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Chapter 2.2 Classifying Organisms

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1 Chapter 2.2 Classifying Organisms

2 POINT > Define prokaryote and eukaryote POINT > Explain how we classify organisms POINT > Define taxonomy and binomial nomenclature POINT > Identify the levels of classification

3 POINT > Define prokaryote and eukaryote
Usually we think of cells as having a nucleus:

4 POINT > Define prokaryote and eukaryote
Cells that have a nucleus are called eukaryotic cells, or eukaryotes Plant, animal, fungi and protist cells are eukaryotic

5 Eukaryotes

6 POINT > Define prokaryote and eukaryote
Cells that do not have a nucleus are called prokaryotic cells, or prokaryotes Bacteria and archaea cells are prokaryotic

7 Prokaryotes

8 CHECK: What is a prokaryote? Does a eukaryotic cell have a nucleus?

9 POINT > Explain why we classify organisms
There are ~ 1,200,000 identified species of living organisms ~ 85% of living species are not yet identified!! An organized system is needed to keep track of all these living things This helps scientists communicate with each other

10 POINT > Explain how we classify organisms
All living things are divided into three domains 1. Domain Archaea: thought to be the first living things. These are all prokaryotes (no nucleus) 2. Domain Bacteria: Also prokaryotes (no nucleus) 3. Domain Eukarya: includes all plants, animals, fungi and protists. Cells in these organisms are eukaryotic (cells have a nucleus)


12 CHECK: What are the 3 domains of living things? Do archaea cells have a nucleus? Do bacteria cells have a nucleus?

13 1. DOMAIN ARCHAEA All archaea are unicellular All archaea are prokaryotic Archaea live in extreme environments: ocean vents, hot springs, animal stomachs Some archaea are autotrophs, some are heterotrophs

14 2. DOMAIN BACTERIA All bacteria are unicellular All bacteria are prokaryotic Bacteria live in almost every environment (including inside you) Some bacteria are autotrophs, some are heterotrophs

15 3. DOMAIN EUKARYA Eukarya can be unicellular or multicellular
All are eukaryotic Include autotrophs and heterotrophs Eukarya are divided into groups called kingdoms

16 DOMAIN EUKARYA Domain Eukarya is divided into 4 Kingdoms:
1. Animal Kingdom: Multicellular heterotrophs 2. Plant Kingdom: Multicellular autotrophs 3. Protist Kingdom: Unicellular or multicellular, autotrophs or heterotrophs 4. Fungi Kingdom: Unicellular or multicellular, all heterotrophs

17 CHECK: What are 4 Kingdoms in Eukarya? Which organisms live in hot springs or ocean vents? Which Kingdom is all multicellular autotrophs?

18 Define taxonomy and binomial nomenclature
Taxonomy is the science of classifying living things Binomial nomenclature is a system for naming organisms invented by Carolus Linnaeus (Swedish)

19 Define taxonomy and binomial nomenclature
Binomial nomenclature names every organism by its genus and species: Homo sapiens Panthera tigris Carnegiea gigantea

20 CHECK: What is taxonomy? Who invented binomial nomenclature? Binomial nomenclature names organisms by __________ and ___________ .

21 POINT > Identify the levels of classification
There are eight levels in the taxonomic classification system: 1. Domain 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus 8. Species

22 Example: grizzly bear

23 Example: grizzly bear

24 Example: grizzly bear

25 Example: grizzly bear

26 Example: grizzly bear

27 Example: grizzly bear

28 Example: grizzly bear

29 Homework: Read pages 42-49 Finish Study Guide GRAS 27-30

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