenuating layer of boron carbide, outer gamma-attenuating layer of tungsten. The entire reactor weighs on the order of 8 metric tons. <pause> and now you have an idea of what the total system looks like, we can jump to the individual systems, starting with the Core (Shawn Gallagher)
Core – Challenges Fit on one rocket Autonomous control for 5 EFPY
High reliability Safe in worst-case accident scenario Provide 1.2 MWth
Core - Design Choices Overview
Give a quick run trough of the decisions made and why, you’ll discuss the more important ones in the next slides
Core - Pin Geometry Li heatpipe Re structure UN fuel
Fuel pins are the same size as the heat pipes and arranged in tricusp design. Highest centerline fuel pin temperature at steady state is 1890K. Li heatpipe Re structure UN fuel
Core – Design Advantages
UN fuel, Ta absorber, Re Clad/Structure performance at high temperatures, heat transfer, effect on neutron economy, and limited corrosion Heat pipes no pumps required, excellent heat transfer, small system mass Li working fluid operates at high temperatures necessary for power conversion unit
Core – Dimensions and Control
Small core, total mass ~4.3 MT Top-Down View Isometric View Control Drum Reflector Core Fuel Pin Fuel 42 cm 88 cm 10 cm Neutron Absorber
Core – Isotopic Composition
Core - Power Peaking
Operation over Lifetime
BOL keff: – 1.027 = 0.052 EOL keff: – 1.044 = 0.055
Launch Accident Analysis
Worst Case Scenario Oceanic splashdown assuming Non-deformed core All heat pipes breached and flooded Problem: Large gap between BOL keff and accident scenario
Accident Scenario: NatHf Vessel
Introduce absorbing vessel High thermal cross-section Low fast cross-section Core (24 cm) Vessel Segment (1 cm)
Launch Accident Results
Reflector Position Stowed Detached Water Keff=0.970 Keff=0.953 Wet Sand Keff=0.974 Keff=0.965 Inadvertent criticality will not occur in conceivable splashdown scenarios
Accident Scenario Design Constraint
NASA requires reactor to be subcritical in all launch accident scenarios Improvements Higher enrichment Flatten keff vs. lifetime plots Less mass Design freedom increases if this constraint is eased This is not to criticize NASA’s safety policy which is certainly understandable, but rather to point out that there is room for improvement should this constraint be eased
Core Summary Core has UN fuel, Re clad/tricusp, Ta absorber, Hf vessel, Zr3Si2 reflector and TaB2 control material Relatively flat fuel pin temperature profile 5+ EFPY at 1.2 MWth, ~100 kWe, Autonomous control by rotating drums over entire lifetime Subcritical for worst-case accident scenario
PCU – Mission Statement
Goals: Remove thermal energy from the core Produce at least 100kWe Deliver remaining thermal energy to the radiator Convert electricity to a transmittable form Components: Heat Removal from Core Power Conversion/Transmission System Heat Exchanger/Interface with Radiator Mike, when you go through this slide, make sure to include some kind of segway from the Core…say something like “the core produces 1MWth, now what?”
PCU – Design Choices Reactor Heat Transfer from Core Heat Pipes
Power Conversion System Cesium Thermionics Power Transmission DC-to-AC conversion 22 AWG Cu wire transmission bus Heat Exchanger to Radiator Annular Heat Pipes Reactor When you go through this slide, talk about the good aspects of the system and how this make the MSR so robust, rather than just reading the slide or trying to explain what these things are, since you do that in later slides.
PCU – Heat Extraction from Core
How Heat Pipes Work Isothermal heat transfer Capillary action Self-contained system Heat Pipes from Core: 127 heat pipes 1 meter long 1 cm diameter Niobium wall & wick Pressurized Li working fluid, 1800K
PCU – Heat Pipes (2) Possible Limits to Flow Entrainment Sonic Limit
Boiling Freezing Capillary Capillary force limits flow: Define the important variables in this equation, and give the number for the capillary limit and what that number means compared to what flux we need, give the margin percent.
