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Plant tissues.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant tissues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant tissues

2 Learning goals We are learning about the cells of plants.
We are learning to identify the main tissues in plants.

3 Meristematic cells Unspecialized plant cells
Divide & differentiate into specialized cells

4 Plant tissues

5 Dermal tissue Forms the outermost layer of a plant Periderm tissue:
Periderm tissue: Only on woody plants Forms bark on stems and large roots Epidermal tissue: Thin layer of cells covering the surface of leaves, stems and roots

6 epidermal Can be specialized
Leaf cells produce a waxy waterproof cuticle Root hairs to absorb water and minerals

7 Vascular tissue transportation system Vascular bundle (veins) Xylem:
Transports water and dissolved minerals from roots to the leaves Phloem: Transports a sugar solution from the leaves to the roots

8 Ground tissue Located between dermal and vascular tissue
Variety of functions: Photosynthesis Food and water storage Structural support

9 2 main types of Ground tissue
Palisade layer: main site of photosynthesis, near surface Spongy mesophyll: Interior of leaf, photosynthesize, loosely packed


11 Learning goals We are learning about the cells of plants.
We are learning to identify the main tissues in plants.

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