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Synthesis and Review for Exam 1

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1 Synthesis and Review for Exam 1
STAT 250 Dr. Kari Lock Morgan Synthesis and Review for Exam 1

2 EXAM 1 In-class on Wednesday, 2/22
Covers everything we have done in class or lab so far (Chapters 1 – 3 in book, except not 2.6 or 2.7) Bring a non-cell phone calculator and a one-sided page of notes (8 ½ x 11 paper) Review reading and optional review problems posted on WileyPlus (doing lots of problems is the best way to study!) See the Study guide posted on Canvas

3 Exam Topics: Ch 1-3 Chapter 1: Data Collection
Data (cases, variables, etc.) Sampling Observational studies and confounding Randomized experiments Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics (except not 2.6) Summary statistics for one or two variable(s) Graphical displays for one or two variable(s) Chapter 3: Confidence Intervals Sampling distributions Confidence intervals Margin of error Standard error and 95% confidence intervals Bootstrapping Percentile method for any level of confidence

4 What happens when you switch to organic food?
Question of the Day What happens when you switch to organic food? The Organic Effect: What Happens When you Switch to Organic Food. 9/15/15.

5 The Organic Effect A study took a Swedish family who ate conventionally (non-organic) and had them eat only organic food for 2 weeks The resulting video publicizing the study has had over 30 million views between Youtube, Facebook, and other sites Here we look at data from the original study Magner, J., Wallberg, P., Sandberg, J., and Cousins, A.P. (2015). Human exposure to pesticides from food: A pilot study. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. January 2015.

6 Data Measurements on pesticide levels taken the week before switching to organic (while on regular non-organic diet) Ate only organic for two weeks Measurements on pesticide levels taken again the second of those two weeks Explanatory variable: before or after switching to organic food Response variables: Pesticide detected or not Pesticide concentration (μg / g crt)

7 Generalize? Can we generalize to a population of all people? Yes No

8 Study Design Is this an experiment or an observational study?

9 Causality? Can we make conclusions about causality? Yes No

10 Variables We first want to analyze detection of pesticides (pesticide detected or not) before and after eating organic. This is a question involving One categorical variable Two categorical variables One quantitative variable Two quantitative variables One quantitative and one categorical variable

11 Visualization In analyzing detection of pesticides (pesticide detected or not) before and after eating organic, how might we visualize this data? Bar chart Histogram Side-by-side boxplots Side-by-side bar charts Scatterplot

12 Detection of Pesticides
There were 12 pesticides measured 20 times each, before and after eating organic, yielding 240 measurements in each group. Before eating organic, 111 measurements detected pesticide. After eating organic, only 24 measurements detected pesticide. Create a two-way table summarizing this data.

13 Detection of Pesticides

14 Parameter and Statistic
In analyzing detection of pesticides (pesticide detected or not) before and after eating organic, what would be an appropriate parameter and statistic for inference? Single proportion Difference in proportions Single mean Difference in means Correlation

15 Detection of Pesticides
Detected Not Detected TOTAL Before eating organic 111 129 240 After eating organic 24 216 135 345 480 111/135 – 129/345 111/129 – 24/216 111/240 – 24/240

16 Bootstrap Distribution
This is a bootstrap distribution based on simulations. Approximate a 99% confidence interval. (0.33, 0.4) (0.3, 0.42) (0.27, 0.45) (0.25, 0.5)

17 Interpretation Interpret the confidence interval in context.
We are 99% confident that the proportion of pesticides detected is between 0.27 and higher when eating non-organic food then while eating organic food. confidence level parameter defined in context confidence interval

18 Variables We’ll next analyze the response variable concentration of pesticide (measured in μg / g creatinine) to see if it differs before and after eating organic. This is a question involving One categorical variable Two categorical variables One quantitative variable Two quantitative variables One quantitative and one categorical variable

19 Visualization In analyzing concentration of pesticides before and after eating organic, how might we visualize this data? Bar chart Histogram Side-by-side boxplots Side-by-side bar charts Scatterplot

20 Pesticides


22 Parameter and Statistic
In analyzing pesticide concentration (for any one pesticide) before and after eating organic, what would be an appropriate parameter and statistic for inference? Single proportion Difference in proportions Single mean Difference in means Correlation

23 Pesticide 24D 6.46 0.94 5.52 3-PBA 27.05 2.54 24.52 35DC 19.12 0.97 18.15 CCC 179.43 3.68 175.75 ETU 2.90 1.20 1.70 Mepiquat 34.20 5.58 28.62 Propamocarb 2.10 0.24 1.86 TCP 38.83 7.48 31.35 Which one do you want a confidence interval for?

24 95% Confidence Interval Data
Use bootstrap distribution from StatKey to create a 95% confidence interval using the standard error method. Interpret the confidence interval in context.

25 Variables Actually, this data is paired (before and after measurements on the same people), so it makes sense to look at the differences in pesticide concentration, before – after. This is a question involving One categorical variable Two categorical variables One quantitative variable Two quantitative variables One quantitative and one categorical variable

26 Visualization In analyzing the differences in concentration of pesticides before and after eating organic, how might we visualize this data? Bar chart Histogram Side-by-side boxplots Segmented bar charts Scatterplot

27 Parameter and Statistic
In analyzing the differences in concentration of each pesticide before and after eating organic, what would be an appropriate parameter and statistic for inference? Single proportion Difference in proportions Single mean Difference in means Correlation

28 3-PBA Insecticide found in grains, fruits, vegetables
Difference in 3-PBA concentration before and after:

29 Bootstrap for 3-PBA Based on this bootstrap distribution with bootstrap statistics, the standard error is closest to… 1 4 7 10

30 Confidence Interval Using the statistic and standard error, calculate a 95% confidence interval and interpret in context.

31 How to Study for Statistics?
See the Study guide posted on Canvas

32 To Do HW 3.3, 3.4 (due Wednesday, 2/22) STUDY FOR EXAM 1! (2/22)

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