PCU - Thermionics Thermionic Power Conversion Unit Mass: 240 kg
Efficiency: 10%+ 1.2MWt -> 125kWe Power density: 10W/cm2 Surface area per heat pipe: 100 cm2
PCU - Thermionics Issues & Solutions
Creep at high temp Set spacing at 0.13 mm Used ceramic spacers Cs -> Ba conversion due to fast neutron flux 0.01% conversion expected over lifetime Collector back current TE = 1800K, TC = 950K
PCU – Thermionics Design
PCU – Power Transmission
D-to-A converter: 25 x 5kVA units 360kg total Small Transmission Lines: AC transmission 25 x 22 AWG Cu wire bus 500kg/km total Transformers increase voltage to 10,000V ~1.4MT total for conversion/transmission system
PCU – Heat Exchanger to Radiator
Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
PCU – Failure Analysis Very robust system
Large design margins in all components Failure of multiple parts still allows for ~90% power generation & full heat extraction from core No possibility of single-point failure Each component has at least 25 separate, redundant pieces Maximum power loss due to one failure: 3% Maximum cooling loss due to one failure: 1%
Objective Dissipate excess heat from a power plant located on the surface of the Moon or Mars. 2 Goals: Reject 900 kW and keep cold side of PCU at 950 K. 3 Ways to transfer thermal energy: convection, conduction, and radiation. This is a difficult task because these are two very different environments, and both lack the qualities which make heat rejection simple on Earth (atmosphere and abundant liquid water). Radiators are used on satellites, shuttle, and ISS. This radiation is in the infrared to low visible spectrum. The radiative energy transfer equation here tells all… T to the 4th dependence means high temperature is key, but as is low background To minimize area (size and mass) for a given power maximize temp and emissivity.
Environment Moon 1/6 Earth gravity No atmosphere 1360 W/m2 solar flux
Mars 1/3 Earth gravity 1% atmospheric pressure 590 W/m2 solar flux -The Moon has sky temp of about 0 K due to lack of atmosphere. -Mars has sky temp of about 300 K. But still insignificant due to T^4
Radiator – Design Choices
Evolved from previous designs for space fission systems: SNAP-2/10A SAFE-400 SP-100 Radiates thermal energy into space via finned heat pipes SNAP-10A was flown by NASA, used pumped NaK. Settled on SP-100 and SAFE-400 based concept: finned heat pipes, Carbon-Carbon. Chose this because of redundancy, low weight, few or no moving parts, no controls.
Concept Choices Heat pipes Continuous panel Carbon-Carbon composites
One-sided operation Heat pipes are annular around PCU then curve up to panel 4cm OD annular, 2cm OD pipe. Avg. heat pipe length of 6 m.
Component Design Heat pipes Panel Carbon-Carbon shell Nb-1Zr wick
Potassium fluid Panel Carbon-Carbon composite SiC coating Why these materials? -High Thermal conductivity -High Emissivity -Corrosion -Melting and Boiling points -High Specific heat
Component Design (2) Supports Titanium beams 8 radial beams
1 spreader bar per radial beam 3 rectangular strips form circles inside the cone Heat pipes not load bearing.
Structural Design Dimensions Mass Conical shell around the core
Height 3.34 m Diameter 4.8 m Area 41.5 m2 Mass Panel 360 kg Heat pipes 155 kg Supports 50 kg Total 565 kg Like an Onion! 39 m^2 required Added area gives 5% emissivity loss tolerance.
Analysis: Models Models Variables Isothermal Linear Condenser Power
Sky temperature Emissivity Panel width 940 K 25 m2 Isothermal model basically uses eq on first slide to predict area, T is uniform so pure T^4. Isothermal prediction of area: 25 m^2
Analysis (2): Temperature
Condenser model Calculate sensible and latent heat loss Length dependent on flow rate Temperature (K) Length (m) 950 940 1 2 945 K 940 K Condenser model takes into account: -sensible heat loss -isothermal condensation -temperature coupling to radiation rate 15 m^2 sensible heat loss region (1/3) 26 m^2 isothermal condensing
Analysis (3): Dust Dust Buildup
SiO2 dust has small effect on Carbon-Carbon emissivity 5% emissivity loss predicted for 5 yrs Emissivity loss increases required area by 2 m2 Shows base area requirement is 39.5 for Moon and 39 for Mars.
Shielding - Design Concept
Natural dose rate on Moon & Mars is ~14 times higher than on Earth Goal: Reduce dose rate due to reactor to between mrem/hr 2mrem/hr ALARA Neutrons and gamma rays emitted, requiring two different modes of attenuation
Shielding - Constraints
Weight limited by landing module (~2 MT) Temperature limited by material properties (1800K) Courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratory Weight constraint due to lander capability Temperature constraint due to reactor operating temperature Want to plan for thermal contact with 1800 degree core even if not touching by design
Shielding - Design Choices
Neutron shielding Gamma shielding boron carbide (B4C) shell (yellow) Tungsten (W) shell (gray) 40 cm cm Total mass is 1.97 MT Separate reactor from habitat Dose rate decreases as 1/r2 for r >> 50cm - For r ~ 50 cm, dose rate decreases as 1/r These are the two choices by design team; Explain layering, two pieces; reason for choices later.
