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The Evolution of Retirement Income Systems: DB, DC and Shared Risk

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1 The Evolution of Retirement Income Systems: DB, DC and Shared Risk
Presentation to the 9th Transatlantic Conference Montreal, Quebec May 10, 2017 Bob Baldwin

2 Introduction Interpretation of my mission (which I chose to accept)
Discuss pension reform with particular focus on how reforms affect the balance among DB, DC and TB plans Place greater emphasis on general lessons/conclusions versus details of reform Hopefully of some help in interpreting the presentations that will follow and in interpreting events in your home countries I will tend to be OECD and Canada centric

3 General Comment on Reforms
Continuous process of reform since mid 1990s Reform in all 34 OECD country Still ongoing (biennial reviews) Reforms are multi-dimensional Reforms involve a shift away from DB toward DC in pillar 2 and 3 Reforms have been driven by concerns about the impact of ageing Increased contributions Pension costs and government budgets Stable plan rules do not mean stable outcomes

4 OECD Three Pillars Pillar Key Characteristics Prevalence Pillar 1
Publicly administered Financed from general revenues (usually) Benefits based on age and length of residence and may be means or income-tested 30 of 34 have 1st pillar Pillar 2 Mandatory earnings-related plan – includes privately administered plans that are required through legislation and/or collective bargaining 32 of 34 have pillar 2 plans 12 involve mandatory private administration – including Netherlands Pillar 3 Privately administered Voluntary for employers and/or individuals (Prefunded, regulated and tax-supported) Important in: Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, UK and US

5 Some Similarities and Differences
Maturity reached after WW II Pillars 1 and 2 DB before reforms financed on pay-as-you go basis Balance between pillars 2 and 3: a big point of difference “Anglo liberal” approach: emphasize pillar 1 with modest (or no) pillar 2 Alternative approach: stronger pillar 2 Pillar 3 tends to be residual and its importance varies widely More important in “Anglo liberal” approach

6 Reforms to Pillars 1 and 2: Overview
Increase age of eligibility (most common) Reduce initial benefits Reduce indexation Thematic Increase prefunding Rebalance from pillar 2 to 3 Coverage initiatives Broadly based: NZ, UK and Canada Focused: e.g. France, Finland

7 Shift Away from DB Pillar 2
Mandatory DC accounts Displace older pillar 2 plans (Australia + mainly outside OECD) Complement other pillar 2 programs Introduction of Notional DC Combines elements of DB and DC Main pillar 2 program in 4 OECD countries Experimentation in the Netherlands Conditional indexation, collective DC, ... Other contingencies Age of eligibility based on life expectancy (e.g Finland, Spain) Indexation linked to funding status (Canada)

8 Shift Away from DB Pillar 3
Major shift in WPPs in Canada, UK and US Contingency in Canadian DB (recent) DB with contingent indexation in provincial public sector Mixing DB, DC and contingent benefits not new: MEPPs an important case in point Controversies over TB DB and DC: spectrum versus binary choice

9 Concerns about the Shift to DC
Many concerns, pre-eminent Predictability of benefits Level of contributions Note role and interactions The obvious: where whole system is DC the impacts will be greater than if a tranche is DC Where strong pillar 1 programs are in place, impacts will increase with earnings Where pillar 1 programs are income (means) tested, impacts will be moderated for low income pensioners PIT will also moderate impacts Note: future fiscal impacts Will play out differently in different contexts Think of US, Netherlands, Canada

10 Concluding Remarks: Pensions as a Balancing Act
Adequacy versus affordability In pillar 1, affordability is largely an issue of budgetary limitations In pillars 2 and 3 it is an issue of balancing pre-retirement sacrifice with post-retirement income Competing virtues: predictable benefits and predictable contributions Both are desirable but tend to be difficult to reconcile – especially where promises are backed by financial assets

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