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Curley’s Wife. In Context.

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1 Curley’s Wife. In Context.

2 California in the 1930s – Which are true?
During the 1930s, American farmland became known as the Dust Bowl because many workers had to survive by eating bowls of dust. During the 1930s, American farmland became known as the Dust Bowl because over-farming and drought had turned the soil to dust. Farmers were forced to travel to California in search of work California had plenty of vacant jobs to go around. Migrant workers were workers who stayed in one job permanently The average life expectancy in 1930s USA was 58 California welcomed its many ethnic minorities – Chinese, Mexican and African- American 1930s unemployment rates rose as high as 33%

3 The experience of women in the 20th Century
Learning Objective - Pupils will consider the experience of women during the 1930s The experience of women in the 20th Century : During the First World War, many women took the place of men overseas, working in the factories and farms.

4 Post-war America 1920: Following their wartime role filling in for men, in 1920, women received the vote. They now had a voice!

5 Women and the Great Depression
However, the Great Depression saw many jobs being lost – women were often the first to be ‘let go’ During the Depression, women were not trusted as they were seen to taking jobs away from men With so little job prospects for women, many resigned themselves to life in the home.

6 On the other hand… This was the beginning of the Golden Age of Hollywood. Glamorous and beautiful women played the victim at the mercy of man or monster. Some of the most popular films were ‘Grand Hotel’, ‘Gone with the Wind’, ‘King Kong’, ‘Dracula’ and ‘Tarzan the Ape Man’. Famous actresses included Greta Garbo, Bette Davies and Joan Crawford.



9 What options were there for her?
To be a good wife. To be in the movies. To be an itinerant worker. To be a prostitute. What was her upbringing? Which of the above are the most likely options for her?

10 Women in the 1930s and Curley’s wife
1. Women in the 1930s had no voice. 2. Women in the 1930s were not trusted.

11 Women in the 1930s and Curley’s wife
3. They resigned themselves to life at home. 4. They dreamed of Hollywood.

12 Notes: Main Events:

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