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Role of Research and Education Networks in Higher Learning and Research Institutions Sci-GaIA Workshop 5 September 2016, Dar es Salaam Prof. Idris Rai,

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Research and Education Networks in Higher Learning and Research Institutions Sci-GaIA Workshop 5 September 2016, Dar es Salaam Prof. Idris Rai,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Research and Education Networks in Higher Learning and Research Institutions Sci-GaIA Workshop 5 September 2016, Dar es Salaam Prof. Idris Rai, TERNET

2 Research and Education Networking
Collaborations between universities and research institutions globally Meets special communications and related needs of these institutions Mostly organised through recognised national bodies called NRENs Regional RENs aggregate traffic to and from member NRENs provide international connectivity with other RENs This all comprises “the Global REN”

3 Research and Education Networking
Benefits More bandwidth per dollar (aggregated buying power) High speed connectivity with other RENs worldwide Access to research data, high performance computers, science gateways, eduroam, etc Aggregating demand for and sharing costs of special additional services Downsides Surrendering some institutional independence/discretion Participating in the governance processes of your NREN

4 An NREN is both… An Organisation and a Network CEO CTO
Network Engineer CFO Accountant An Organisation and a Network

5 Some other well-known NRENs
Some African NRENs DRC Kenya Madagascar Malawi Somalia Sudan South Africa Tanzania Uganda Zambia China Some other well-known NRENs England Germany Ireland Netherlands

6 Must every country have an official NREN?
The “standard REN model” says YES! Standard model developed in Europe and the USA It’s not legislated or imposed by any authority NRENs can be hard to start and sustain Some incumbent operators are still too powerful Some countries have too few universities It’s important that all bona fide African universities are part of the Global REN!

7 REN vs Commodity Traffic
Link carries Commodity  Commodity traffic NREN NREN RREN NREN NREN RREN RREN NREN NREN Link carries only REN  REN traffic Link carries REN  REN and REN  Commodity traffic

8 Basic REN Connectivity Services
NREN RREN NRENs must provide Connectivity between institutions via REN links Global REN transit Connectivity via REN links to all RENs worldwide Associated Help Desk and Fault Resolutions NRENs often also provide Commodity connectivity (“full IP transit”)

9 Above-the-network services
eduroam Your home institution Internet login works abroad Videoconferencing Infrastructure as a Service Cloud-based hosting, compute, storage, visualisation, point-to-point light paths Federated identities You login to online services using your username and password from your home institution NREN provides organisational home and management Access may be via established Science Gateways

10 Some additional services that many NRENs provide
Online real-time traffic graphs Secondary DNS Local mirror services Akamai and other global Content Delivery Networks Software distributions, scientific datasets Administration of national “academic domain” Local Internet Registry (under AfriNIC) Connectivity to schools Via “schools networking organisations” Opportunistically - university campuses as local hubs

11 Geant’s well-known map

12 Challenges ahead? Internet access is becoming ubiquitous and cheap
Difficult for NRENs to compete on price for bandwidth Reduced need for NRENs and RRENs as traffic aggregators NRENs will focus on special services High speed point-to-point circuits (light paths) High speed links on demand Identity federations Compute, storage and other above-the-network services Provide tools to support research and scientific collaborations

13 Thanks for listening and…
Have fun!

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