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ACC601 – Corporate Accounting Trimester 2, 2014

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1 ACC601 – Corporate Accounting Trimester 2, 2014
FINAL EXAM Paper format

2 Day & Date & time Please check and confirm this date & times from the final TT on FNU website; http//:

3 Exam Format Question Topic Marks Question 1 Accounting for Leases 10
Accounting for Business combination 20 Question 3 Consolidation: Intra-group Transactions Question 4 Consolidation: Financial Statements 40 Question 5 Liquidation and Receivership TOTAL/WEIGHT 100/50%

4 Review details Question 1- Leasing - theoretical questions
Question 2 – Accounting for Business combination (acquisition analysis and journals entries) & theory Question 3 - Consolidation (intragroup transactions)- Theory and provide adjustments Question 4 – Consolidation – financial statements (financial statements and worksheets Question 5- Liquidation and Receivership - practical , (liquidators Receipts and Payments and SH distribution accounts.)

5 General reminders : Bring your own stationery ( pen, pencils, rubber, correction fluid , calculators etc..) Check your enrollment status on premium All fees must be paid or make arrangements Must bring your valid ID to your exams

6 Please be advised that all students are required (compulsory ) for your enrolled units to fill out the student evaluation form via this link

7 All the Best for revision and upcoming exams.
Good Luck.

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