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Contraceptives Birth Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Contraceptives Birth Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraceptives Birth Control

2 What is “Safe Sex?”

3 DO NOW: In your notebook…
List 10 methods of birth control you can think of Next to each method write next to it if it is “over the counter” or a prescription based method

4 Decide To have Sex To NOT have Sex Use birth control No birth control
Pregnancy Parent Abortion Adoption

5 Why use birth control? Prevent Pregnancy
Certain methods will also prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections Certain methods regulate a female’s menstrual cycle and relieve menstrual symptoms

6 Common Birth Control Methods

7 How they generally work
Barrier Method Hormonal Method Behavioral Method

8 Where can I get birth control?
& Over the Counter Prescription

9 Barrier Methods Condoms (M & F) Diaphragm Cervical Cap Sponge Essure
Spermicide * Sterilization Vasectomy Tubal Ligation

10 Hormonal Methods Inter Uterine Device Implant Injection
Birth Control Pills Patch Ring Emergency Contraception Pill

11 Behavioral Methods Abstinence Withdrawal Fertility Awareness
Cervical Mucous Test Basal Body Temperature Rhythm/Calandar

12 Perfect Use VS. Typical Use
Perfect use is the effectiveness rate the method is designed to give by the manufacturer. Typical use is the rate at which consumers use the product, due to human error. Example: Male Condom  Perfect Use 98% Typical Use 85%

13 Abstinence Refraining from sexual activity – MOST effective

14 Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy
Surgically cutting or blocking the tubes Female – Fallopian Tubes Male – Vas Deferens

15 Essure Implants inside each Fallopian Tube

16 Intra Uterine Contraceptive
Alters uterus

17 Implant Small rod inserted under skin on the inside of the upper arm

18 Injection Hormonal shot given 3x a year

19 Birth Control Pills Hormones taken orally daily

20 Patch Hormones absorbed through the skin – replaced weekly

21 Ring Hormones dispensed from a plastic ring that sits in the vaginal canal for 3 weeks

22 Male Condom Latex, animal skin, or polyurethane barrier worn over the erect penis during intercourse

23 Female Condom Polyurethane condom placed inside the vaginal canal for intercourse

24 Fertility Awareness Method
Knowing the body and indentifying the most fertile days in a menstrual cycle Cervical Mucous Test Basal Body Temperature Test Rhythm/Calendar Method

25 Diaphragm Fitted rubber cup that fits over the cervix

26 Cervical Cap Fitted rubber cup that fits snuggly over the cervix

27 Withdrawal Removing the penis prior to ejaculation

28 Sponge Polyurethane method submerged in spermicide that is placed over the cervix

29 Spermicide Chemical that kills sperm cells on contact

30 Emergency Contraceptive
1 or 2 pills taken after unprotected sex. This DOES NOT terminate a pregnancy.

31 No Method Using no protection

32 Failure to use a method could lead too….

33 Considerations Am I comfortable using this method?
Will I remember to use it every time? Do I know how to use it the right way? Do I know how effective it is? Do I feel OK with that level of protection? Am I certain my partner will use this method? Can I afford it? Does this method require a prescription? Will I enjoy sex if I use this method? Do I need more information about this method? Does it fit w/in my beliefs, religion, culture? Does it protect against STIs?


35 Contraceptive Dominoes
Do Now: Move into groups of 4 or 5 and attach your desks together.

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