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Pedagogical grammar Prof. penny Ur

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1 Pedagogical grammar Prof. penny Ur
Summer Farraj & Ella Nemlich

2 Two kinds of questions WH questions Where is she going?
Who does he think he is? Yes/ no questions Are you mad at me? Does she live in Tivon?

3 When do we use Yes/ no questions?
Am I your best friend? Yes, you are. Is this an interesting movie? No, it isn't. Are these islands part of Greece? Yes, they are.

4  Do/Does Do they smoke? No, they don’t. Does your cat get cold? Yes it does. Does running hurt your knees? yes, it does.

5 How do we use it? We use an auxiliary verb: am/is/are-do/does. Note: It's impossible to ask a yes/no question without one of these auxiliary verbs. He wants a car? Does he want a car? You going to eat with us? Are you going to eat with us?

6 identity or description of a person, place or thing
Use the verb BE to ask about identity (Is she Israeli?) Description (Am I smart?) location (Are you in Tel Aviv right now?) present activities and situations (Are you married?)

7 Use the verb Do/does to ask about questions that contain a verb
Do they smoke? Does she work for Google? Do I believe you?

8 Theoretical rationale of theories and concepts
Krashen (, 1981, 1983, 1999) Acquiring the grammatical rules Understanding input containing the rule (“input” hypothesis) Understanding the message. Teach implicitly, not explicitly.

9 Input or Task based instruction (derived from Krashen's Input Hypothesis 1981 ,1983, 1999)
They agree with Krashen that the best is: encounter the language naturally in the context of communicative interaction. But they would differ from Krashen: The output Hypothesis-language needs active output as well as input The interaction hypothesis- negotiation between learners

10 A place for noticing Occasional explicit focus on form Skehan (1997) The communicative task- the best source of learning. Recent years –a mix: grammatical forms and meaning together with task based procedures

11 Thank you Comments or questions?

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