Shielding - Dose w/o shielding
Near core, dose rates can be very high Most important components are gamma and neutron radiation Dose (mrem/hr) 20 10 This is why we have to shield at all. Closer to core reaches 232 mrem/hr 2 Distance (m) 500 1000 2000
Shielding - Neutrons Boron Carbide (B4C) was chosen as the neutron shielding material after ruling out several options Material Reason for Rejection H2O Too heavy Li Too reactive LiH Melting point of 953 K B Brittle; would not tolerate launch well B4CAl Possible; heavy, needs comparison w/ other options Go through each material.
Shielding - Neutrons (3)
Boron burnup is a resolvable issue Explain boron burnup.
Shielding - Gammas Tungsten (W) was chosen as the gamma shielding material after ruing out several options Material Reason for Rejection Z < 72 Too small density and/or mass attenuation coefficient Z > 83 Unstable nuclei Pb, Bi Not as good as tungsten, and have low melting points Re, Ir Difficult to obtain in large quantities Os Reactive Hf, Ta Smaller mass attenuation coefficients than alternatives Re, Ir, Os are variation on the same theme. Pb, Bi, W will be considered next.
Shielding - Design Two pieces, each covering 40º of reactor radial surface Two layers: 40 cm B4C (yellow) on inside, 12 cm W (gray) outside Scalable at 200 kW(e) mass is 2.19 metric tons at 50 kW(e), mass is 1.78 metric tons Describe geometry Explanation for layers Explanation for fraction of surface cover Scalability: @ 200 kW(e) use 43.2 cm B4C and 12.9 cm W (mass = 2.19 metric tons) @ 50 kW(e) use 36.8 B4C and 11.2 cm W (mass = 1.78 metric tons)
Shielding - Design (2) For mission parameters, pieces of shield will move Moves once to align shield with habitat May move again to protect crew who need to enter otherwise unshielded zones
Shielding - Design (3) core
Using a shadow shield requires implementation of exclusion zones: Unshielded Side: 32 rem/hr - 14 m 2.0 mrem/hr m 0.6 mrem/hr m Shielded Side: 32 rem/hr - inside shield 400 mrem/hr – at shield boundary 2.0 mrem/hr - 11 m 0.6 mrem/hr - 20 m core
Shielding – Future Extensions
Three layer shield W (thick layer) inside, B4C middle, W (thin layer) outside Thin W layer will stop secondary radiation in B4C shield Putting thick W layer inside reduces overall mass
Shielding – Future Extensions (2)
Distance (m) 40 10 60 80 100 Thickness (cm) The Moon and Mars have very similar attenuation coefficients for surface material Would require moving 32 metric tons of rock before reactor is started
MSR Assembly Sketches
MSR Assembly Sketches (2)
MSR Mass Bottom Line: ~82g/We
Mass Reduction and Power Gain
Move reactor 2km away from people Gain 500kg from extra transmission lines Lose almost 2MT of shielding Use ISRU plant as a thermal sink Gain potentially 900kWth Gain mass of heat pipes to transport heat to ISRU (depends on the distance of reactor from plant) Lose 565kg of Radiator Mass Bottom Line: ~67 g/We
MSR Mission Plan Build and Launch Prove Technology on Earth
Earth Orbit Testing Ensure the system will function for ≥ 5EFPY Lunar / Martian Landing and Testing Post Landing Diagnostics Startup Shutdown
MSR Group Expanding Frontiers with Nuclear Technology
“The fascination generated by further exploration will inspire…and create a new generation of innovators and pioneers.” ~President George W. Bush
Additional Slides
Future Work – Core Investigate further the feasibility of plate fuel element design Optimize tricusp core configuration Examine long-term effects of high radiation environment on chosen materials
MSR Fuel Pin Sketch
MSR Core Top View This slide can be used to explain how the core might be ejected in case of a launch accident. The hole on the top of the radiator allow sufficient room to pull just the core and vessel, no reflector, out if needed.
