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California State University system

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1 California State University system
Application tips, campus impaction, EOP, placement tests, & the Early Start program

2 Impaction Program Impaction:
Campus Impaction: A campus receives more eligible applications in the initial filing period than there are enrollment spaces available for the class level. Program Impaction: A campus receives more eligible applications for a specific undergraduate program in the initial filing period than there are enrollment spaces available. To explore the links for each campus on the chart, visit the website below!

3 Filing period is October 1st – November 30th, 2016! Late applications are not accepted!

4 The CSU Application

5 Application Manager Select campus and start a new application.
View/Edit online applications started but not submitted. View online applications already submitted.

6 Side Menu Bar Application typically consists of 13 screens
Complete each screen in chronological order (Best Practice) Green checkmarks designate screens that have been completed System will validate all required fields are filled out after you click on “Save and Continue” Skip to Another Screen – Will not save current screen’s data! Be sure to first click “Save This Screen” before skipping to another screen Save This Screen – Saves the information already populated in the screen applicant is working in

7 Application Fee Waiver
Only complete once Financial Information Calculation of Fee Waiver Now available for students who meet requirements of AB540

8 Application Fee Waiver
Request status: Granted Decision is Tentative until final decision made by the campus

9 Payment Options Credit Cards Check / E-Checks or Money Order
Visa MasterCard Check / E-Checks or Money Order Fee Waiver Option only if granted Apply only once for all CSU Campuses Applies to all academic years

10 Review Your Application

11 Submit Your Application
Click to submit your application!

12 Submitted Application - Sample

13 Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

14 Who May Apply? Historically low-income and educationally disadvantaged undergraduate students who need admission assistance and support services to succeed in college. Students who demonstrate academic potential and motivation. California residents and students who qualify for AB nonresident tuition exemption.

15 EOP Services

16 Applying to EOP Students must complete and submit an application for Undergraduate Admission to the campus before applying to the EOP program. Application to the Educational Opportunity Program includes: 1) Completed Undergraduate Admission application to the campus 2) Completed EOP application with: - Applicant Information form - Two Recommendation forms


18 What to do after I submit CSU the application...
Check each college’s website for scholarship opportunities Fill out the FAFSA/CA Dream Act application if you haven’t already If you plan to live on campus, check each college’s dates and deadlines for housing fees and applications Check and read your regularly to ensure you don’t miss any important notices from colleges Make a portal account for the colleges in which you applied to and make sure to check the to do lists Check your EAP status to determine if you will need to take a placement test

19 Early Assessment Program
The Early Assessment Program (EAP) tests are augmented California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress in 11th grade English and mathematics The augmented tests, developed by CSU and K-12 faculty, covered both the California high school standards and the CSU standards. The faculty added a writing sample to the English CST, as well as a few more items After 11th graders take the test, they will receive a report indicating whether they have either met the CSU expectations (and are thus exempt from any additional CSU placement tests) or whether they need additional preparation in order to be successful in college-level work. Those who need extra work will have their entire senior year to prepare further.



22 Visit for more information
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