180Hf Cross Section
NatHf Cross Section
Radiological Hazard Mitigation
Hazard During Mitigation Strategy Pre-Launch and Launch Operational Procedures, Appropriate facilities and equipment Orbital Diagnostic Testing Use of Nuclear Safe Orbit Reentry Dispersal of Inventory Inventory Reactivity Contribution Was Determined to be Negligible Splashdown Inadvertent Criticality Hafnium Core Vessel Radiological Hazards need not limit utilization of nuclear power in space!
PCU – Future Work Improving Thermionic Efficiency
Material studies in high radiation environment Scalability to 200kWe and up Using ISRU as thermal heat sink
PCU – Decision Methodology
Brayton Sterling Thermionics Small Mass and Size (Cost) Actual PCU 2 1 3 Outlet Temperature Peripheral Systems (i.e. Heat Exchangers, A to D converter) Launchable/Accident Safe Robust to forces of launch Fits in rocket Controllable High Reliability and Limited Maintenance Moving Parts Radiation Resistant Single Point Failure Proven System Inlet Temperature Total 23.77 26.55 28.51
Solid-State vs. Dynamic PCU
Stirling Assumptions: At 100kWe, operating at 10% efficiency 4MT net gain in PCU Heat exchanger 4x 800kg engines 1MT gain in radiator Scales with gain in efficiency, also gains radiator mass.
Solid State v. Dynamic (2)
Thermionics Sterling 100 kWe 8.2 13.2 200 kWe 14.4 14.2 300 kWe 21 16.2 400 kWe 28.8 20.2 1 MWe 70.8 54.2
Radiator Future Work Analysis of transients Model heat pipe operation
Conditions at landing site Manufacturing Transients to model: -startup with thawing -day/night heating -reactor power changes Heat Pipe operation: Flow rate 2nd sensible transfer side Power limitations Conditions: Sun Air Soil Mountains/Walls Manufacture: Better cost CCC possibilities (thermal conductivity, emissivity, strength, corrosion)
Analysis (3): Location Environment Comparative Area
Moon closer to sun, but has no atmosphere Comparative Area Moon 39.5 m2 Mars 39 m2 Turns out sky temperature neglidgeable, so really function of power (extra kilowatt)
Shielding - Future Work
Shielding using extraterrestrial surface material: On moon, select craters that are navigable and of appropriate size Incorporate precision landing capability On Mars, specify a burial technique as craters are less prevalent Specify geometry dependent upon mission parameters Shielding modularity, adaptability, etc.
Radiation Interactions with Matter
Charged Particles (α, β) Easily attenuated Will not get past core reflector Neutrons Most biologically hazardous Interacts with target nuclei Low Z material needed Gamma Rays (Photons) High Energy (2MeV) Hardest to attenuate Interacts with orbital electrons and nuclei High Z materials needed Here is where you can give a brief intro into the wonderful world of shielding by talking about what kind of radiation our reactor emits, and the which we are worried about: gamma = hardest to attenuate, neutron=most biologically damaging. Also, make sure you define attenuation here and low Z (low atomic mass).
Shielding - Dose Modeling
Dose distance dependence is modeled as: r0/r for r < 2 r0 A* (r0/r) + B * (r0/r)2 for 2 r0 < r < 10 r0 (r0/r)2 for r > 10 r0 where r0 = core radius, A = -1/8 and B = 9/4
Shielding - Neutrons (2)
Material Maximum thickness for 1 MT shield (cm) Dose Rate at shielding edge (mrem/hr) Dose rate at 10 m (mrem/hr) Unshielded N/A 2.40*107 10.29 Boral (B4CAl) 20.3 1.24*105 0.1242 Borated Graphite (BC) 22.7 4.28*104 0.0427 Boron Carbide (B4C) 21.1 3.57*104 0.0357 Emphasize lower right number and how it is smaller than the rest
Maximum thickness for 3 MT shield (cm) Dose rate at 90 cm (mrem/hr)
Shielding - Gammas (2) Material Maximum thickness for 3 MT shield (cm) Dose rate at 90 cm (mrem/hr) Unshielded N/A 2.51*106 Pb 17.1 594.66 Bi 19.4 599.88 W 10.6 480.00 Emphasize how W is much more effective than other materials
MSR Cost Rhenium Procurement and Manufacture Nitrogen-15 Enrichment
Hafnium Procurement
Mass Comparison MSR (100kWe) SNAP-10A (650We) SP-100 SAFE-400
Specific Mass (g/We) 82 670 54 25 Mass breakdown for SAFE: Core (97% enriched)= 500kg Shielding (4cm W, Li) = 400 Radiator (300kWth at 500K) = 800 PCU (including heat exchanger 72kg X2) = 800kg
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